Take one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The removal of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
For example: Steve Winwood's "Split Decision" would become "Spit Decision"
Thanks to Philip Eno for the inspiration on this one!
Entries Beginning with I, Page 6
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"I'm Using My Bile For A Roadmap," Mac Wiseman originally
"I'm Using My Bible For A Roadmap" Driving across the Bitterroot Range, perhaps?
Wendy Torrance
KC imitiates Humphrey Bogart?
David Sari
"I've Been Round," Fats Domino originally
"I've Been Around" Candy Welty
"I've Been Working On The Railrod," Traditional originally
"I've Been Working On The Railroad" John A. Barry
"I've Hanged," LL Cool J originally
"I've Changed" What did you hang?
"I've Got A Happy Hart," Susan Raye originally
"I've Got A Happy Heart" Yvette Bristle
"I've Got A Happy Heat," Susan Raye originally
"I've Got A Happy Heart" Yvette Bristle
"I've Got A Rock And Roll Heat," Eric Clapton originally
"I've Got A Rock And Roll Heart" Peter
"I've Got A Slitting Headache," The Dickies originally
"I've Got A Splitting Headache" Makes as much literal sense as original!
Naomi Swanson
"I've Got A Spitting Headache," The Dickies originally
"I've Got A Splitting Headache" Headaches could come as near spitting as splitting
Naomi Swanson
"I've Got A Tier By The Tail," Buck Owens originally
"I've Got A Tiger By The Tail" Do tiers have tails?
Samantha Wayland
"I've Got Reams To Remember ," Otis Redding originally
"I've Got Dreams To Remember" Mr. X
"I've Got Sand In My Hoes," The Drifters originally
"I've Got Sand In My Shoes" Candy Welty
"I've Got You Under My Sin," The Four Seasons originally
"I've Got You Under My Skin" Meg Owens
"I've Got You Under My Ski," The Four Seasons originally
"I've Got You Under My Skin" Ouch!
Amber Malone
"I've Grown Accustomed To Your Ace," Rosemary Clooney originally
"I've Grown Accustomed To Your Face" Candy Welty
"I've Grown Accustomed To Our Face," Rosemary Clooney originally
"I've Grown Accustomed To Your Face" Candy Welty
"I've Lost My Heart Gain," Jerry Vale originally
"I've Lost My Heart Again" Yvette Bristle
"I've Lost My Hart Again," Jerry Vale originally
"I've Lost My Heart Again" A hart is a male red deer.
Yvette Bristle
"I've Lost My Heat Again," Jerry Vale originally
"I've Lost My Heart Again" Yvette Bristle
"I've Passed His Way Before," Jimmy Ruffin originally
"I've Passed This Way Before" Candy Welty
"I've Seen All God People ," Yes originally
"I've Seen All Good People" Peter
"I've Seen All Goo People ," Yes originally
"I've Seen All Good People" Peter
"Ice Ox," Omarion originally
"Ice Box" Lindsay Doyle
"Ice Cod Beer," Flipper originally
"Ice Cold Beer" Something fishy about that!
Preacher that likes Nicole
"Ice Cold Bee," Flipper originally
"Ice Cold Beer" Megan Tereon
"Ice Cream Castes," The Time originally
"Ice Cream Castles" Joanna Whitmire
"Ice Ream Castles," The Time originally
"Ice Cream Castles" Marion Shelby
"Ice Lightning," RJD2 originally
"Iced Lightning" Samantha Wayland
"Iced Lighting," RJD2 originally
"Iced Lightning" Samantha Wayland
"Idiot Win," Bob Dylan originally
"Idiot Wind" a song about GWB, perhaps?
Mr. Critic
"Idiot," Group X originally
"Idioth" Corrects spelling
Harlow Goobley
Titles don't get any shorter than this!
