Add one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result. You CAN NOT add S to the end of a word to make it plural.
For example: Nine Inch Nails's "Help Me I'm In Hell" would become "Help Me I'm In Shell"
Entries Beginning with C, Page 5
Entries starting with C are split into multiple pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
"Chip Off The Bold Block," Eddy Arnold originally
"Chip Off The Old Block " Heather Brockwell
"Chip Off The Gold Block," Eddy Arnold originally
"Chip Off The Old Block " Heather Brockwell
"Chip Off The Sold Block," Eddy Arnold originally
"Chip Off The Old Block " Heather Brockwell
"Chocolate Chimp," Isaac Hayes originally
"Chocolate Chip" Duncan Moore
"Chocolate Chirp," Isaac Hayes originally
"Chocolate Chip" Heather Brockwell
"Chocolate Train," Tay Zonday originally
"Chocolate Rain" Marcia Todd
"Chocolate Drain," Tay Zonday originally
"Chocolate Rain" Heather Brockwell
"Chocolate Brain," Tay Zonday originally
"Chocolate Rain" Marcia Todd
"Chocolate Grain," Tay Zonday originally
"Chocolate Rain" Marcia Todd
"Christy Is Born," Perry Como originally
"Christ Is Born" Mark Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire
I knew someone named Christiana.
Wendy Torrance
"Christie Broad," Green Day originally
"Christie Road" Lizzie
"Christine Road," Green Day originally
"Christie Road" Beverly Stiles
What some people probably thought was the title
"Christmas Davy," Dido originally
"Christmas Day" Alyssa Jayne
"Christmas in Hollies," Run DMC originally
"Christmas in Hollis" Victoria Abbot
"Christmas Is The Timer To Say I Love You," Billy Squier originally
"Christmas Is The Time To Say I Love You" Isac
"Christmas Must Bet Tonight," Rick Danko originally
"Christmas Must Be Tonight" Yvette Bristle
"Christmas Must Beg Tonight," Rick Danko originally
"Christmas Must Be Tonight" Yvette Bristle
"Christmas Pipers," Celtic Woman originally
"Christmas Pipes" Kristi
"Christmas Shores," Bob Carlisle originally
"Christmas Shoes" Kerianne Hopkins
"Christmas Shoves," Bob Carlisle originally
"Christmas Shoes" Kerianne Hopkins
"The Church Bells May Bring," The Diamonds originally
"The Church Bells May Ring" Bring what?
Holly Stefan
"Church Of Your Hearth," Roxette originally
"Church Of Your Heart" Chelsea Footler
"Cindy Tells Meg," Brian Eno originally
"Cindy Tells Me" Lorraine Thoanjer
"Cindy Tells Mae," Brian Eno originally
"Cindy Tells Me" Lorraine Thoanjer
"Cindy Tells Mel," Brian Eno originally
"Cindy Tells Me" Lorraine Thoanjer
"Cindy Tells Moe," Brian Eno originally
"Cindy Tells Me" Lorraine Thoanjer
"Cindy Tells Men," Brian Eno originally
"Cindy Tells Me" Lorraine Thoanjer
"The Circle Is Small (I Can See Nit In Your Eyes)," Gordon Lightfoot originally
"The Circle Is Small (I Can See It In Your Eyes)" Candy Welty
"The Circle Is Small (I Can See Pit In Your Eyes)," Gordon Lightfoot originally
"The Circle Is Small (I Can See It In Your Eyes)" Candy Welty
"The Circle Is Small (I Can Seek It In Your Eyes)," Gordon Lightfoot originally
"The Circle Is Small (I Can See It In Your Eyes)" Candy Welty
"The Circle Is Small (It Can See It In Your Eyes)," Gordon Lightfoot originally
"The Circle Is Small (I Can See It In Your Eyes)" Candy Welty
"The Circle Is Small (I Can See Bit In Your Eyes)," Gordon Lightfoot originally
"The Circle Is Small (I Can See It In Your Eyes)" Candy Welty
"The Crisco Kid," War originally
"The Cisco Kid" crazydon
"The Cisco Skid," War originally
"The Cisco Kid" Renee Scoggins
"The Cisco Kind," War originally
"The Cisco Kid" Renee Scoggins
"A City Girl Stole My Country Buoy," Patti Page originally
"A City Girl Stole My Country Boy" Candy Welty
"The Civil Warts," David Byrne originally
"The Civil Wars" Bethany Byrd
"The Civil Warps," David Byrne originally
"The Civil Wars" Bethany Byrd
In a nutshell, a variation of the same name.
"Clamp For The Wolfman," Guess Who originally
"Clap For The Wolfman" Cynthia Avery
"Clasp Your Hands," Sia originally
"Clap Your Hands" Lucy Slanks
"Clamp Your Hands," Sia originally
"Clap Your Hands" Ouch!
Tim Panuchus
"Clasp Your Hands Once Again," The Beau-Marks originally
"Clap Your Hands Once Again" Lucy Slanks
"Clamp Your Hands Once Again," The Beau-Marks originally
"Clap Your Hands Once Again" Lucy Slanks
Verb form change, not pluralization
Regina Olsen
"Class Clutter (Yeah Yeah)," Dale Hawkins originally
"Class Cutter (Yeah Yeah)" Candy Welty
"Click Click Broom," Saliva originally
"Click Click Boom" Norman Cornelius
"Clone Your Plover," Zeromancer originally
"Clone Your Lover" Plover = a short-billed kind of shorebird.
Heather Brockwell
"Clone Your Clover," Zeromancer originally
"Clone Your Lover" Heather Brockwell
"Closer Friends," Adema originally
"Close Friends" Doug Wells
"Closet Friends," Adema originally
"Close Friends" Franka
"Closed Friends," Adema originally
"Close Friends" Beverly Stiles
Cathay = archaic/poetic name for China
Cheryl Jordan
"Closer To Me," The Cure originally
"Close To Me" Serafina
Changes close from adjective to a past tense verb.
Adrienne Ramseur
"Closer To Freer," The BoDeans originally
"Closer To Free" Freer is a town in Texas.
Sonia Rinzaimayor
"Closer To The Hearth," Rush originally
"Closer To The Heart" Gretchen Q. Wieners
"Closest Freak," Cee-Lo originally
"Closet Freak" Karen Smith
"Closing Timer," Semisonic originally
"Closing Time" Natalie Lundgren
"Closing Timed," Semisonic originally
"Closing Time" Natalie Lundgren
"Club At The Bend Of The Street," Elton John originally
"Club At The End Of The Street" Candy Welty
"Coral Miner's Daughter," Loretta Lynn originally
"Coal Miner's Daughter" Lydia Helton
"Copal Miner's Daughter," Loretta Lynn originally
"Coal Miner's Daughter" Lydia Helton
"Coat Of Manly Colors," Dolly Parton originally
"Coat Of Many Colors" Samantha Wayland
"Croat Of Many Colors," Dolly Parton originally
"Coat Of Many Colors" (a Croat is someone from Croatia)
Rachel Blattington
"Coast Of Many Colors," Dolly Parton originally
"Coat Of Many Colors" No more plain white beaches.
Naomi Swanson
Entries starting with C are split into multiple pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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