Change one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
For example: Midnight Oil's "Blue Sky Mine" would become "Blue Sky Mime"
Entries Beginning with W, Page 26
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"Will In The Country," Elvis Presley originally
"Wild In The Country" Candy Welty
"Weld In The Country," Elvis Presley originally
"Wild In The Country" Candy Welty
That would be wild, indeed!
"Wild Rope," Nick Cave originally
"Wild Rose" Dan
"Wild Nose," Nick Cave originally
"Wild Rose" Dan
"Mild Rose," Nick Cave originally
"Wild Rose" Jack
"Wind Rose," Nick Cave originally
"Wild Rose" A wind rose is a symbol on weather maps.
Kristin Hadley's Boyfriend
Kristin Hadley's Boyfriend
Wild but hardly disgusting
Karen Smith
"Wildblower," Skylark originally
"Wildflower" FussBudget
"Windflower," Skylark originally
"Wildflower" MOR
"Will His Love Be Like His Gum," Harry Belafonte originally
"Will His Love Be Like His Rum" Candy Welty
"Will There Be Any Stars In My Clown?," Ferlin Husky originally
"Will There Be Any Stars In My Crown?" Lucinda Blair
"Kill You," P. O. D. originally
"Will You" Terror Reid
"Will You Be Slaying After Sunday," Peppermint Rainbow originally
"Will You Be Staying After Sunday" Amber Penn
"Will You Be Spaying After Sunday," Peppermint Rainbow originally
"Will You Be Staying After Sunday" Amber Penn
"Will You Move Me Tomorrow," The Shirelles originally
"Will You Love Me Tomorrow" Earl York
"Will You Love Ma Tomorrow," The Shirelles originally
"Will You Love Me Tomorrow" Earl York
"Will You Lose Me Tomorrow?," The Shirelles originally
"Will You Love Me Tomorrow?" I should hope not...
"Will You Still Love Ma?," Chicago originally
"Will You Still Love Me?" George
"Will You Still Lose Me?," Chicago originally
"Will You Still Love Me?" Clint Westwood
"Will You Still Move Me?," Chicago originally
"Will You Still Love Me?" George
"Will You Wail For Me?," Kavana originally
"Will You Wait For Me?" Jessica Childress
"Will You Bait For Me?," Kavana originally
"Will You Wait For Me?" Jessica Childress
"Will You Want For Me?," Kavana originally
"Will You Wait For Me?" Jessica Childress
"Will Lou Wait For Me?," Kavana originally
"Will You Wait For Me?" Jessica Childress
"Will You Wait For Ma?," Kavana originally
"Will You Wait For Me?" Jessica Childress
"Billie And The Hand Jive," Johnny Otis originally
"Willie And The Hand Jive" Serafina
"Willie And The Hard Jive," Johnny Otis originally
"Willie And The Hand Jive" Serafina
A song about shaking pinball tables too much?
Changes the title to past tense!
So that I can do what with it, exactly?
"Win Your Love For Ma," Sam Cooke originally
"Win Your Love For Me" Candy Welty
"Win Your Dove For Me," Sam Cooke originally
"Win Your Love For Me" Candy Welty
"Win Your Love For Ma," Sam Cooke originally
"Win Your Love For Me" Alyssa Jayne
"Win Your Lode For Me," Sam Cooke originally
"Win Your Love For Me" Candy Welty
"Pin Your Love For Me," Sam Cooke originally
"Win Your Love For Me" Alyssa Jayne
"Win Your Cove For Me," Sam Cooke originally
"Win Your Love For Me" Candy Welty
"Win Sour Love For Me," Sam Cooke originally
"Win Your Love For Me" Who would want to win sour love?
Alyssa Jayne
"Won Your Love For Me," Sam Cooke originally
"Win Your Love For Me" Candy Welty
"Win Your Lore For Me," Sam Cooke originally
"Win Your Love For Me" Candy Welty
"Wing Beneath My Wings," Bette Midler originally
"Wind Beneath My Wings" You mean there's another one hidden?
"Wind Beneath My Rings," Bette Midler originally
"Wind Beneath My Wings" Serafina
"Wink Beneath My Wings," Bette Midler originally
"Wind Beneath My Wings" Shannon Ingrid Travis
"Mind Beneath My Wings," Bette Midler originally
"Wind Beneath My Wings" Serafina
"Wand Beneath My Wings," Bette Midler originally
"Wind Beneath My Wings" Makes those wings magical?
Shannon Ingrid Travis
"Wild Beneath My Wings," Bette Midler originally
"Wind Beneath My Wings" Serafina
"Wine Beneath My Wings," Bette Midler originally
"Wind Beneath My Wings" George Straitjacket
"Wind Beneath My Winds," Bette Midler originally
"Wind Beneath My Wings" George Straitjacket
"The Wind Cried Mary," Jimi Hendrix originally
"The Wind Cries Mary" Changing present tense to past!
"The Wind Cries Macy," Jimi Hendrix originally
"The Wind Cries Mary" Rhoda Dohr
"The Wind Cries Mark," Jimi Hendrix originally
"The Wind Cries Mary" hamburger456
"The Wind Cries Gary," Jimi Hendrix originally
"The Wind Cries Mary" sex-change by altering a letter
Alanis More Upset
"The Wind Cries Many," Jimi Hendrix originally
"The Wind Cries Mary" ...times.
"The Mind Cries Mary," Jimi Hendrix originally
"The Wind Cries Mary" He's crying in his head.
Johnny, Part 2
"The Hind Cries Mary," Jimi Hendrix originally
"The Wind Cries Mary" Rhoda Dohr
"The Wind Dries Mary," Jimi Hendrix originally
"The Wind Cries Mary" Regina Olsen
"The Wind Fries Mary," Jimi Hendrix originally
"The Wind Cries Mary" Sounds like a vicious northerly!
"Wink In The Willow," Jo Stafford originally
"Wind In The Willow" Candy Welty
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