Take one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The removal of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
For example: Steve Winwood's "Split Decision" would become "Spit Decision"
Thanks to Philip Eno for the inspiration on this one!
Entries Beginning with H, Page 4
Entries starting with H are split into multiple pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
"Heats On Fire," Hammerfall originally
"Hearts On Fire" Lydia Helton
"Hearts On Ire," Hammerfall originally
"Hearts On Fire" Peter
"The Hat Is On," Glenn Frey originally
"The Heat Is On" Stan E. Cox-Hyde
"The Eat Is On," Glenn Frey originally
"The Heat Is On" A way to call someone to lunch or dinner?
"Eat Of The Moment," Asia originally
"Heat Of The Moment" Joe King
"Hat Of The Moment," Asia originally
"Heat Of The Moment" Grace
"Heather's All," Ty Herndon originally
"Heather's Wall" Heather is everything? I doubt that.
Preacher that likes Nicole
"Haven Can Wait," Sandra originally
"Heaven Can Wait" Polly Cannon
"Heave Can Wait," Sandra originally
"Heaven Can Wait" Polly Cannon
"Haven Coming Down," The Tea Party originally
"Heaven Coming Down" Regina Olsen
"Heave Coming Down," Tea Party originally
"Heaven Coming Down" Peter
"Haven Forbid," The Fray originally
"Heaven Forbid" No entry to this haven!!
"Heaven Help Us Al," Stevie Wonder originally
"Heaven Help Us All" A prayer for Al Gore to run for President in '08?
"Heave Help Us All," Stevie Wonder originally
"Heaven Help Us All" Peter
Whatever a back sea is.....
Jill Conrad
"Heaven Is A Lace On Earth," Belinda Carlisle originally
"Heaven Is A Place On Earth" Clint Westwood
"Heaven Is A Pace On Earth," Belinda Carlisle originally
"Heaven Is A Place On Earth" If only.....
Renee Keener
"Heaven Must Have Set You," Bonnie Pointer originally
"Heaven Must Have Sent You" Set you where?
Corinne Auterlehr
"Haven Must Have Sent You," Bonnie Pointer originally
"Heaven Must Have Sent You" Corinne Auterlehr
"Heave On The 7th Floor," Paul Nicholas originally
"Heaven On The 7th Floor" Kristin Carpenter
"Haven On The 7th Floor," Paul Nicholas originally
"Heaven On The 7th Floor" Marcia Todd
"Haven Or Las Vegas," Cocteau Twins originally
"Heaven Or Las Vegas" Pact Like Sardines
"Heave Or Las Vegas," Cocteau Twins originally
"Heaven Or Las Vegas" Pact Like Sardines
"Haven's A Lie," Lacuna Coil originally
"Heaven's A Lie" Justin B. Burr
"Heaven's On Fir," Kiss originally
"Heaven's On Fire" Candy Welty
"Heaven's On Ire," Kiss originally
"Heaven's On Fire" Candy Welty
The heavenly part of something is over.
Wendy Torrance
"Heavy Meal (Takin' A Ride)," Don Felder originally
"Heavy Metal (Takin' A Ride)" Hope he doesn't get carsick
Candy Welty
"Heavy Meal Drummer," Wilco originally
"Heavy Metal Drummer" Tiffany Carriker
"Heavy Meal Love," Helix originally
"Heavy Metal Love" Someone has a love for heavy meals?
Regina Olsen
"Helen," Misfits originally
"Helena" Kerianne Hopkins
"Hell Comes Down From Heave," Royal Hunt originally
"Hell Comes Down From Heaven" Karen Smith
"Hell Come Down From Heaven," Royal Hunt originally
"Hell Comes Down From Heaven" Grammatical if "come" is adjectival participle
Karen Smith
"Hell Comes Down From Haven," Royal Hunt originally
"Hell Comes Down From Heaven" Karen Smith
"Hell On High Eels," Motley Crue originally
"Hell On High Heels" Meredith Corpening
Strange place for hell to be!
Trina Lufkin
"Hellbound Rain," Savoy Brown originally
"Hellbound Train" Sutch
"Hellbound Rain," Savoy Brown originally
"Hellbound Train" Times are when one would like to send rain there!
Jamie Burke
"Hellhound On My Tail," Eric Clapton originally
"Hellhound On My Trail" Much closer still.
Jamie Burke
"Hell And Goodbye," Chad Brock originally
"Hello And Goodbye" Wendy Torrance
"Hello Hell," Weezer originally
"Hello Hello" Tori Spelling Bee
"Hello In Here," John Prine originally
"Hello In There" Peter
"Hell In There," John Prine originally
"Hello In There" Peter
Now his greeting to Mary Lou is more stern.
Carolyn Morgenstern
"Hello Pretty Gil," Ronnie Dove originally
"Hello Pretty Girl" Marcia Todd
"Hell Pretty Girl," Ronnie Dove originally
"Hello Pretty Girl" Marcia Todd
"Hello Petty Girl," Ronnie Dove originally
"Hello Pretty Girl" Yvette Bristle
What the bob on a pendulum clock is!
Penny Olivia Tyler
Sounds like a more appropriate response.
"Hello, Hell, Hello," New England originally
"Hello, Hello, Hello" Alyssa Jayne
"Hello, Hello, Hell," New England originally
"Hello, Hello, Hello" Alyssa Jayne
"Her Fist Mistake," Lyle Lovett originally
"Her First Mistake" Jessica Albatross
Entries starting with H are split into multiple pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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