Add one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result. You CAN NOT add S to the end of a word to make it plural.
For example: Nine Inch Nails's "Help Me I'm In Hell" would become "Help Me I'm In Shell"
Entries Beginning with W, Page 1
Entries starting with W are split into multiple pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
"Wader In The Water," Eva Cassidy originally
"Wade In The Water" Arlene Titshaw
"Waded In The Water," Ramsey Lewis originally
"Wade In The Water" Francine Harper
"Wade In The Waiter," Ramsey Lewis originally
"Wade In The Water" Kind of hard to wade in!
Francine Harper
"Wait Til Amy Bobby Gets Home," Darlene Love originally
"Wait Til My Bobby Gets Home" Amy Bobby could conceivably be a first & last name
Teresa Christie
"Wait Til My Bobby Gets Homer," Darlene Love originally
"Wait Til My Bobby Gets Home" Someone named "Homer" or a home run?
Teresa Christie
"Waitin' For The Bugs," ZZ Top originally
"Waitin' For The Bus" So you can zap them with repellant?
"Waitin' On Jove," Steve Azar originally
"Waitin' On Joe" Naomi Swanson
"Waitin' On Joel," Steve Azar originally
"Waitin' On Joe" Sheila Koffel
"Waitin' On Joey," Steve Azar originally
"Waitin' On Joe" Heather Brockwell
"Waiting Fall Day," Silverchair originally
"Waiting All Day" Peter
"Waiting Call Day," Silverchair originally
"Waiting All Day" Some phone calls seem that way.
"Waiting For A Sitar To Fall," Boy Meets Girl originally
"Waiting For A Star To Fall" Off the shelf maybe?
"Waiting For A Stair To Fall," Boy Meets Girl originally
"Waiting For A Star To Fall" Someone needs to fix those darn stairs!
"Waiting For A Sitar To Fall," Boy Meets Girl originally
"Waiting For A Star To Fall" Cape Canaveral Lavigne
"Waiting For Glove," Pink originally
"Waiting For Love" Candy Welty
"Waiting For Lover," Pink originally
"Waiting For Love" Candy Welty
"Waiting For Clove," Pink originally
"Waiting For Love" Candy Welty
"Waiting For Supperman," Daughtry originally
"Waiting For Superman" Carla Jorgensen
"Waiting For The Big Bone," Peter Gabriel originally
"Waiting For The Big One" Sutch
"Waiting For The Train," Roxette originally
"Waiting For The Rain" Yvette Bristle
"Waiting For The Grain," Roxette originally
"Waiting For The Rain" Yvette Bristle
"Waiting For The Drain," Roxette originally
"Waiting For The Rain" Yvette Bristle
"Waiting For The Brain," Roxette originally
"Waiting For The Rain" Yvette Bristle
"Waiting For The Stun," The Doors originally
"Waiting For The Sun" Yvette Bristle
"Waiting For The Shun," The Doors originally
"Waiting For The Sun" Yvette Bristle
"Waiting For Your Lover," Toto originally
"Waiting For Your Love" Candy Welty
"Waiting For Your Glove," Toto originally
"Waiting For Your Love" Candy Welty
"Waiting For Your Clove," Toto originally
"Waiting For Your Love" Candy Welty
"Waiting In The Tweed," Eagles originally
"Waiting In The Weed" Waiting in tweed fabric could be uncomfortable.
"Waiting On Jose," Steve Azar originally
"Waiting On Joe" Changes his name to the Spanish equivalent!
"Wake Men Up When September Ends," Green Day originally
"Wake Me Up When September Ends" Amanda
"Wake Me Up When September Mends," Green Day originally
"Wake Me Up When September Ends" Bobby
"Wake Me Up When September Bends," Green Day originally
"Wake Me Up When September Ends" How can a month get bent? What would Mr. T say?
"Wake Me Up When September Sends," Green Day originally
"Wake Me Up When September Ends" Bobby
"Wake Me Up When September Tends," Green Day originally
"Wake Me Up When Spetember Ends" Bobby
"Wake Me Up When September Fends," Green Day originally
"Wake Me Up When Spetember Ends" how does it do that?
"Wakes Me Up!," Avicii originally
"Wake Me Up!" Verb form change (present-tense) not pluralization
Sardine Taylor
"Wake Meg Up!," Avicii originally
"Wake Me Up!" Peter
"Wake Mae Up!," Avicii originally
"Wake Me Up!" Alyssa Jayne
"Wake Mel Up!," Avicii originally
"Wake Me Up!" Peter
"Wake Moe Up!," Avicii originally
"Wake Me Up!" Alyssa Jayne
"Wake Men Up!," Avicii originally
"Wake Me Up!" Peter
"Wake Me, Shake Me (When It's Rover)," Four Tops originally
"Wake Me, Shake Me (When It's Over)" because the dog will be licking my face!
