Add one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result. You CAN NOT add S to the end of a word to make it plural.
For example: Nine Inch Nails's "Help Me I'm In Hell" would become "Help Me I'm In Shell"
Entries Beginning with C, Page 2
Entries starting with C are split into multiple pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Have to go on taking the same med.
Sheila Koffel
"Can't Denny," Fabolous originally
"Can't Deny" Can't Denny do what?
Marcia Todd
"Can't Feel My Facet," The Weeknd originally
"Can't Feel My Face" Candy Welty
"Can't Feel My Farce," The Weeknd originally
"Can't Feel My Face" Hayley Spalding
"Can't Feel My Facer," The Weeknd originally
"Can't Feel My Face" Candy Welty
"Can't Feel My Farce," The Weeknd originally
"Can't Feel My Face" Candy Welty
"Can't Find Amy Way Home," Blind Faith originally
"Can't Find My Way Home" "Way" can be a surname.
Anita Grade
"Can't Find My Wavy Home," Blind Faith originally
"Can't Find My Way Home" Anita Grade
"Can't Find May Way Home," Blind Faith originally
"Can't Find My Way Home" "Way" can be a surname.
Anita Grade
"Can't Find My Wary Home," Blind Faith originally
"Can't Find My Way Home" Anita Grade
"Can't Get Enough Off You Baby," Smash Mouth originally
"Can't Get Enough Of You Baby" Regina Olsen
"Can't Get Enough Of Your Baby," Smash Mouth originally
"Can't Get Enough Of You Baby" Ed
"Can't Get Used To Closing You," Andy Williams originally
"Can't Get Used To Losing You" Alanis More Upset
"Can't Get Used To Lousing You," Andy Williams originally
"Can't Get Used To Losing You" You stay away from me Andy Williams!
"Can't Give Pup The Feeling," All Sports Band originally
"Can't Give Up The Feeling" Corinne Auterlehr
"Can't Give Cup The Feeling," All Sports Band originally
"Can't Give Up The Feeling" Because cups are inanimate objects.
Corinne Auterlehr
"Can't Help Lovin' That Girl Of Maine," The Excels originally
"Can't Help Lovin' That Girl Of Mine" Candy Welty
"Can't Keep A Good Manx Down," Eddie Money originally
"Can't Keep A Good Man Down" Yvette Bristle
"Can't Nobody Glove You," The Zombies originally
"Can't Nobody Love You" Candy Welty
Why Mayfield was happy not to encounter a dragon?
Why Mayfield was not a veterinarian?
"Can't Slay What I Mean," Kaiser Chiefs originally
"Can't Say What I Mean" Darn, we all have to miss out on good slaying!
"Can't Say Wheat I Mean," Kaiser Chiefs originally
"Can't Say What I Mean" Angelica Monaghan
"Can't Say What Is Mean," Kaiser Chiefs originally
"Can't Say What I Mean" Changes "Mean" from verb to adjective
Monica Harpootlian
"Can't Say What I Meant," Kaiser Chiefs originally
"Can't Say What I Mean" Now it is past tense.
Duncan Moore
"Can't Spay What I Mean," Kaiser Chiefs originally
"Can't Say What I Mean" Don't tell that to your female cat or dog.
Don't have a stopper that fits it!
Candace Mercer
"Can't Thrust Myself," Blaque originally
"Can't Trust Myself" Renee Sutton
"Can't Wes Try," Dan Hill originally
"Can't We Try" Gail McFarland
"Can't You Shear The Cows," The Turtles originally
"Can't You Hear The Cows" No, just the sheep!
Francine Harper
"Can't You Hear the Crows," The Turtles originally
"Can't You Hear the Cows" Listening for caws instead of moos!
Francine Harper
"Canary In A Coral Mine," The Police originally
"Canary In A Coal Mine" Lydia Helton
"Candied Camera," Theme Songs originally
"Candid Camera" Boy George Michael Payton Place Matt Lauer
Canady = a surname or a town in South Carolina
Amber Wayland
Crake = type of bird in rail family
Amber Wayland
Multiplication Table Tennis Elbow Macaroni Penguin
I know many who ride that train.
George Straitjacket
Just in time for Halloween?
George Straitjacket
Candy that makes you speak in iambic pentameter?
A post Valentine's Day problem?
"Canned Heart," Jamiroquai originally
"Canned Heat" Kirsten Abercrombie
"Scanned Heat," Jamiroquai originally
"Canned Heat" Cliff Adair
"Canned Wheat," Jamiroquai originally
"Canned Heat" Scarlett Lopez
"The Captain Of Her Hearth," Double originally
"The Captain Of Her Heart" Regina Olsen
"The Captain Off Her Heart," Double originally
"The Captain Of Her Heart" Millie Henry
"Captive Hearth," Selena originally
"Captive Heart" Priscilla Gadsden
Czement shoes, anyone?
So, what ELSE is new?
Marisa Ptomaine
These days a lot of people can't afford a car.
Mr. Critic
"Careless Lover," Ray Charles originally
"Careless Love" Candy Welty
"Caribbean Queen (No More Love On The Ruin)," Billy Ocean originally
"Caribbean Queen (No More Love On The Run)" Making love on ruins could hurt.
Jessica Childress
"Caribbean Queen (No More Love On The Runt)," Billy Ocean originally
"Caribbean Queen (No More Love On The Run)" Jessica Childress
"Carmelita," Dan Hill originally
"Carmelia" Karen Smith
"Carnival Of Sports," R.E.M. originally
"Carnival Of Sorts" Jamie Burke
"Carnival Of Shorts," R.E.M. originally
"Carnival Of Sorts" Jamie Burke
"Carnival Of Snorts," R.E.M. originally
"Carnival Of Sorts" Jamie Burke
A variant spelling of the name.
"Carol Of The Belles," Traditional originally
"Carol Of The Bells" Rachel Blattington
"Caroline Noh," Beach Boys originally
"Caroline No" Theatrical, huh?
Tim Hall
"Caroline Slays," Lou Reed originally
"Caroline Says" Natalie Snortman
"Caroline Spays," Lou Reed originally
"Caroline Says" Natalie Snortman
"Caroline Sways," Lou Reed originally
"Caroline Says" Natalie Snortman
"Caroline Stays," Lou Reed originally
"Caroline Says" Natalie Snortman
New song is about singer Carolyne Mas?
Courtney Mears
"Carrier," Europe originally
"Carrie" Ed
"Carried," Europe originally
"Carrie" Ed
"The Carroll Country Accident," Porter Wagoner originally
"The Carroll County Accident" Edie Gonzalez
"Carry Kit Back To Rosie," Odetta originally
"Carry It Back To Rosie" Heather Brockwell
"Carry Bit Back To Rosie," Odetta originally
"Carry It Back To Rosie" Heather Brockwell
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