Change one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
For example: Midnight Oil's "Blue Sky Mine" would become "Blue Sky Mime"
Entries Beginning with Y, Page 13
Entries starting with Y are split into multiple pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
"Your Mind Is On Vocation," Marlena Shaw originally
"Your Mind Is On Vacation" Yvette Bristle
"Your Mend Is On Vacation," Marlena Shaw originally
"Your Mind Is On Vacation" Rachel Stedman
"Your Hind Is On Vacation," Marlena Shaw originally
"Your Mind Is On Vacation" Yvette Bristle
"Your Mind Is Of Vacation," Marlena Shaw originally
"Your Mind Is On Vacation" Yvette Bristle
"Sour Mind Is On Vacation," Marlena Shaw originally
"Your Mind Is On Vacation" Yvette Bristle
"Tour Mind Is On Vacation," Marlena Shaw originally
"Your Mind Is On Vacation" Yvette Bristle
"Your Mink Is On Vacation," Marlena Shaw originally
"Your Mind Is On Vacation" Yvette Bristle
"Your Money Or Your Lice," Ice Cube originally
"Your Money Or Your Life" I'd take the money!
"Your Money Or Your Wife," Ice Cube originally
"Your Money Or Your Life" Candy Welty
"Your Honey Or Your Life," Ice Cube originally
"Your Money Or Your Life" Candy Welty
"Your Money Or Your Fife," Ice Cube originally
"Your Money Or Your Life" Candy Welty
"Sour Name Is Beautiful," Carl Smith originally
"Your Name Is Beautiful" Didn't think a sour name was beautiful!
Blake Dreary
"Your Pose Is Gonna Grow," Johnny Crawford originally
"Your Nose Is Gonna Grow" Jessica Childress
"Your Note Is Gonna Grow," Johnny Crawford originally
"Your Nose Is Gonna Grow" Jessica Childress
"Your Rose Is Gonna Grow," Johnny Crawford originally
"Your Nose Is Gonna Grow" Jessica Childress
"Your Nose Is Gonna Glow," Johnny Crawford originally
"Your Nose Is Gonna Grow" Jessica Childress
"Your Dose Is Gonna Grow," Johnny Crawford originally
"Your Nose Is Gonna Grow" Jessica Childress
"Your Hose Is Gonna Grow," Johnny Crawford originally
"Your Nose Is Gonna Grow" Jessica Childress
"Your Odd Stand By," Mary Wells originally
"Your Old Stand By" Regina Olsen
"Your Own Special May," Genesis originally
"Your Own Special Way" Not many people get their own month.
"Your Own Special Wax," Genesis originally
"Your Own Special Way" Mallory
"Your Own Special Day," Genesis originally
"Your Own Special Way" Would that be your birthday?
"Your Own Special Wag," Genesis originally
"Your Own Special Way" Some dogs & cats have special wags of their tails.
"Your Own Special Pay," Genesis originally
"Your Own Special Way" Mallory
"Your Possible Pasta," Pink Floyd originally
"Your Possible Pasts" hamburger456
Wain = archaic for "wagon"
Karen Smith
"Your Secret's Sale With Me," Michael Franks originally
"Your Secret's Safe With Me" Franks will sell all your secrets!
"Your Secret's Sale With Me," Michael Franks originally
"Your Secret's Safe With Me" Makes no more sense than the original title
"Your Secret's Sane With Me," Michael Franks originally
"Your Secret's Safe With Me" Marcia Todd
"Your Secret's Safe With Ma," Michael Franks originally
"Your Secret's Safe With Me" That's what mother's are for.
"Your Sucret's Safe With Me," Michael Franks originally
"Your Secret's Safe With Me" You can keep your breathe mints with Franks.
"Your Smiting Face," James Taylor originally
"Your Smiling Face" What happens if you don't shave for several days?
"Your Sailing Face," James Taylor originally
"Your Smiling Face" Would this be literally impossible?
That is, a Sony product belonging to you.
A 60-minute musical recording? That's quite long!!
"Your Dime Is Gonna Come," Led Zeppelin originally
"Your Time Is Gonna Come" I wanted more than a dime!
"Your Mime Is Gonna Come," Led Zeppelin originally
"Your Time Is Gonna Come" I didn't order a mime!
"Your Unchanging Dove," Marvin Gaye originally
"Your Unchanging Love" Candy Welty
"Your Unchanging Move," Marvin Gaye originally
"Your Unchanging Love" Candy Welty
"Your Unchanging Lore," Marvin Gaye originally
"Your Unchanging Love" Candy Welty
"Your Unchanging Cove," Marvin Gaye originally
"Your Unchanging Love" Candy Welty
"Your Unchanging Lode," Marvin Gaye originally
"Your Unchanging Love" Candy Welty
"Sour Unchanging Love," Marvin Gaye originally
"Your Unchanging Love" Candy Welty
"Your Wind Heart," Joy Layne originally
"Your Wild Heart" How would a wind heart work?!? Wind it up?
Regina Olsen
"Your Mild Heart," Joy Layne originally
"Your Wild Heart" Regina Olsen
"Your Wily Heart," Joy Layne originally
"Your Wild Heart" Regina Olsen
"Sour Wild Heart," Joy Layne originally
"Your Wild Heart" Regina Olsen
Same sound, different meaning
Jessica Childress
Horst = a geological uplifted block of rock
Jessica Childress
"Couth Gone Wild," Skid Row originally
"Youth Gone Wild" Good manners gone wild? That's just not right.
"South Gone Wild," Skid Row originally
"Youth Gone Wild" Nobody
"Louth Gone Wild," Skid Row originally
"Youth Gone Wild" Louth = a county in Ireland
Lindsay Doyle
"Mouth Gone Wild," Skid Row originally
"Youth Gone Wild" Alyssa Jayne
"Youth Gone Mild," Skid Row originally
"Youth Gone Wild" Ed
"Youth Done Wild," Skid Row originally
"Youth Gone Wild" Joe
"Youth Of The Notion," P.O.D. originally
"Youth Of The Nation" Joanna Hawthorne
"South Of The Nation," P.O.D. originally
"Youth Of The Nation" Sam Bucus the elder
"Mouth Of The Nation," P.O.D. originally
"Youth Of The Nation" Sam Bucus the elder
Entries starting with Y are split into multiple pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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