Change one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
For example: Midnight Oil's "Blue Sky Mine" would become "Blue Sky Mime"
Entries Beginning with U, Page 2
Entries starting with U are split into multiple pages: 1 2 3
"Under The Street Lamb," The Exits originally
"Under The Street Lamp" Alyssa Jayne
"Under The Street Vamp," The Exits originally
"Under The Street Lamp" Alyssa Jayne
"Under The Street Ramp," The Exits originally
"Under The Street Lamp" Alyssa Jayne
"Under The Street Damp," The Exits originally
"Under The Street Lamp" Alyssa Jayne
"Under The Street Lump," The Exits originally
"Under The Street Lamp" Alyssa Jayne
"Under The Street Limp," The Exits originally
"Under The Street Lamp" Alyssa Jayne
"Under The Street Lame," The Exits originally
"Under The Street Lamp" Alyssa Jayne
"Under Your Shell Again," Buck Owens originally
"Under Your Spell Again" Eileen Wright
"Under Your Smell Again," Buck Owens originally
"Under Your Spell Again" Heather Brockwell
"Under Your Thump," The Vaccines originally
"Under Your Thumb" Kerianne Hopkins
"Under Sour Thumb," The Vaccines originally
"Under Your Thumb" Kerianne Hopkins
"Undercover Anger," Alan O'Day originally
"Undercover Angel" Makes no more sense than the original title
"Undercover Of The Light," Rolling Stones originally
"Undercover Of The Night" Peter
"Undercover Of The Fight," Rolling Stones originally
"Undercover Of The Night" Peter
"Underneath Four Clothes," Shakira originally
"Underneath Your Clothes" Candy Welty
"Understand Your Can," Johnny Cash originally
"Understand Your Man" Regina Olsen
"Unfaithfully Yours (One Dove)," Stephen Bishop originally
"Unfaithfully Yours (One Love)" Yvette Bristle
"Unfaithfully Yours (One Cove)," Stephen Bishop originally
"Unfaithfully Yours (One Love)" Yvette Bristle
"Unfaithfully Yours (One Lobe)," Stephen Bishop originally
"Unfaithfully Yours (One Love)" Yvette Bristle
"Unfaithfully Yours (One Lore)," Stephen Bishop originally
"Unfaithfully Yours (One Love)" Yvette Bristle
"Unfaithfully Yours (One Lode)," Stephen Bishop originally
"Unfaithfully Yours (One Love)" Yvette Bristle
"Union Sack," Babys originally
"Union Jack" Peter
"Union Back," Babys originally
"Union Jack" Peter
"Union Lack," Babys originally
"Union Jack" Peter
"Union Hack," Babys originally
"Union Jack" Peter
"Onion Jack," Babys originally
"Union Jack" Peter
"Union Of The Shake," Duran Duran originally
"Union Of The Snake" as in milkshake, perhaps
"Onion Of The Snake," Duran Duran originally
"Union Of The Snake" Lucinda Blair
"Union Of The Stake," Duran Duran originally
"Union Of The Snake" Lucinda Blair
"Unique Is My Love," Matisyahu originally
"Unique Is My Dove" Gretchen Wieners
"Unique Is My Move," Matisyahu originally
"Unique Is My Dove" Gretchen Wieners
"Unique Is My Cove," Matisyahu originally
"Unique Is My Dove" Gretchen Wieners
"Unique Is My Dive," Matisyahu originally
"Unique Is My Dove" Gretchen Wieners
"Unique Is My Dome," Matisyahu originally
"Unique Is My Dove" Gretchen Wieners
"United Stakes Of Whatever," Liam Lynch originally
"United States Of Whatever" Samantha Wayland
"United Slates Of Whatever," Liam Lynch originally
"United States Of Whatever" Samantha Wayland
"United States If Whatever," Liam Lynch originally
"United States Of Whatever" Samantha Wayland
"Unites States Of Whatever," Liam Lynch originally
"United States Of Whatever" Samantha Wayland
"United Staten Of Whatever," Liam Lynch originally
"United States Of Whatever" Staten, as in Staten Island
Samantha Wayland
"United Status Of Whatever," Liam Lynch originally
"United States Of Whatever" Samantha Wayland
"United States Or Whatever," Liam Lynch originally
"United States Of Whatever" Samantha Wayland
Little change in meaning
Samantha Wayland
Kristin Hadley's Boyfriend
"Unskinny Boy," Poison originally
"Unskinny Bop" Serafina
"Unskinny Bob," Poison originally
"Unskinny Bop" Joey
"Unskinny Top," Poison originally
"Unskinny Bop" Rip Jeans
"Unskinny Cop," Poison originally
"Unskinny Bop" Many police officers are anything but thin anyway.
"Until I Fall Awry," Gin Blossoms originally
"Until I Fall Away" Ashley Michelle McGowan
"Until I Call Away," Gin Blossoms originally
"Until I Fall Away" Elizabeth
"Until It Sweeps," Metallica originally
"Until It Sleeps" Peter
"Until It Bleeps," Metallica originally
"Until It Sleeps" Peter
As if Matchbox 20 fell in the well?
"The Unwinding Cable Cat," Anberlin originally
"The Unwinding Cable Car" Seen them unwind balls of yarn, but cables?
Cheryl Jordan
"The Unbinding Cable Car," Anberlin originally
"The Unwinding Cable Car" Corinne Auterlehr
Whatever a lady river would be
Karen Smith
"Up Against The Walk," Patti Rothberg originally
"Up Against The Wall" Walks are horizontal; isn't it more DOWN against?
Francesca Burleson
"Up Against The Wail," Patti Rothberg originally
"Up Against The Wall" Connie Brady
"Up Against The Well," Patti Rothberg originally
"Up Against The Wall" A more challenging thing to get up against!
Edie Gonzalez
Like a short team made to play a tall one maybe?
Julia Cox
All night, it was us. Nobody else.
Jane Farnsworth
Like around James Bond?
"Up From The Gravy He Arose," Traditional originally
"Up From The Grave He Arose" And now the sauce was saved?
"Up From The Grove He Arose," Traditional originally
"Up From The Grave He Arose" And now the trees are saved!
"Up From The Grape He Arose," Traditional originally
"Up From The Grave He Arose" And now we have holy wine?
"Up From The Sties," Jimi Hendrix originally
"Up From The Skies" Peter
"Us In A Puff Of Smoke," Polly Brown originally
"Up In A Puff Of Smoke" Candy Welty
"Up In Cripple Creek," The Band originally
"Up On Cripple Creek" Bethany Byrd
"Up On Santa Claus Fountain," Lorrie Morgan originally
"Up On Santa Claus Mountain" Jessica Childress
"Us On The Housetop," Traditional originally
"Up On The Housetop" Amber Wayland
A song about her career?
Get out of Carey's underthings!
"Up The Ladder To The Woof," The Supremes originally
"Up The Ladder To The Roof" Naomi Swanson
"Up The Ladder To The Rook," The Supremes originally
"Up The Ladder To The Roof" Candy Welty
"Up The Lander To The Roof," The Supremes originally
"Up The Ladder To The Roof" Naomi Swanson
Entries starting with U are split into multiple pages: 1 2 3
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