Add one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result. You CAN NOT add S to the end of a word to make it plural.
For example: Nine Inch Nails's "Help Me I'm In Hell" would become "Help Me I'm In Shell"
Entries Beginning with E, Page 1
Entries starting with E are split into multiple pages: 1 2 3 4 5
Dice what?
Carolyn Morgensternn
"Each Word's A Beat of My Hearth," Mink DeVille originally
"Each Word's A Beat of My Heart" As sensible as original!
Rose Cathcart
"Each Word's A Bleat of My Heart," Mink DeVille originally
"Each Word's A Beat of My Heart" What a sheepish heart!
Rose Cathcart
"The Beagle And The Hawk," John Denver originally
"The Eagle And The Hawk" Kayla Stewart
"The Eagle Hats Landed," Saxon originally
"The Eagle Has Landed" Whatever eagle hats may be
Tim Panuchus
"The Beagle Has Landed," Saxon originally
"The Eagle Has Landed" Tim Panuchus
"The Eaglet Has Landed," Saxon originally
"The Eagle Has Landed" Tim Panuchus
"Beagle When She Flies," Dolly Parton originally
"Eagle When She Flies" Now that would be quite a sight!
Jessica Childress
"Beagle's Wings," Hillsong originally
"Eagle's Wings" Wings on an airplane named Beagle?
Candy Welty
"Pearly In The Morning," Vanity Fare originally
"Early In The Morning" Karen Smith
"Early In The Mourning," Vanity Fare originally
"Early In The Morning" Karen Smith
"Pearly Morning Love," Lou Rawls originally
"Early Morning Love" Naomi Swanson
"Early Morning Glove," Sammy Johns originally
"Early Morning Love" Candy Welty
"Early Mourning Love," Lou Rawls originally
"Early Morning Love" Naomi Swanson
"Early Morning Lover," Sammy Johns originally
"Early Morning Love" Candy Welty
Surely something we've all experienced?
"Early Sunsets Cover Monroeville," My Chemical Romance originally
"Early Sunsets Over Monroeville" Hayley Spalding
"Yearly Sunsets Over Monroeville," My Chemical Romance originally
"Early Sunsets Over Monroeville" If Monroeville is at one of the poles....
Rachel Blattington
"Eartha Calling," Hawkwind originally
"Earth Calling" April Fleming
"Hearth Calling," Hawkwind originally
"Earth Calling" April Fleming
"The Earth Dives Screaming," UB40 originally
"The Earth Dies Screaming" April Fleming
"Then Earth Dies Screaming," UB40 originally
"The Earth Dies Screaming" April Fleming
"The Earth Dries Screaming," UB40 originally
"The Earth Dies Screaming" April Fleming
"The Hearth Dies Screaming," UB40 originally
"The Earth Dies Screaming" April Fleming
"The Hearth Will Shake," Thrice originally
"The Earth Will Shake" Amy Grunt
"The Earth's Rotation Around The Suni," Wolfmother originally
"The Earth's Rotation Around The Sun" Suni = a type of small African antelope
Naomi Swanson
"The Hearth's Rotation Around The Sun," Wolfmother originally
"The Earth's Rotation Around The Sun" Naomi Swanson
"The Earth's Rotation Around The Stun," Wolfmother originally
"The Earth's Rotation Around The Sun" Naomi Swanson
"Easier Staid Than Done," Essex originally
"Easier Said Than Done" Don Bass
"Easier Said Than Drone," The Essex originally
"Easier Said Than Done" Is "drone" a hard word to say?
Wendy Torrance
"East Easy Raider," Julian Cope originally
"East Easy Rider" Barry Amassa Tate
"Least Easy Rider," Julian Cope originally
"East Easy Rider" Barry Amassa Tate
"East St. Louise Toodle-Oo," Steely Dan originally
"East St. Louis Toodle-Oo" Isac
"The Feaster Song," Keith Green originally
"The Easter Song" Barry Amassa Tate
"The Eastern Song," Keith Green originally
"The Easter Song" Barry Amassa Tate
Easy, as in soft
Carolyn Morgenstern
Plover = shorebird of a certain family
Carolyn Morgenstern
Salute to someone who breaks things easily
George Straitjacket
Maybe in libraries, but not many other places.
The song which this was a parody of!
"Beat My Shorts," Rick Dees originally
"Eat My Shorts" Karen Smith
"Heat My Shorts," Rick Dees originally
"Eat My Shorts" Karen Smith
Thank you, Alice, smores are delicious.
"Heat The Rich," Aerosmith originally
"Eat The Rich" Alanis More Upset
"Beat The Rich," Aerosmith originally
"Eat The Rich" London Tippedoff
"Beaten By The Monster Of Love," The Sparks originally
"Eaten By The Monster Of Love" Goofball
"Seating Toothpaste," Bratmobile originally
"Eating Toothpaste" Making it sit would be the hard part!
Amber D'Allesio
"Heating Toothpaste," Bratmobile originally
"Eating Toothpaste" Amber D'Allesio
"Beating Toothpaste," Bratmobile originally
"Eating Toothpaste" Amber D'Allesio
"Teddie My Love," Teen Queens originally
"Eddie My Love" Regina Olsen
"Teddie's Gun," The Kooks originally
"Eddie's Gun" Karen Smith
"Eddie's Gunk," The Kooks originally
"Eddie's Gun" Lydia Helton
Entries starting with E are split into multiple pages: 1 2 3 4 5
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