Change one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
For example: Midnight Oil's "Blue Sky Mine" would become "Blue Sky Mime"
Entries Beginning with F, Page 17
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"Francine," ZZ Top originally
"Francene" Pronounced the same way
Candy Welty
"Frances Farter Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle," Nirvana originally
"Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle" Wendy Torrance
"Break City U.S.A.," The Bar-Kays originally
"Freak City U.S.A." Yvette Bristle
"Freak Pity U.S.A.," The Bar-Kays originally
"Freak City U.S.A." Yvette Bristle
"Creak City U.S.A.," The Bar-Kays originally
"Freak City U.S.A." Yvette Bristle
"Freak Cite U.S.A.," The Bar-Kays originally
"Freak City U.S.A." Yvette Bristle
"Freak Ma," Silk originally
"Freak Me" Polly Cannon
"Break Me," Silk originally
"Freak Me" Ed
"The Freaks Come Out At Light," Whodini originally
"The Freaks Come Out At Night" Regina Olsen
"The Freaks Come Gut At Night," Whodini originally
"The Freaks Come Out At Night" Regina Olsen
"The Freaks Come Cut At Night," Whodini originally
"The Freaks Come Out At Night" Cut what?
Regina Olsen
"Thy Freaks Come Out At Night," Whodini originally
"The Freaks Come Out At Night" Regina Olsen
"The Freaks Comb Out At Night," Whodini originally
"The Freaks Come Out At Night" Regina Olsen
"Freaky Curl," Gucci Mane originally
"Freaky Gurl" Daisy Pappus
"Creaky Gurl," Gucci Mane originally
"Freaky Gurl" Joanna Hawthorne
"Freaky Gull," Gucci Mane originally
"Freaky Gurl" Jessica Childress
"Freaky Girl," Gucci Mane originally
"Freaky Gurl" Corrects the spelling!
Jessica Childress
"Flee As A Bird," The Beatles originally
"Free As A Bird" Birds do flee, you know
Soleil Moon Frye with thorns in her hair
"Tie Free Electric Band," Albert Hammond originally
"The Free Electric Band" Yvette Bristle
"The Free Electric Bang," Albert Hammond originally
"The Free Electric Band" Yvette Bristle
"The Free Electric Sand," Albert Hammond originally
"The Free Electric Band" Yvette Bristle
"The Free Electric Bend," Albert Hammond originally
"The Free Electric Band" Yvette Bristle
"The Free Electric Bans," Albert Hammond originally
"The Free Electric Band" Yvette Bristle
"The Free Electric Land," Albert Hammond originally
"The Free Electric Band" Yvette Bristle
"The Flee Electric Band," Albert Hammond originally
"The Free Electric Band" Yvette Bristle
"The Fred Electric Band," Albert Hammond originally
"The Free Electric Band" Yvette Bristle
"The Free Electric Wand," Albert Hammond originally
"The Free Electric Band" Yvette Bristle
"The Free Electric Hand," Albert Hammond originally
"The Free Electric Band" Yvette Bristle
"The Tree Electric Band," Albert Hammond originally
"The Free Electric Band" Yvette Bristle
"The Free Electric Bond," Albert Hammond originally
"The Free Electric Band" Yvette Bristle
"The Free Electric Bard," Albert Hammond originally
"The Free Electric Band" Yvette Bristle
"The Free Electric Bank," Albert Hammond originally
"The Free Electric Band" Yvette Bristle
"The Free Mall," Beam and Yanou originally "The Free Fall"
It's a free mall, where everything's free.
Ten Second Braeden
"Free Calling," Tom Petty originally
"Free Falling" Shocked no one came up w/ this, since we want it.
"Fred Falling," Tom Petty originally
"Free Falling" Andrew Dil
"Tree Falling," Tom Petty originally
"Free Falling" Timber!!!!
John A. Barry
"Free Failing," Tom Petty originally
"Free Falling" Where you really get what you pay for.
Drew Scarymore
"Free Balling," Tom Petty originally
"Free Falling" John A. Barry
"Free Filling," Tom Petty originally
"Free Falling" Cheap trip to the dentist!
"Tree For All," Ted Nugent originally
"Free For All" Miranda Turner
who cares what my name is
who cares what my name is
"Tree Man In Paris," Joni Mitchell originally
"Free Man In Paris" Sutch
In most any episode of 'The Flintstones'
Lynne O'Leahy-Cassid
BIG hit with our Asian friends
Ride in a tree? Maybe in 'Lord Of The Rings'
Lynne O'Leahy-Cassid
"Fred To Be...You And Me," The New Seekers originally
"Free To Be...You And Me" He'll pose as both of us?
"Free To Carry In," Dean Martin originally
"Free To Carry On" Cassandra
"Bree To Carry On," Dean Martin originally
"Free To Carry On" Bree, as in short for Brianna or Sabrina.
Kayla Stewart
"Free To Tarry On," Dean Martin originally
"Free To Carry On" Kayla Stewart
"Flee To Carry On," Dean Martin originally
"Free To Carry On" Kayla Stewart
"Fred To Carry On," Dean Martin originally
"Free To Carry On" Kayla Stewart
"Tree To Carry On," Dean Martin originally
"Free To Carry On" Kayla Stewart
World of guitars, banjos, etc.?
Yvette Bristle
"Fried From Desire," Gala originally
"Freed From Desire" Peter
"Freedom For The Scallion," Three Dog Night originally
"Freedom For The Stallion" Naomi Swanson
I'd like to see that done!
Martha Hankins
"Freight Trail Blues," Roy Acuff originally
"Freight Train Blues" Dana Thompkins
"Freight Train Glues," Roy Acuff originally
"Freight Train Blues" Dana Thompkins
"French Foreign Region," Frank Sinatra originally
"French Foreign Legion" Candy Welty
"Trench Kisses," Jentina originally
"French Kisses" Priscilla Gadsden
"French Hisses," Jentina originally
"French Kisses" Priscilla Gadsden
"Wrench Kisses," Jentina originally
"French Kisses" Priscilla Gadsden
"French Misses," Jentina originally
"French Kisses" Priscilla Gadsden
"Drench Kissing In The USA," Blondie originally
"French Kissing In The USA" Susan
"Trench Kissing In The USA," Blondie originally
"French Kissing In The USA" Eac Zeffron
"Wrench Kissing In The USA," Blondie originally
"French Kissing In The USA" Jessica Childress
A Hungarian-born, naturalized French person.
Sophie Borden
Whatever that would be!
Sophie Borden
In a French church
Sophie Borden
Why they waterproof the ships
Sophie Borden
"Flesh As A Daisy," Emitt Rhodes originally
"Fresh As A Daisy" Like me! (He-he!)
Daisy Pappus
"Fresh As A Dairy," Emitt Rhodes originally
"Fresh As A Daisy" signawaiver
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