Add one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result. You CAN NOT add S to the end of a word to make it plural.
For example: Nine Inch Nails's "Help Me I'm In Hell" would become "Help Me I'm In Shell"
Entries Beginning with J, Page 1
Entries starting with J are split into multiple pages: 1 2 3 4
"Jacky Names The Planets," Ash originally
"Jack Names The Planets" Karen Smith
"Jack The Tripper," Morrissey originally
"Jack The Ripper" Heather Brockwell
"Jack The Dripper," Morrissey originally
"Jack The Ripper" That was a nickname given to Jack Kevorkian.
Heather Brockwell
Diuretics, anyone?
"Jacob's" becomes a contraction for "Jacob is"
Based on "Schoolhouse Rock"
Mickey D.
Crock of...well, let's not go there.
The inmates are putting on fashion show.
Same pronunciation, different meaning
as in actress Jami Gertz
I once knew someone named Jama.
Iris Green
As in actress Jami Gertz
Iris Green
Sorry, you may not alter the punctuation
"Jam Own It," Newcleus originally
"Jam On It" What does jam own?
Iris Verna
"Jam Won It," Newcleus originally
"Jam On It" What did jam win?
Iris Verna
As in Bartles & Jaymes
An additional letter forms another girl's name!
Variant spelling of the name.
Yvette Bristle
"Janet's Getting Serious," Jon Astley originally
"Jane's Getting Serious" Candy Welty
"Janie's Getting Serious," Jon Astley originally
"Jane's Getting Serious" Heather Brockwell
"Jayne's Getting Serious," Jon Astley originally
"Jane's Getting Serious" Heather Brockwell
"Janie's Got A Gunk," Aerosmith originally
"Janie's Got A Gun" Yvonne Sindri
"Janine's Got A Gun," Aerosmith originally
"Janie's Got A Gun" Dennis Wilson
"Joanie's Got A Gun," Aerosmith originally
"Janie's Got A Gun" Alexis
"Janice's Got A Gun," Aerosmith originally
"Janie's Got A Gun" Dennis Wilson
"Japanese Buoy," Aneka originally
"Japanese Boy" Courtney (about as bad as tennis elbow)
"Jazz From Hello," Frank Zappa originally
"Jazz From Hell" Sylvia Curruca
Resents fires in any other fireplace?
Elsie Greer
"Jealous Seal," Meg Myers originally
"Jealous Sea" Lucinda Blair
"Jealous Shea," Meg Myers originally
"Jealous Sea" Holly Stefan
"Jealous Seat," Meg Myers originally
"Jealous Sea" Preacher that likes Nicole
"Jeans," Oliver originally
"Jean" Changes a proper name to a clothing reference.
Ruby Gillespie
"Jeanine," Air originally
"Jeanne" Erica Tetralix
In a clothing contest, perhaps?
Jane Farnsworth
"Jeanny Artichoke," Kaleidoscope originally
"Jenny Artichoke" Alicia Sturdivant
New title updates the tune for a more modern world
"Jenny Wash A Friend Of Mine," The Killers originally
"Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine" Donna Gelpigi
"Jenny Was A Friend Of Maine," The Killers originally
"Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine" Some have been seen as friends of a whole state.
Donna Gelpigi
"Jenny Was A Friend Of Miner," The Killers originally
"Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine" Explaining her black lung disease?
"Jerry Was A Race Czar Driver," Primus originally
"Jerry Was A Race Car Driver" Peter
"Jerry Was A Race Scar Driver," Primus originally
"Jerry Was A Race Car Driver" Peter
"Jerry Wash A Race Car Driver," Primus originally
"Jerry Was A Race Car Driver" Peter
What some people probably thought was the title
"Jesus, Joy Of Man's Desiring," Sarah Brightman originally
"Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring" That puts it entirely in English.
Kris Kringle Aguilera
"Jesus Laid His Hands On Men," Ketty Lester originally
"Jesus Laid His Hands On Me" Yvette Bristle
"Jesus Laid His Hands On Meg," Ketty Lester originally
"Jesus Laid His Hands On Me" Yvette Bristle
"Jesus Laid His Hands On Mae," Ketty Lester originally
"Jesus Laid His Hands On Me" Yvette Bristle
"Jesus Laid His Hands On Moe," Ketty Lester originally
"Jesus Laid His Hands On Me" Yvette Bristle
"Jesus Laid His Hands On Mel," Ketty Lester originally
"Jesus Laid His Hands On Me" Yvette Bristle
Taylor Swift Kick In The Pants
"Jest City Woman," Queensryche originally
"Jet City Woman" Dionne Peacewick
Dark humor never goes out of style.
"Jimmy Gloves Mary Anne," Looking Glass originally
"Jimmy Loves Mary Anne" Someone should have told Jimmy that's not nice!
"Jingle Belly Rock," Bobby Helms originally
"Jingle Bell Rock" Renee Keener
"Jingle Bell Crock," Bobby Helms originally
"Jingle Bell Rock" Natasha Bly
"Jive Stalkin'," Bee Gees originally
"Jive Talkin'" The only way to stalk!
Gender changes by insertion of a letter here!
Carmen Stokes
I actually know a gal who spells her name this way
"Joel's Been A-Gittin' There," Johnny Horton originally
"Joe's Been A-Gittin' There" Karen Smith
"Jose's Been A-Gittin' There," Johnny Horton originally
"Joe's Been A-Gittin' There" Karen Smith
As in actresses Joely Fisher, Joely Richardson
Candy Welty
As in actresses Joely Fisher, Joely Richardson
Candy Welty
"Johnny Can't Tread," Don Henley originally
"Johnny Can't Read" Sutch
"Join Me In Bend," HIM originally
"Join Me In Bed" Naomi Swanson
"Join Meg In Bed," HIM originally
"Join Me In Bed" Peter
"Join Men In Bed," HIM originally
"Join Me In Bed" Peter
"Join Moe In Bed," HIM originally
"Join Me In Bed" Peter
"Join Mel In Bed," HIM originally
"Join Me In Bed" Peter
"Join Mae In Bed," HIM originally
"Join Me In Bed" Peter
"Joint Together," The Who originally
"Join Together" Not advocating anything, the new song seemed well
"Journey Of Lover," The Crests originally
"Journey Of Love" Samantha Wayland
"Journey Of Glove," The Crests originally
"Journey Of Love" Naomi Swanson
Entries starting with J are split into multiple pages: 1 2 3 4
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