"Wake Me, Shake Me (When It's Overt)," Four Tops originally
"Wake Me, Shake Me (When It's Over)" Jen
"Wake Me, Shake Me (When It's Cover)," Four Tops originally
"Wake Me, Shake Me (When It's Over)" Jen
"Wake Up American," Miley Cyrus originally
"Wake Up America" Went to sleep some other nationality?
Regina Haniger
"Wake Pup And Be Somebody," Brainstorm originally
"Wake Up And Be Somebody" Crystal Paisley
"Wake Up And Bet Somebody," Brainstorm originally
"Wake Up And Be Somebody" Candy Welty
"Wake Up And Beg Somebody," Brainstorm originally
"Wake Up And Be Somebody" Regina Olsen
"Wake Up And Love Med," April Stevens originally
"Wake Up And Love Me" Learn to love your medications!
Crystal Paisley
"Wake Pup And Love Me," April Stevens originally
"Wake Up And Love Me" Crystal Paisley
"Wake Up And Love Men," April Stevens originally
"Wake Up And Love Me" Candy Welty
"Wake Up And Love Mae," April Stevens originally
"Wake Up And Love Me" Candy Welty
"Wake Up And Glove Me," April Stevens originally
"Wake Up And Love Me" Candy Welty
"Wake Up And Love Meg," April Stevens originally
"Wake Up And Love Me" Candy Welty
"Wake Up And Love Moe," April Stevens originally
"Wake Up And Love Me" Candy Welty
"Wake Up And Love Mel," April Stevens originally
"Wake Up And Love Me" Candy Welty
"Wake Ump And Smell The Coffee," The Cranberries originally
"Wake Up And Smell The Coffee" Heather Brockwell
"Wake Pup And Smell The Coffee," The Cranberries originally
"Wake Up And Smell The Coffee" Heather Brockwell
"Wake Pup Call," Maroon 5 originally
"Wake Up Call" Avatared And Feathered
We can't have cups sleeping!
Dorothy Jansen
A cup is as likely to awake as the dead.
Gail McFarland
"Walking Snakes," Auburn originally
"Waking Snakes" Impossible, they don't have feet.
Carolyn Morgenstern
"Walking Up In Vegas," Katy Perry originally
"Waking Up In Vegas" Peter
"Walk A Mile In My Shores," Joe South originally
"Walk A Mile In My Shoes" Lucy Crosland
"Walk In The Brain," Cindy Morgan originally
"Walk In The Rain" Samantha Wayland
"Walk In The Drain," Cindy Morgan originally
"Walk In The Rain" Kind of hard to do unless you're a bug
Natalie Starboardman
"Walk In The Grain," Cindy Morgan originally
"Walk In The Rain" Natalie Starboardman
"Walk In The Train," Cindy Morgan originally
"Walk In The Rain" Natalie Starboardman
"Walk Like Dan Egyptian," The Bangles originally
"Walk Like An Egyptian" Now we have to walk like an Egyptian named Dan.
"Walk Like Any Egyptian," The Bangles originally
"Walk Like An Egyptian" Doesn't matter which one.
"Walk On The Wild Slide," Lou Reed originally
"Walk On The Wild Side" jonny
"Walk On Waiter," Eddie Money originally
"Walk On Water" Clint Westwood
"Walk On Walter," Eddie Money originally
"Walk On Water" Trina Lufkin
"Walk Softly On This Heart Of Maine," Janis Martin originally
"Walk Softly On This Heart Of Mine" Samantha Wayland
"Walk Softly On This Hearth Of Mine," Janis Martin originally
"Walk Softly On This Heart Of Mine" Literally possible, unlike original
Samantha Wayland
"Walk The Dvinosaur," Was (Not Was) originally
"Walk The Dinosaur" Dvinosaur=type of prehistoric amphibian (no joke!)
Karen Smith
"Walk With Faith In Your Hearth," The Bachelors originally
"Walk With Faith In Your Heart" Doug Graves
"Walk, Don't Ruin," The Ventures originally
"Walk, Don't Run" Serafina
"Walkin' My Cat Named Dong," Norma Tanega originally
"Walkin' My Cat Named Dog" Multiplication Table Tennis Elbow Macaroni Penguin
"Walkin' My Chat Named Dog," Norma Tanega originally
"Walkin' My Cat Named Dog" Chat is a kind of bird.
Lydia Helton
"Walkin' My Cat Named Doug," Norma Tanega originally
"Walkin' My Cat Named Dog" Might make more sense.
Alyssa Jayne
"Walking Durst," Deceptor originally
"Walking Dust" As in Limp Bizkit lead singer Fred Durst
Tara Gilmer
"Walking Dunst," Deceptor originally
"Walking Dust" As in actress Kirsten Dunst
Yvette Bristle
"Walking Dusty," Deceptor originally
"Walking Dust" Duncan Moore
"Walking In My Shores," Depeche Mode originally
"Walking In My Shoes" Shelley Potts
Entries starting with W are split into multiple pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
New entries in this section are currently reviewed by nally. Previous editors (if any) are listed on the editors page.