Take one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The removal of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
For example: Steve Winwood's "Split Decision" would become "Spit Decision"
Thanks to Philip Eno for the inspiration on this one!
Entries Beginning with W, Page 2
Entries starting with W are split into multiple pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
"Walks Like A Lad," Journey originally
"Walks Like A Lady" Anne
"Wall Of Ride," Voltaire originally
"Wall Of Pride " Peter
Ted Nugent introduces a new Tang flavor?
"Wanna Be Statin' Somethin'," Michael Jackson originally
"Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'" We're all ears...
Regina Haniger
"Anna Be Startin' Somethin'," Michael Jackson originally
"Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'" Julia Farda
"Want You Or My Girlfriend," 4 By Four originally
"Want You For My Girlfriend" Kimberly Townsend
"War And Pace," Godsmack originally
"War And Peace" Candy Welty
"Warm Are Our Lips," Myrna March originally
"Warm Are Your Lips" Yvette Bristle
Dick Cheney's favorite kind of love?
"Armageddon," Soulfly originally
"Warmageddon" Simply undoes their wordplay
Karen Smith
"Warriors Of The World Unite," Manowar originally
"Warriors Of The World United" Now ends in imperative verb,rather than participle
Karn Smith
"Warriors Of The Wold United," Manowar originally
"Warriors Of The World United" Wold = a certain kind of chalky hill
Duncan Moore
"Warriors Of The Word United," Manowar originally
"Warriors Of The World United" The word "united" has its own warriors?
Taylor Dadsen
"Warwick Venue," Duffy originally
"Warwick Avenue" Stan E. Cox-Hyde
"Was I Nothing At All," Michael Damian originally
"Was It Nothing At All" Alyssa Jayne
"Was I Wrong (For Loving You)," Warner Mack originally
"Was It Wrong (For Loving You)" Alyssa Jayne
"Wash Your Face In My Sin," Dream Warriors originally
"Wash Your Face In My Sink" Can sin be a cleansing agent??
Sylvia Curruca
"Wash Your Face In My Ink," Dream Warriors originally
"Wash Your Face In My Sink" Sounds like I'd need another face washing.
"Ashed By The Water," Needtobreathe originally
"Washed By The Water" How can water ash anything?
Lindsay Doyle
"Waste Of Pant," Bright Eyes originally
"Waste Of Paint" Janice Ferrell
"Waste Of Pain," Bright Eyes originally
"Waste Of Paint" Janice Ferrell
"Wasting All These Tars," Cassadee Pope originally
"Wasting All These Tears" Candy Welty
"Wasting All These Teas," Cassadee Pope originally
"Wasting All These Tears" Candy Welty
"Wasting All These Ears," Cassadee Pope originally
"Wasting All These Tears" Candy Welty
"Wasting My Hat," Metallica originally
"Wasting My Hate" Regina Olsen
"Wasting My Tie," Default originally
"Wasting My Time" Natalie Lundgren
"Wasting My Tim," Default originally
"Wasting My Time" Natalie Lundgren
"Watch And Pry," Twila Paris originally
"Watch And Pray" Natalie Stonecipher
"Watch and Pay," Twila Paris originally
"Watch and Pray" I don't think Twila approves of PPV movies!
Edward Genereux
"Watch Hat You're Doing," Larry Norman originally
"Watch What You're Doing" Sonia Rinzaimayor
"Watch Our Words," Alter Bridge originally
"Watch Your Words" Adrienne Schnell
Scott: the shortened form of Scotty
"Watching The Heels," John Lennon originally
"Watching The Wheels" Serafina
"Water Under The Bride," Adele originally
"Water Under The Bridge" Remaining there from her bridal shower!
Paula Bland
Corrects the spelling.
Alyssa Jayne
Henrietta Caroleen Ellenboro
Henrietta Caroleen Ellenboro
Now a repetitive title!
"The Way I Love You," Taylor Swift originally
"The Way I Loved You" Jen
The mother of all temper tantrums.
Pronounced the same way; different meaning
Consuela Sanchez
"The Wayward Win," Gogi Grant originally
"The Wayward Wind" Sometimes they do.
Kayla Stewart
"We Are All Made Of Tars," Moby originally
"We Are All Made Of Stars" Heather Brockwell
"We Are All on Rugs," Weezer originally
"We Are All on Drugs" Josh
You're ALL named Norma?
Justin B. Burr
"We Are The Campions," Queen originally
"We Are The Champions" Campions are wildflowers in the carnation family.
Natasha Bly
"We Built His City," Starship originally
"We Built This City" Naomi Swanson
"We Can Top The Hurtin'," Chicago originally
"We Can Stop The Hurtin'" Candy Welty
"We Can't Be Bet," The Walkmen originally
"We Can't Be Beat" Beverly Stiles
"We Can't Be Bea," The Walkmen originally
"We Can't Be Beat" None of them are named Bea.
Beverly Stiles
"We Can't Be Bat," The Walkmen originally
"We Can't Be Beat" Neither baseball, vampire, nor brick
Beverly Stiles
"We Can't Be Eaten," Rose Tattoo originally
"We Can't Be Beaten" I'm not even tempted to try.
"We Can't Be Eaten," Rose Tattoo originally
"We Can't Be Beaten" FussBudget
"We Can't Make It Her," James McMurtry originally
"We Can't Make It Here" Naomi Swanson
"We Can't Ride The Roller Coater Anymore," Gunhill Road originally
"We Can't Ride The Roller Coaster Anymore" Corinne Auterlehr
"We Can't Ride The Roller Caster Anymore," Gunhill Road originally
"We Can't Ride The Roller Coaster Anymore" Corinne Auterlehr
...(comparative verb) than you think.
Jim Raveling
"We Don't Have To Take Our Cloths Off," Jermaine Stewart originally
"We Don't Have To Take Our Clothes Off" Millie Henry
"We Fund Love," Rihanna originally
"We Found Love" Karen Smith
"We Got A Ream," Ocean originally
"We Got A Dream" Candy Welty
"We Got A Thing That's In The Grove," The Capitols originally
"We Got A Thing That's In The Groove" Candy Welty
"We Got The Eat," The Go-Go's originally
"We Got The Beat" The Go-Go's might have been hungry?
"We Got The Bet," The Go-Go's originally
"We Got The Beat" Sung at race tracks everywhere.
Heather Brockwell
"We Got The Bat," The Go-Go's originally
"We Got The Beat" Heather Brockwell
"We Gotta Get Out Of This Lace," The Animals originally
"We Gotta Get Out Of This Place" Carl
"We Gotta Get Out Of This Pace," The Animals originally
"We Gotta Get Out Of This Place" Gotta slow down
Karen Smith
"We Lie For Love," Pat Benatar originally
"We Live For Love" don't we all?
"We Live So Fat," Heaven 17 originally
"We Live So Fast" Peter
"We Lie So Fast," Heaven 17 originally
"We Live So Fast" Sally Kedoula
"We Might Be Dad By Tomorrow," Soko originally
"We Might Be Dead By Tomorrow" Cheryl Jordan
Entries starting with W are split into multiple pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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