Add one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result. You CAN NOT add S to the end of a word to make it plural.
For example: Nine Inch Nails's "Help Me I'm In Hell" would become "Help Me I'm In Shell"
Entries Beginning with T, Page 11
Entries starting with T are split into multiple pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
"Too Many Fish In The Seal," Marvelettes originally
"Too Many Fish In The Sea" Did the seal overeat?
Cal Amari
"Too Many Fish In The Seat," The Marvelettes originally
"Too Many Fish In The Sea" Yvette Bristle
"Too Many Fish Win The Sea," The Marvelettes originally
"Too Many Fish In The Sea" Kimberly Townsend
"Too Many Fish In The Seal," The Marvelettes originally
"Too Many Fish In The Sea" Yvette Bristle
"Took Many Fish In The Sea," The Marvelettes originally
"Too Many Fish In The Sea" Yvette Bristle
"Too Many Fish In The Seam," The Marvelettes originally
"Too Many Fish In The Sea" Yvette Bristle
"Too Many Mournings," Lani Hall originally
"Too Many Mornings" Same sound, different meaning
Sheena Weston
Took many people to do what?
Marcia Todd
"Too Manly Secrets," Patsy Cline originally
"Too Many Secrets" Joe Cocker Spaniel
"Too Mangy Secrets," Patsy Cline originally
"Too Many Secrets" Joe Cocker Spaniel
"Took Many Women," Rachel Sage originally
"Too Many Women" Took many women to do what?
Samantha Wayland
"Too Manly Women," Rachel Sage originally
"Too Many Women" Gretchen Wieners
"Too Mangy Women," Rachel Sage originally
"Too Many Women" Gretchen Wieners
Somebody got tired of 'Candid Camera'?
Victoria's Secret Agent Orange Marmalade
Studying a topo map can be much fun?
Victoria's Secret Agent Orange Marmalade
Excess fun in munching something
Victoria's Secret Agent Orange Marmalade
"Toot Much Heaven," Bee Gees originally
"Too Much Heaven" Bobbi
"Took Much Tequila," The Champs originally
"Too Much Tequila" Samantha Wayland
Some tootings could be slower than others.
Wendy Torrance
A slow motion cartoon character!
Angela Sleepyhorse
Took what slowly?
Wendy Torrance
With power tools, some could be slower than others
Wendy Torrance
Some cartoon characters are slow, I guess.
Wendy Torrance
"Too Young For The Bluets," Joanie Sommers originally
"Too Young For The Blues" Yvette Bristle
"Took My Glove," Pitbull originally
"Took My Love" Alyssa Jayne
"Took My Lover," Pitbull originally
"Took My Love" Alyssa Jayne
"Tooth And Snail," Dokken originally
"Tooth And Nail" Rocketman
"Tootsee Troll," 69 Boyz originally
"Tootsee Roll" Sarah
"Stop 40 News, Weather, And Sports," Mark Dinning originally
"Top 40 News, Weather, And Sports" Penelope Beckinsale
"Top 40 Newts, Weather, And Sports," Mark Dinning originally
"Top 40 News, Weather, And Sports" Penelope Beckinsale
"Top Hat, White Coast & Tails," Fred Astaire originally
"Top Hat, White Coat & Tails" Yvette Bristle
"Top Chat, White Coat & Tails," Fred Astaire originally
"Top Hat, White Coat & Tails" Yvette Bristle
"Stop Of The World," Carpenters originally
"Top Of The World" Peter
"The Tropical Song," The Barron Knights originally "The Topical Song"
Candy Welty
Torun is a city in Poland.
U. Carrie Oats
"Torun Between Two Lovers," Mary MacGregor originally
"Torn Between Two Lovers" Torun=Polish city, b-place of Nicolaus Copernicus
Karen Smith
"Torn Between Two Plovers," Mary MacGregor originally
"Torn Between Two Lovers" Plover = a short-billed kind of shorebird.
Heather Brockwell
"Torn Between Two Clovers," Mary MacGregor originally
"Torn Between Two Lovers" Heather Brockwell
"Toronado," Adema originally
"Tornado" Toronado was a model of Oldsmobile.
