This is the most recent information about Marlena Shaw that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Marlena Shaw, then
we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).
Also known as: Marlena Burgess. Submitted by: Candy Welty
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"Nothing But Leers" | "Nothing But Tears " | Secret |
"Nothing But Meers" | "Nothing But Tears " | Secret |
"Nothing But Peers" | "Nothing But Tears" | Marlene L. Ram |
"Nothing But Jeers" | "Nothing But Tears" | Marlene L. Ram |
"Nothing But Beers" | "Nothing But Tears" | Marlene L. Ram |
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"Loving You Was Like A Party," | Loving somebody isn't ANYTHING like a party | Hota Copy |
"Things Don't Never Go My Way," | Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. | Yvette Bristle |
"You Taught Me How To Speak In Love," | Love is an emotion, not a language. | Yvette Bristle |
"Loving You Was Like A Party," | Loving doesn't resemble a party. | Yvette Bristle |
"Love Is In Flight," | Love is an emotion and it doesn't fly. | Yvette Bristle |
There are additional literally impossible song titles available. |
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"Go Away Little Boy," Marlena Shaw | "Go Away Little Girl," Donny Osmond |
"Things Don't Ever Go My Way" originally "Things Don't Never Go My Way"
Corrects the grammar
Yvette Bristle
"You Taught Me How To Peak In Love" originally "You Taught Me How To Speak In Love"
Yvette Bristle
"Loving You Was Like A Part" originally "Loving You Was Like A Party"
Yvette Bristle
"Love Is In Fight" originally "Love Is In Flight"
Yvette Bristle
"Love Is In Light" originally "Love Is In Flight"
Yvette Bristle
There are additional song titles with a letter removed available.
"Your Mindy Is On Vacation" originally "Your Mind Is On Vacation"
Rachel Stedman
"You Taught Men How To Speak In Love" originally "You Taught Me How To Speak In Love"
Yvette Bristle
"You Taught Mel How To Speak In Love" originally "You Taught Me How To Speak In Love"
Yvette Bristle
"You Taught Meg How To Speak In Love" originally "You Taught Me How To Speak In Love"
Yvette Bristle
"You Taught Me How To Speak In Clove" originally "You Taught Me How To Speak In Love"
Yvette Bristle
There are additional song titles with a letter added available.
"Your Kind Is On Vacation" originally "Your Mind Is On Vacation"
Fiona Montrose
"Your Wind Is On Vacation" originally "Your Mind Is On Vacation"
Rachel Stedman
"Your Mini Is On Vacation" originally "Your Mind Is On Vacation"
Mini what?
Rachel Stedman
"Your Mend Is On Vacation" originally "Your Mind Is On Vacation"
Rachel Stedman
"Things Don't Never Do My Way" originally "Things Don't Never Go My Way"
Yvette Bristle
There are additional song titles with a letter changed available.
A Harlem Swan Submitted by: Ava Rice
Shawl Man Era Submitted by: Rachel Stedman
Hen Saw Marla Submitted by: Vicky Norton
Marla Saw Hen Submitted by: Vicky Norton
Saw Hen Marla Submitted by: Vicky Norton
There are additional Band Name Anagrams available.
"Loving Ikea Was Partly You" originally "Loving You Was Like A Party"
Said to a former Ikea employee?
Submitted by: Edyth Bowen
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