"If I Could Only Be Sue," Nolan Porter originally
"If I Could Only Be Sure" Norma Lehigh
"If I Could Turn Back The Hands Of Tim," R. Kelly originally
"If I Could Turn Back The Hands Of Time" That sounds painful...unless he's a contortionist.
Jonathan S.
"If I Could Turn Back Tim," Cher originally
"If I Could Turn Back Time" Serafina
"If I Give My Heat To You," Doris Day originally
"If I Give My Heart To You" Samantha Wayland
"If I Had A Bat," Lyle Lovett originally
"If I Had A Boat" David Sari
"If I Had A Boa," Lyle Lovett originally
"If I Had A Boat" Mitch
"If I Love You," Perry Como originally
"If I Loved You" Serafina
"If I Never See Your Ace Again," Maroon 5 originally
"If I Never See Your Face Again" Dongquan
"If I Only Had Tim," John Rowles originally
"If I Only Had Time" Yvette Bristle
"If I Only Had Tie," John Rowles originally
"If I Only Had Time" Yvette Bristle
"If I Rule The World," Tony Bennett originally
"If I Ruled The World" Serafina
"If I Should Fall From Race With God," The Pogues originally
"If I Should Fall From Grace With God" Millie Henry
"If Is A Bird On A Chin," Eddy Raven originally
"If Is A Bird On A Chain" Hayley Spalding
"If I Don't Fit, Don't Force It," Parliament originally
"If It Don't Fit, Don't Force It" Sabrina Flowe
"If My Heart Had Wigs," Faith Hill originally
"If My Heart Had Wings" Strange things for a heart to have either way!
Liberty Anderson
"If Only Ears Could Bring You Back," Midnight Sons originally
"If Only Tears Could Bring You Back" Diana Jasper
"If Only Tars Could Bring You Back," Midnight Sons originally
"If Only Tears Could Bring You Back" Diana Jasper
"If Only Teas Could Bring You Back," Midnight Sons originally
"If Only Tears Could Bring You Back" Diana Jasper
"If He Would Have Been Faithful...," Chicago originally
"If She Would Have Been Faithful..." Lisa Cohead
"If You Can Ream," Four Aces originally
"If You Can Dream" Candy Welty
"If You Don't Ply, I Can't Sing," Sarah Dash originally
"If You Don't Play, I Can't Sing" Yvette Bristle
"If You Don't Pay, I Can't Sing," Sarah Dash originally
"If You Don't Play, I Can't Sing" Yvette Bristle
"If You Don't Play, I Can't Sin," Sarah Dash originally
"If You Don't Play, I Can't Sing" Yvette Bristle
"If You Ever Stopped Calling Me Bay," Kenny Nolan originally
"If You Ever Stopped Calling Me Baby" Karen Smith
Even though you forgot the rest of the alphabet
Chelsea Dunn
Even though you forgot the rest of the alphabet
Chelsea Dunn
"If You Thin You Know How To Love Me," Smokie originally
"If You Think You Know How To Love Me" Doesn't want to be loved by someone fat!
Regina Olsen
"If You Wanna Get Back Your Lay," Pointer Sisters originally
"If You Wanna Get Back Your Lady" Lay can mean a story, among other things.
Naomi Swanson
"If You Wanna Get Back Your Lad," Pointer Sisters originally
"If You Wanna Get Back Your Lady" Candy Welty
"If You Wanna Get Back Our Lady," Pointer Sisters originally
"If You Wanna Get Back Your Lady" Candy Welty
"If You Want His Love," Sonny Knight originally
"If You Want This Love" Yvette Bristle
Bad grammar but common usage pattern
Fiona Pear
"If You Were My Ma," Monica originally
"If You Were My Man" Sylvia Curruca
"If You're One," Matchbox 20 originally
"If You're Gone" Serafina
"If Our Poison Gets You," Frank Black originally
"If Your Poison Gets You" Lou Quilson
"Illegal Mile," John Prine originally
"Illegal Smile" Sutch
Why can anyone imagine a hat?
Darius Whitehead
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