Change one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
For example: Midnight Oil's "Blue Sky Mine" would become "Blue Sky Mime"
Entries Beginning with R, Page 12
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"Dock Me Amadeus," Falco originally
"Rock Me Amadeus" Victoria's Secret Agent Orange Marmalade
"Rack Me Amadeus," Falco originally
"Rock Me Amadeus" Victoria's Secret Agent Orange Marmalade
"Lock Me Amadeus," Falco originally
"Rock Me Amadeus" Victoria's Secret Agent Orange Marmalade
"Lock Me Gently," Andy Kim originally
"Rock Me Gently" I can't take all the potential pain!
"Rack Me Gently," Andy Kim originally
"Rock Me Gently" IOW, gently put me on a rack
"Sock Me Gently," Andy Kim originally
"Rock Me Gently" Yvette Bristle
"Rock Ma Gently," Andy Kim originally
"Rock Me Gently" Samantha Wayland
"Rock Ma Gently," Andy Kim originally
"Rock Me Gently" Yvette Bristle
"Mock Me Gently," Andy Kim originally
"Rock Me Gently" Ahem, no comment!
"Rock Mu Gently," Andy Kim originally
"Rock Me Gently" The same should apply to all Greek letters?
Samantha Wayland
"Rock Me Gentry," Andy Kim originally
"Rock Me Gently" IOW, I want Bobbie gentry to rock me
"Hock Me Gently," Andy Kim originally
"Rock Me Gently" Samantha Wayland
"Dock Me Gently," Andy Kim originally
"Rock Me Gently" IOW, be gentle with me when you lower my salary
"Rock Me Gentle," Andy Kim originally
"Rock Me Gently" little change in meaning
"Rock N' Roll (Will Take You To The Fountain)," Skrillex originally
"Rock N' Roll (Will Take You To The Mountain)" Meredith Harshaw
That sock is getting to smell, really bad.
Joe Cocker Spaniel
"The Sock Show," Blink 182 originally
"The Rock Show" a show about socks? (:
"Rock Six Tiles," Starz originally
"Rock Six Times" Yvette Bristle
"Rock Six Limes," Starz originally
"Rock Six Times" Yvette Bristle
"Rock Six Tires," Starz originally
"Rock Six Times" Yvette Bristle
"Mock Six Times," Starz originally
"Rock Six Times" Yvette Bristle
"Rock Six Mimes," Starz originally
"Rock Six Times" Yvette Bristle
"Dock Six Times," Starz originally
"Rock Six Times" Yvette Bristle
"Sock Six Times," Starz originally
"Rock Six Times" Yvette Bristle
"Rock Six Dimes," Starz originally
"Rock Six Times" Yvette Bristle
"Lock Six Times," Starz originally
"Rock Six Times" Yvette Bristle
If you don't want it stolen.
Makes perfect sense!
"Mock The Casbah," The Clash originally
"Rock The Casbah" Knick Knack Kerouac Give The Dog A Bone
"Lock The Casbah," The Clash originally
"Rock The Casbah" Jen
"Rock The Horse!," Lead originally
"Rock The House!" Poor horsie
"Rock The Sight," Europe originally
"Rock The Night" Candy Welty
"Rock The Might," Europe originally
"Rock The Night" Candy Welty
"Hock The Night," Europe originally
"Rock The Night" Candy Welty
"Rock The Fight," Europe originally
"Rock The Night" Candy Welty
"Sock The Night," Europe originally
"Rock The Night" Candy Welty
"Rock The Light," Europe originally
"Rock The Night" Candy Welty
"Rock The Eight," Europe originally
"Rock The Night" Candy Welty
"Lock The Night," Europe originally
"Rock The Night" Candy Welty
"Rock The Right," Europe originally
"Rock The Night" Candy Welty
"Mock The Night," Europe originally
"Rock The Night" Candy Welty
"Rock This Gown," Stray Cats originally
"Rock This Town" The Quirkfetch Kid
"Sock This Town," Stray Cats originally
"Rock This Town" Paige Evans
"Mock This Town," Stray Cats originally
"Rock This Town" nuwavechick
"Cock This Town," Stray Cats originally
"Rock This Town" Paige Evans
"Rock This Down," Stray Cats originally
"Rock This Town" nuwavechick
"Rock Thin Town," Stray Cats originally
"Rock This Town" Paige Evans
"Lock This Town," Stray Cats originally
"Rock This Town" nuwavechick
"Dock This Town," Stray Cats originally
"Rock This Town" nuwavechick
Jackson wants you to have a German beer with him.
Martha Hankins
"Lock You Like A Hurricane," The Scorpions originally
"Rock You Like A Hurricane" Dyan Cannonball
"Mock You Like A Hurricane," The Scorpions originally
"Rock You Like A Hurricane" Naomi Swanson
Gives a name to the baby
Millie Verst
That'll be 20% off your paycheck, baby!
Random Mysteryperson
Bad idea!
Random Mysteryperson
As in cocking your gun :).
Random Mysteryperson
"Cock-A-Doodle-Doo," Linda Lewis originally
"Rock-A-Doodle-Doo" The typical crow of a rooster!
"The Rockafeller Skink," Fatboy Slim originally
"The Rockafeller Skank" Now it's a song about a lizard!
Pepsi's Hartebeest
"Rockerfellar Skunk," Fatboy Slim originally
"Rockerfellar Skank" Joe Siebert
How'd this one get missed?
They later had a song called "Let's Get Rocked"
"Locket 2 U," The Jets originally
"Rocket 2 U" Candy Welty
"Racket 2 U," The Jets originally
"Rocket 2 U" Candy Welty
"Socket 2 U," The Jets originally
"Rocket 2 U" Candy Welty
"Pocket 2 U," The Jets originally
"Rocket 2 U" Candy Welty
"Rocker 2 U," The Jets originally
"Rocket 2 U" Candy Welty
Here come da judge!
Rafeal De La Ghetto
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