Change one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
For example: Midnight Oil's "Blue Sky Mine" would become "Blue Sky Mime"
Entries Beginning with S, Page 3
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"Mail Around The World," David Gates originally
"Sail Around The World" Yvette Bristle
"Fail Around The World," David Gates originally
"Sail Around The World" Kristin Carpenter
"Gail Around The World," David Gates originally
"Sail Around The World" Samantha Wayland
"Wail Around The World," David Gates originally
"Sail Around The World" Yvette Bristle
"Soil Around The World," David Gates originally
"Sail Around The World" Samantha Wayland
"Rail Around The World," David Gates originally
"Sail Around The World" Yvette Bristle
That's because you haven't been studying
Jorja Fox in Socks
"Sailing Whips," Whitesnake originally
"Sailing Ships" And cracking boats too!
Caroline Vale
"Smiling Ships," Whitesnake originally
"Sailing Ships" Remarkable ships that can smile!
Adrienne Schnell
"The Kale Of The Century," Sleeper originally
"The Sale Of The Century" Amanda Svenson
"The Gale Of The Century," Sleeper originally
"The Sale Of The Century" Amanda Svenson
"The Salt Of The Century," Sleeper originally
"The Sale Of The Century" Amanda Svenson
"The Bale Of The Century," Sleeper originally
"The Sale Of The Century" Amanda Svenson
An ani (a cuckoo relative) named Sally?
Naomi Swanson
First word now a verb rather than part of a name
Naomi Swanson
Sally and what?
Yvette Bristle
An ant named Sally?
Naomi Swanson
Salty brown WHAT?!?
Karen Smith
Is she a blow-up doll or something!
Karen Smith
Well, that would be misfortunate!
Karen Smith
"Wally Can't Dance," Lou Reed originally
"Sally Can't Dance" Boof
"Salty Can't Dance," Lou Reed originally
"Sally Can't Dance" Shoes
the G could also be changed, but in too many ways
"Sally Go Hound The Roses," The Jaynetts originally
"Sally Go Round The Roses" How does one hound flowers?
Natalie Merchant's Millpond
"Wally Go Round The Roses," The Jaynetts originally
"Sally Go Round The Roses" Peter
"Sadly Go Round The Roses," The Jaynetts originally
"Sally Go Round The Roses" Regina Haniger
"Sally Go Found The Roses," The Jaynetts originally
"Sally Go Round The Roses" Peter
"Sally Go Pound The Roses," The Jaynetts originally
"Sally Go Round The Roses" that's not very nice to do!
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
"Sally Go Round The Noses," The Jaynetts originally
"Sally Go Round The Roses" Peter
"Sally Go Round The Ropes," The Jaynetts originally
"Sally Go Round The Roses" Ferragamo
"Sully Had A Party," Flavor originally
"Sally Had A Party" Jessica Childress
"Sally Has A Party," Flavor originally
"Sally Had A Party" Candy Welty
"Salty Had A Party," Flavor originally
"Sally Had A Party" Salty might be somebody's nickname.
Samantha Wayland
"Sally Hid A Party," Flavor originally
"Sally Had A Party" Candy Welty
"Wally Had A Party," Flavor originally
"Sally Had A Party" Regina Olsen
"Sally Had A Parry," Flavor originally
"Sally Had A Party" Parry, as in a move in fencing
Samantha Wayland
"Sally Was A Good Odd Girl," Fats Domino originally
"Sally Was A Good Old Girl" Candy Welty
"Salty Was A Good Old Girl," Fats Domino originally
"Sally Was A Good Old Girl" Candy Welty
"Sally Has A Good Old Girl," Fats Domino originally
"Sally Was A Good Old Girl" Candy Welty
Quit moving around in there!
Penelope Beckinsale
"The Salt In My Pears," Martin Briley originally
"The Salt In My Tears" Candy Welty
Hard to have a sale in someone's tears!
Scarlett Lopez
"The Salt In My Bears," Martin Briley originally
"The Salt In My Tears" Candy Welty
What's he doing there?
Penelope Beckinsale
"The Salt In My Gears," Martin Briley originally
"The Salt In My Tears" Candy Welty
"The Salt In My Years," Martin Briley originally
"The Salt In My Tears" Candy Welty
"The Silt In My Tears," Martin Briley originally
"The Salt In My Tears" Candy Welty
A salute by or to someone named Sally?
Camilla Talking Bird
Could be a gender-change.
"Ram's Place," Buck Owens originally
"Sam's Place" Marilyn Westbury
"Sam's Plate," Buck Owens originally
"Sam's Place" John
"Ham's Place," Buck Owens originally
"Sam's Place" Marilyn Westbury
"Sam's Plane," Buck Owens originally
"Sam's Place" Serafina
"Sam's Peace," Buck Owens originally
"Sam's Place" Alicia Sturdivant
"Yam's Place," Buck Owens originally
"Sam's Place" Marilyn Westbury
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