Kerianne Hopkins
"Total Eclipse Of The Hearth," Bonnie Tyler originally
"Total Eclipse Of The Heart" Penny Olivia Tyler
"Touchy," Amerie originally
"Touch" Jessica Childress
Now it's a song about fencing. :)
Da Phoenix
"Touche In The Night," Silent Circle originally
"Touch In The Night" Regina Olsen
"Touch Me Baby (Reaching Out For Your Glove)," Tamiko Jones originally
"Touch Me Baby (Reaching Out For Your Love)" Yvette Bristle
"Touch Meg In The Morning," Diana Ross originally
"Touch Me In The Morning" Tiffany Furlong
"Touch Me In The Mourning," Diana Ross originally
"Touch Me In The Morning" Tiffany Furlong
"Touche Me In The Morning," Diana Ross originally
"Touch Me In The Morning" Fencing & dying in the morning is probably best.
"Touch Mel In The Morning," Diana Ross originally
"Touch Me In The Morning" Tiffany Furlong
"Touch Men In The Morning," Diana Ross originally
"Touch Me In The Morning" Tiffany Furlong
"Touch Men When We're Dancing," The Carpenters originally
"Touch Me When We're Dancing" Not gonna go there.
"Touch Mel When We're Dancing," The Carpenters originally
"Touch Me When We're Dancing" Tiffany Furlong
"Touch Meg When We're Dancing," The Carpenters originally
"Touch Me When We're Dancing" Partner that carries on affair while you're there?
"Touche Me When We're Dancing," The Carpenters originally
"Touch Me When We're Dancing" Dancing & sword play -- a new Olympic sport?
"Touch Me, I'm Slick," Mudhoney originally
"Touch Me, I'm Sick" Chelsea Dunn
"Touch Meg, I'm Sick," Mudhoney originally
"Touch Me, I'm Sick" Taylor Dadsen
"Touch Mae, I'm Sick," Mudhoney originally
"Touch Me, I'm Sick" Taylor Dadsen
"Touch Mel, I'm Sick," Mudhoney originally
"Touch Me, I'm Sick" Taylor Dadsen
"Touch My Hearth," Ray Price originally
"Touch My Heart" Chelsea Dunn
"The Touch Off Your Hand," Jamie Lawson originally
"The Touch Of Your Hand" Karen Smith
"Touche The Fire," Icehouse originally
"Touch The Fire" Idea for an Olympic sport using fencing & fire?
"Touche, Peel And Stand," Days Of The New originally
"Touch, Peel And Stand" Frank Hotdog
"Touchy, Peel, And Stand," Days Of The New originally
"Touch, Peel, And Stand" Regina Olsen
"Touch, Peel, And Staind," Days Of The New originally
"Touch, Peel, And Stand" As in the band Staind
Regina Olsen
"Town Without Piety," Gene Pitney originally
"Town Without Pity" Meredith Corpening
"Toxic Glove," Tim Curry originally
"Toxic Love" Accurate title for what I use to clean.
The Madman
"Troy Soldiers," Martika originally
"Toy Soldiers" Consuela Sanchez
"Tory Soldiers," Martika originally
"Toy Soldiers" Tory, as in loyalist
Norman Cornelius
"Tony Soldiers," Martika originally
"Toy Soldiers" Consuela Sanchez
"Strain In Vain (Stand By Me)," The Clash originally
"Train In Vain (Stand By Me)" Serafina
"Strains And Boats And Planes," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Alyssa Jayne
"Trains And Boats And Planets," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Alyssa Jayne
"Trains And Bloats And Planes," Dionne Warwick originally
"Trains And Boats And Planes" Alyssa Jayne
"Strapped By A Thing Called Love," Denise LaSalle originally
"Trapped By A Thing Called Love" Preacher that likes Nicole
"Trapped By A Thing Called Lover," Denise LaSalle originally
"Trapped By A Thing Called Love" Lucinda Blair
"Trapped In A Scorner," Death originally
"Trapped In A Corner" Natalie Starboardman
"Trapped In A Coroner," Death originally
"Trapped In A Corner" Natalie Starboardman
"Trapped Inside Your Hearth," Kings Of The Sun originally
"Trapped Inside Your Heart" Wendy Torrance
"Strapped Like Rats," Glass Cloud originally
"Trapped Like Rats" Heather Brockwell
"Trapped Like Frats," Glass Cloud originally
"Trapped Like Rats" Heather Brockwell
"Trapped Like Brats," Glass Cloud originally
"Trapped Like Rats" Heather Brockwell
"Trapped Under Dice," Metallica originally
"Trapped Under Ice" Penelope Beckinsale
"Trapped Under Lice," Metallica originally
"Trapped Under Ice" Gross!
"Trapped Under Mice," Metallica originally
"Trapped Under Ice" Penelope Beckinsale
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