Add one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result. You CAN NOT add S to the end of a word to make it plural.
For example: Nine Inch Nails's "Help Me I'm In Hell" would become "Help Me I'm In Shell"
Entries Beginning with U, Page 1
Entries starting with U are split into multiple pages: 1 2
"Us Can't Touch This," MC Hammer originally
"U Can't Touch This" Especially if "this" is good grammar!
Sam Bucus the elder
"UN Can't Touch This," M.C. Hammer originally
"U Can't Touch This" Why not?
Idont Haveaname
"Us Got It Bad," Usher originally
"U Got It Bad" A worse grammatical failure than "U" for "You"?
Duncan Moore
"U Got Hit Bad," Usher originally
"U Got It Bad" Kristin Carpenter
"U Got Bit Bad," Usher originally
"U Got It Bad" Kristin Carpenter
"U Got It Bald," Usher originally
"U Got It Bad" Diana Jasper
"U Got Zit Bad," Usher originally
"U Got It Bad" Kristin Carpenter
for those who enjoy trigonometry
The new ride at a theme park near you
"Ultraviolent Dreams," Cypress Hill originally
"Ultraviolet Dreams" Alyssa Jayne
"Uncertain Simile," The The originally
"Uncertain Smile" Rafeal De La Ghetto
"Unchain The Nighty," Dokken originally
"Unchain The Night" After some S&M play?
Naomi Swanson
"Unchain The Knight," Dokken originally
"Unchain The Night" Naomi Swanson
"Uncharted Terrapin," Lenny Kravitz originally
"Uncharted Terrain" Amy Grunt
As in Alberta, Canada
"Uncle John's Brand," Grateful Dead originally
"Uncle John's Band" Alyssa Jayne
"Uncle John's Bland," Grateful Dead originally
"Uncle John's Band" Alyssa Jayne
"Under A Glass Moron," Dream Theater originally
"Under A Glass Moon" Peter
"Under A Killing Moron," Thrice originally
"Under A Killing Moon" A song about George W. Bush's presidency?
"Under A Texas Moron," Ian Whitcomb originally
"Under A Texas Moon" Yvette Bristle
Reminder: No duplicating submissions already here.
"Under The Gold," David Bowie & Tin Machine originally "Under The God"
Popeye The Tailorman
"Under The Milky Sway," The Church originally
"Under The Milky Way" Could make sense in some circumstance
Samantha Wayland
"Under The Milky Wary," The Church originally
"Under The Milky Way" Must be some animal that is both milky and wary.
Samantha Wayland
"Sunder The Milky Way," The Church originally
"Under The Milky Way" HARD to do, unless one means a candy bar
Samantha Wayland
"Under The Stares," Carole King originally
"Under The Stars" Candy Welty
"Under The Sitars," Carole King originally
"Under The Stars" Candy Welty
"Under The Stairs," Carole King originally
"Under The Stars" Candy Welty
"Sunder Your Spell Again," Buck Owens originally
"Under Your Spell Again" Break the spell, please.
Reese without her spoon
"Undercover Angelo," Alan O'Day originally
"Undercover Angel" Amanda Svenson
"Undercover Angela," Alan O'Day originally
"Undercover Angel" Trina Lufkin
"Undercover Of The Knight," Rolling Stones originally
"Undercover Of The Night" Peter
"Underneath It Tall," No Doubt originally
"Underneath It All" Peter
"Underneath The Stares," Mariah Carey originally
"Underneath The Stars" Peter
"Underneath The Stairs," Mariah Carey originally
"Underneath The Stars" Peter
"Underneath The Sitars," Mariah Carey originally
"Underneath The Stars" Peter
"Underneath The Three," Kelly Clarkson originally
"Underneath The Tree" Three what?
Veronica Persica
"Understand Your Manx," Johnny Cash originally
"Understand Your Man" As in a Manx (Tailless) Cat
Rapunzel Gladstone
"Understand Your Moan," Johnny Cash originally
"Understand Your Man" Naomi Swanson
"Funfaithful," Rihanna originally
"Unfaithful" interesting...
"Unfaithfully Yours (Done Love)," Stephen Bishop originally
"Unfaithfully Yours (One Love)" Yvette Bristle
"Unfaithfully Yours (Tone Love)," Stephen Bishop originally
"Unfaithfully Yours (One Love)" Yvette Bristle
"Unfaithfully Yours (Bone Love)," Stephen Bishop originally
"Unfaithfully Yours (One Love)" Yvette Bristle
"Unfaithfully Yours (Cone Love)," Stephen Bishop originally
"Unfaithfully Yours (One Love)" Yvette Bristle
"Unfaithfully Yours (One Clove)," Stephen Bishop originally
"Unfaithfully Yours (One Love)" Yvette Bristle
"Unfaithfully Yours (Zone Love)," Stephen Bishop originally
"Unfaithfully Yours (One Love)" Yvette Bristle
"Unfaithfully Yours (One Lover)," Stephen Bishop originally
"Unfaithfully Yours (One Love)" Yvette Bristle
"Unfaithfully Yours (One Glove)," Stephen Bishop originally
"Unfaithfully Yours (One Love)" Yvette Bristle
"Unfaithfully Yours (Once Love)," Stephen Bishop originally
"Unfaithfully Yours (One Love)" Yvette Bristle
"Union Jacky," Babys originally
"Union Jack" Wendy Torrance
"Bunion Jack," Babys originally
"Union Jack" Wendy Torrance
"Bunion Of The Snake," Duran Duran originally
"Union Of The Snake" Curious, since snakes have no feet.....
Julia Cox
"Bunion Of The Snake," Duran Duran originally
"Union Of The Snake" Snakes don't get bunions. They don't have toes.
Paula Abdrool
"Unique Is Amy Dove," Matisyahu originally
"Unique Is My Dove" Gretchen Wieners
"United Estates Of Whatever," Liam Lynch originally
"United States Of Whatever" Naomi Swanson
"United States Oft Whatever," Liam Lynch originally
"United States Of Whatever" Naomi Swanson
"United Statues Of Whatever," Liam Lynch originally
"United States Of Whatever" Patricia McClure
"United States Off Whatever," Liam Lynch originally
"United States Of Whatever" Naomi Swanson
"Unstung," Helmet originally
"Unsung" Axl Sean
"Until Kingdom Comet," Kamelot originally
"Until Kingdom Come" Regina Olsen
the fender bender that never comes!!!
funny bunny
"Untouchable Farce," Ani DiFranco originally
"Untouchable Face" Wendy Torrance
"The Unwinding Cable Czar," Anberlin originally
"The Unwinding Cable Car" Corinne Auterlehr
"Up Above My Head (I Hear Music In The Fair)," Al Hirt originally
"Up Above My Head (I Hear Music In The Air)" Candy Welty
"Up Above My Head (I Hear Music In The Hair)," Al Hirt originally
"Up Above My Head (I Hear Music In The Air)" Candy Welty
"Up Above My Head (I Hear Music In The Lair)," Al Hirt originally
"Up Above My Head (I Hear Music In The Air)" Candy Welty
"Up Above My Head (I Hear Music In The Pair)," Al Hirt originally
"Up Above My Head (I Hear Music In The Air)" Candy Welty
"Pup Against The Wall," Patti Rothberg originally
"Up Against The Wall" Christy Blanchard
Entries starting with U are split into multiple pages: 1 2
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