Take one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The removal of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
For example: Steve Winwood's "Split Decision" would become "Spit Decision"
Thanks to Philip Eno for the inspiration on this one!
Entries Beginning with S, Page 10
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Might still refer to the same night
Christina Caraway
As in, happening right now.
Fie = interjection expressing disapproval
Kerianne Hopkins
"So Log Self," MercyMe originally
"So Long Self" Dana Thompkins
"So Long Elf," Mercy Me originally
"So Long Self" Meg Owens
"So Much I Love," The Tymes originally
"So Much In Love" Amber Malone
"So Petty," B5 originally
"So Pretty" Naomi Swanson
So we do what?
Penny Nichols
Addressing someone by an initial
Regina Olsen
Tar can mean sailor (among other possibilities)
Regina Olsen
Interjection "O" OR addressing someone by an initial
Regina Olsen
"Sober Gil," Amy Ray originally
"Sober Girl" Mary Ellen Jasper
"Sod Fountain Shuffle," Earl Klugh originally
"Soda Fountain Shuffle" Yvette Bristle
"Soft As Our Face," Soup Dragons originally
"Soft As Your Face" Penelope Beckinsale
"Soft As Your Ace," Soup Dragons originally
"Soft As Your Face" Penelope Beckinsale
"Sot Parade," Doors originally
"Soft Parade" John A. Barry
"Solar Oats," Sun Ra originally
"Solar Boats" Yvette Bristle
"Solar Bats," Sun Ra originally
"Solar Boats" Yvette Bristle
"Solar Bots," Sun Ra originally
"Solar Boats" Yvette Bristle
"Sold (The Grundy County Action Incident)," John Michael Montgomery originally
"Sold (The Grundy County Auction Incident)" Naomi Swanson
"Old (The Grundy County Auction Incident)," John Michael Montgomery originally
"Sold (The Grundy County Auction Incident)" Naomi Swanson
"Sod (The Grundy County Auction Incident)," John Michael Montgomery originally
"Sold (The Grundy County Auction Incident)" Naomi Swanson
"Sold (The Grundy Count Auction Incident)," John Michael Montgomery originally
"Sold (The Grundy County Auction Incident)" Naomi Swanson
"Solder Of Love," Sade originally
"Soldier Of Love" Dorothy Jansen
Just like a rockslide
Thessaly Danes
Not just one thing but some of each
Naomi Swanson
Yes, let's listen to some music by Bach.
Naomi Swanson
"Some Harts Are Diamonds," Chris Norman originally
"Some Hearts Are Diamonds" What dear deer!
Karen Smith
"Some Kind of Love," Jody Watley originally
"Some Kind of Lover" Naomi Swanson
"Some Kin of Lover," Jody Watley originally
"Some Kind of Lover" Naomi Swanson
"Some Kid of Lover," Jody Watley originally
"Some Kind of Lover" Naomi Swanson
"Some Kin Of Monster," Metallica originally
"Some Kind Of Monster" Jessica Childress
"Some Kid Of Monster," Metallica originally
"Some Kind Of Monster" Jessica Childress
How a couple might feel about their first child.
"Some People Ate," Jay-Z originally
"Some People Hate" Peter
"Some Things Are Better Left Nsaid," Hall And Oates originally
"Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid" Nsaid = Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
Carmen Mistletoe
"Some Things Ever Fall," Black Halos originally
"Some Things Never Fall" Carolyn Morgenstern
"Somebody Else Is Taking My Lace," Benny Goodman originally
"Somebody Else Is Taking My Place" Penny Olivia Tyler
"Somebody Else Is Taking My Pace," Benny Goodman originally
"Somebody Else Is Taking My Place" Penny Olivia Tyler
"Somebody Else's Ire," Janie Fricke originally
"Somebody Else's Fire" Yvette Bristle
"Somebody Else's Fir," Janie Fricke originally
"Somebody Else's Fire" Yvette Bristle
"Somebody Ouched Me," Buddy Knox originally
"Somebody Touched Me" Candy Welty
"Somebody's Been Seeping ," 100 Proof originally "Somebody's Been Sleeping"
And they've left a watery mess everywhere.
Some Guy
"Somebody's Out Here," Triumph originally
"Somebody's Out There" Alyssa Jayne
"Someday My Price Will Come," Cassandra Wilson originally
"Someday My Prince Will Come" Someday she'll pay the price for something.
Taylor Dadsen
"Someone Could Lose A Hart Tonight," Eddie Rabbitt originally
"Someone Could Lose A Heart Tonight" Hart = a male deer
Alyssa Jayne
"Someone Else's Lif," Jessica Harp originally
"Someone Else's Life" Lif =a predicted survivor of Ragnarok (Norse myth)
Wendy Torrance
"Someone Else's Lie," Jessica Harp originally
"Someone Else's Life" Wendy Torrance
A likely gender change by letter removal
Kristin Carpenter
"Someone Saved My Lie Tonight," Elton John originally
"Someone Saved My Life Tonight " Peter
"Something About Yu," Level 42 originally
"Something About You" As in Yu Darvish, Japanese-born MLB pitcher.
"Something Abut You," Level 42 originally
"Something About You" Regina Olsen
Newton-John imitates Bette Midler?
"Something In My Hose," Dead Or Alive originally
"Something In My House" Alyssa Jayne
Ai = a species of South American sloth
Lucy Slanks
Ai = a species of sloth of northern South America
Jessica Childress
"Something In Your Moth," Nickelback originally
"Something In Your Mouth" Peter
"Something In Our Mouth," Nickelback originally
"Something In Your Mouth" Peter
"Something Like Hat," Tim McGraw originally
"Something Like That" But not a real hat?
"Something To Gab For," Ric Ocasek originally
"Something To Grab For" Candy Welty
"Sometimes I Forge," Agnes originally
"Sometimes I Forget" Samantha Wayland
"Sometimes He Cries," Warrant originally
"Sometimes She Cries" Samantha Wayland
"Sometimes Hen We Touch," Dan Hill originally
"Sometimes When We Touch" Kerianne Hopkins
"Somewhere Down The Rod," Barry Manilow originally
"Somewhere Down The Road" Candy Welty
Arica is a city in Chile
Regina Olsen
Not many preachers were moms when song came out.
Sylvia Curruca
Whatever a reacher man would be
Sylvia Curruca
"Son Of Len," Scaffold originally
"Son Of Lent" Yvette Bristle
Ent = creature in "Lord Of The Rings"
Samantha Wayland
"Song Or A Rainy Day," Angela Bofill originally
"Song For A Rainy Day" Lori Sifferan
"Son For A Rainy Day," Angela Bofill originally
"Song For A Rainy Day" Lori Sifferan
"Song Or America," Kansas originally
"Song For America" Kelly Blythe
"Son For America," Kansas originally
"Song For America" Kelly Blythe
"Son For Bob Dylan," David Bowie originally
"Song For Bob Dylan" Wouldn't that be Jakob?
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