Take one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The removal of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
For example: Steve Winwood's "Split Decision" would become "Spit Decision"
Thanks to Philip Eno for the inspiration on this one!
Entries Beginning with G, Page 2
Entries starting with G are split into multiple pages: 1 2 3 4 5
"Hosts In Your Mind," Susan Jacks originally
"Ghosts In Your Mind" Megan Tereon
"A Gift Or A Cure," Iced Earth originally
"A Gift Or A Curse" Sheila Koffel
"Gimme Gimme God Lovin'," Crazy Elephant originally
"Gimme Gimme Good Lovin'" Taylor Dadsen
"Gimme Gimme Goo Lovin'," Crazy Elephant originally
"Gimme Gimme Good Lovin'" Taylor Dadsen
"Gimme Hoe Jo’anna," Eddy Grant originally
"Gimme Hope Jo’anna" Wanna do some gardening!
Sylvia Curruca
"Gimme Little Sin," Brenton Wood originally
"Gimme Little Sign" As in '(one) little sin' or meaning not much sin?
Patricia McClure
"Gil Don't Come," Sandie Shaw originally
"Girl Don't Come" Candy Welty
"Gil From Ohio," The Outlaws originally
"Girl From Ohio" Sophia Borden
"Gil In A Country Song," Maddie & Tae originally
"Girl In A Country Song" Karen Smith
"Girl In A County Song," Maddie and Tae originally
"Girl In A Country Song" Trina Lufkin
"Girl In A Country Son," Maddie & Tae originally
"Girl In A Country Song" Karen Smith
"Girl In A Country Son," Maddie and Tae originally
"Girl In A Country Song" Trina Lufkin
"Girl In A County Song," Maddie & Tae originally
"Girl In A Country Song" Karen Smith
"Gil In A Country Song," Maddie and Tae originally
"Girl In A Country Song" Trina Lufkin
"Gil In The Mirror," Cheryl Cole originally
"Girl In The Mirror" Naomi Swanson
"Gil Next Door," Saving Jane originally
"Girl Next Door" Wendy Torrance
"The Girl Of My Best Fiend," Ral Donner originally
"The Girl Of My Best Friend" oldiesfan
"Gil On The Billboard," Del Reeves originally
"Girl On The Billboard" Sheila Evans
"The Girl With The Carrot Ski," Bricks originally
"The Girl With The Carrot Skin" Whatever a carrot ski would be!
Monica Harpootlian
"The Girl With The Carrot Sin," Bricks originally
"The Girl With The Carrot Skin " What sin is committed with a carrot?
"A Girl's Wok Is Never Done," The Chordettes originally
"A Girl's Work Is Never Done" Especially if she cooks Chinese food!
Helena Hoover
"A Girl's Work Is Ever Done," The Chordettes originally
"A Girl's Work Is Never Done" Yvette Bristle
"A Girl's Work Is Never One," The Chordettes originally
"A Girl's Work Is Never Done" Yvette Bristle
"A Gil's Work Is Never Done," The Chordettes originally
"A Girl's Work Is Never Done" Yvette Bristle
"Gil, You'll Be A Woman Soon," Neil Diamond originally
"Girl, You'll Be A Woman Soon" if Gil is short for Gillian, it would make sense
Candy Welty
It's not ONLY guys who are crooks...
"Girlfriend Is Bette," Talking Heads originally
"Girlfriend Is Better" From someone dating Bette Midler?
"Girls Can't Do Hat The Guys Do," Betty Wright originally
"Girls Can't Do What The Guys Do" Yvette Bristle
"The Girls Of Sumer," Neal McCoy originally
"The Girls Of Summer" The girls of that ancient land
Naomi Swanson
Changes noun "girl" to adj.; not singularization
Lois Teem
"Girls With Gus," Tommy Shaw originally
"Girls With Guns" Calop
"Give Ireland Back To The Iris," Wings originally
"Give Ireland Back To The Irish" Who has it now? A rose? A daisy? A violet?
Jessica Childress
"Give Me A Reason To Be One," Maureen McGovern originally
"Give Me A Reason To Be Gone" Candy Welty
"Give M That Wink," Neal McCoy originally
"Give Me That Wink" As in 'M' of James Bond movies
Marcia Todd
"Give Me That Ink," Neal McCoy originally
"Give Me That Wink" Alanis More Upset
"Give Me That Win," Neal McCoy originally
"Give Me That Wink" Marcia Todd
"Give Myself A Part," Don Gibson originally
"Give Myself A Party" Yvette Bristle
"Give Myself A Part," Mandy Barnett originally
"Give Myself A Party" Sutch
"Give Pace A Chance," John Lennon originally
"Give Peace A Chance" Regina Olsen
As in hanks of yarn?
Sardine Taylor
"Give This Christmas Way," Matthew West originally
"Give This Christmas Away" Way to do what?
Reese Witherfork
"Give His Christmas Away," Matthew West originally
"Give This Christmas Away" Reese Witherfork
"Give Up Your Gus," The Buoys originally
"Give Up Your Guns" Alyssa Jayne
"Give Your Hart A Break," Demi Lovato originally
"Give Your Heart A Break" hart = male deer
Yvette Bristle
"Give Your Heat A Break," Demi Lovato originally
"Give Your Heart A Break" Yvette Bristle
"Give Your Heat Away," Rachael Lampa originally
"Give Your Heart Away" Carolyn Morgenstern
"Give Your Hart Away," Rachael Lampa originally
"Give Your Heart Away" Carolyn Morgenstern
"Give Our Heart Away," Rachael Lampa originally
"Give Your Heart Away" Carolyn Morgenstern
"Giving You The Best Hat I Got," Anita Baker originally
"Giving You The Best That I Got" Cape Canaveral Lavigne
"The Glamorous Lie," Sheila E. originally
"The Glamorous Life" Quark
"Lass Angel," Prelude originally
"Glass Angel" Yvette Bristle
"Lass Mountain," Alan Price originally
"Glass Mountain" Alison Runyon
"The Glam In Your Eyes," The Channels originally
"The Gleam In Your Eyes" Stay Poole
"The Gleam In Your Yes," The Channels originally
"The Gleam In Your Eyes" One can somehow say "Yes" with a gleam in it?
Stay Poole
"The Gleam In Our Eyes," The Channels originally
"The Gleam In Your Eyes" Stay Poole
"Gleaming Action," Snow Patrol originally
"Gleaming Auction" Kirsten Abercrombie
"Litter In The Air," Pink originally
"Glitter In The Air" That would refer to pollutants.
Diana Jasper
"Gloria's Heme," Adam Wade originally
"Gloria's Theme" Heme = central part of a hemoglobin molecule
Karen Smith
"Gloria's Them," Adam Wade originally
"Gloria's Theme" How can she be more than just herself?
Karen Smith
"The Glorious Libration," Type O Negative originally
"The Glorious Liberation" Libration= certain motions of Moon seen from Earth
Stephanie Craddock
Her album covers could better suggest new title!
Iris Verna
Entries starting with G are split into multiple pages: 1 2 3 4 5
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