Entries Beginning with B, Page 13
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An oxymoron?
Valerie Cameron
"The Beads," Radiohead originally
"The Bends" Jessica Childress
"Bernie And The Jets," Elton John originally
"Bennie And The Jets" Joe Siebert
"Beanie And The Jets," Elton John originally
"Bennie And The Jets" Grace
"Bonnie And The Jets," Elton John originally
"Bennie And The Jets" Naomi Swanson
"Bennie And The Nets," Elton John originally
"Bennie And The Jets" Song about Bennie's favorite sports team?
Erika Clarkson
"Bennie And The Vets," Elton John originally
"Bennie And The Jets" Erika Clarkson
"Bennie And The Pets," Elton John originally
"Bennie And The Jets" Bridget Andrews
"Bennie And The Mets," Elton John originally
"Bennie And The Jets" Song about Bennie's favorite sports team?
Erika Clarkson
"Bennie And The Bets," Elton John originally
"Bennie And The Jets" Bennie is a bookie, perhaps?
Erika Clarkson
As in Mercedes Benz, of course!
Changing the verb to its original form!
I bent until it tore in two!
Monica Harpootlian
Quite a precious sidewalk(might well bend easily)!
Monica Harpootlian
"Berkshire Puppies," Traffic originally
"Berkshire Poppies" Dionne Peacewick
"Berserk," Eminem originally
"Berzerk" Corrects the spelling!
Keira Dayley
"Boss, You Is My Woman Now," Ella Fitzgerald originally
"Bess, You Is My Woman Now" Julia Cox
"Bess, Lou Is My Woman Now," Ella Fitzgerald originally
"Bess, You Is My Woman Now" At least it has correct grammar
Jacqui O'Day
"Bess, You Is My Roman Now," Ella Fitzgerald originally
"Bess, You Is My Woman Now" Jacqui O'Day
"Best Beag In Town," Switch originally
"Best Beat In Town" Beag=sorceress, keeper of magic well of Irish myth
Karen Smith
"Best Boat In Town," Switch originally
"Best Beat In Town" Karen Smith
"Best Seat In Town," Switch originally
"Best Beat In Town" Alyssa Jayne
"Best Beau In Town," Switch originally
"Best Beat In Town" Karen Smith
"Best Beat In Down," Switch originally
"Best Beat In Town" In County Down, Ireland, perhaps?
Samantha Wayland
"Best Bert In Town," Switch originally
"Best Beat In Town" Best of those named Bert
Karen Smith
"Best Bear In Town," Switch originally
"Best Beat In Town" Alyssa Jayne
"Best Beet In Town," Switch originally
"Best Beat In Town" Now it's about a vegetable.
Karen Smith
"Best Brat In Town," Switch originally
"Best Beat In Town" Samantha Wayland
"Belt Beat In Town," Switch originally
"Best Beat In Town" Karen Smith
"Best Bean In Town," Switch originally
"Best Beat In Town" Alyssa Jayne
"Bost Beat In Town," Switch originally
"Best Beat In Town" Beat of someone named Bost
Karen Smith
"Best Beak In Town," Switch originally
"Best Beat In Town" Alyssa Jayne
"Bert Beat In Town," Switch originally
"Best Beat In Town" Beat of someone named Bert
Karen Smith
"Best Feat In Town," Switch originally
"Best Beat In Town" Alyssa Jayne
"Bent Beat In Town," Switch originally
"Best Beat In Town" Karen Smith
"Best Bead In Town," Switch originally
"Best Beat In Town" Alyssa Jayne
"Best Belt In Town," Switch originally
"Best Beat In Town" Alyssa Jayne
"Best Beat In Gown," Switch originally
"Best Beat In Town" Alyssa Jayne
"Best Beam In Town," Switch originally
"Best Beat In Town" Alyssa Jayne
A full month (in this case, May) rather than 1 day
Ashley Nicole Hendershot-Wetherington
Ashley Nicole Hendershot-Wetherington
Ashley Nicole Hendershot-Wetherington
Ashley Nicole Hendershot-Wetherington
Ashley Nicole Hendershot-Wetherington
Ashley Nicole Hendershot-Wetherington
Ashley Nicole Hendershot-Wetherington
"Test Friend," The Drums originally
"Best Friend" Eileen McKenzie
"Vest Friend," The Drums originally
"Best Friend" A vest friend WON'T think your vest is disgusting!
Karen Smith
"Pest Friend," The Drums originally
"Best Friend" Eileen McKenzie
"Bent Friend," The Drums originally
"Best Friend" Eileen McKenzie
"Best I Even Had," Drake originally
"Best I Ever Had" Alicia Sturdivant
"The Best I Even Had," Gary Allan originally
"The Best I Ever Had" Liberty Anderson
"The Best I Ever Hid," Gary Allan originally
"The Best I Ever Had" Liberty Anderson
"The Rest I Ever Had," Gary Allan originally
"The Best I Ever Had" Liberty Anderson
"The Nest Is Yet To Come," Frank Sinatra originally
"The Best Is Yet To Come" Serafina
"The Beat Is Yet To Come," Frank Sinatra originally
"The Best Is Yet To Come" Serafina
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