This is the most recent information about Paul McCartney And Wings that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Paul McCartney And Wings, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).
Original Song Name | New Song Name | Submitter Name |
"Live And Get Laid" | "Live And Let Die" | kwame |
Song & Band Name | Song & Band Name |
"What You Need," INXS | "My Love," Paul McCartney and Wings |
"Travelin' Band," Creedence Clearwater Revival | "Band On The Run," Paul McCartney And Wings |
"Rock And Roll Band," Boston | "Jet," Paul McCartney and Wings |
Original Song Name | Parody Song Name | Parody Author |
"Jet" | "Brett" | VU & DJ |
"Let Em In" | "Letterman ( The Lets Knoock Up A 14 Year Old Song)" | Malcolm Higgins |
"Listen To Whet The Man Said" | "Listen To Just What Ann Said" | Malcolm Higgins |
"Live And Let Die" | "Vivid Red Dye" | Alvin Rhodes |
"Magneto And Titanium Man" | "Creatin' A Simulacrum Man" | Alvin Rhodes |
"Rock Show" | "Rickshaw" | Alvin Rhodes |
"Band On The Run" | "Land Of The Runts" | Alvin Rhodes |
"Live and Let Die" | "Cheat and Let Fly" | Max Power |
"Maybe I'm Amazed" | "Baby, I'm Ablaze!" | John A. Barry |
"Band on the Run" | "Rat on the Bun" | John A. Barry |
There are additional song parodies available. |
First Band/Song Name | Second Band/Song Name | New Song Name | Submittor |
Fireproof Skillet | Flaming Pie Paul McCartney And Wings | Fireproof Flaming Pie | Trina Lufkin |
Anna Arthur Alexander | Mull Of Kintyre Paul McCartney And Wings | Anna Mull (animal) Of Kintyre | Sharon Norbury |
The Free Electric Band Albert Hammond | Band On The Run Paul McCartney And Wings | The Free Electric Band On The Run | CJE |
Silly Love Songs Paul McCartney And Wings | Space Age Love Song A Flock Of Seagulls | Silly Space Age Love Songs | Edward |
There are additional duets that haven't been done yet available. |
"Junior's Farm"
Misheard Lyrics: Ollie Hardy should have had more sense
He put a chi chi and he jumped the fence Original Lyrics: Bloody Hardy should have had more sense
He bought a gee-gee and he jumped the fence | "Jet"
Misheard Lyrics: Ah Mater, one traitor.
Original Lyrics: Ah, Mater, much later.
"Mull of Kintyre"
Misheard Lyrics: My design will always be here
Original Lyrics: My desire is always to be here
| "Band on the Run"
Misheard Lyrics: Bear on the road
Original Lyrics: Band on the run
There are additional misheard lyrics available. |
Misheard Lyrics: Ah Mater, one traitor.
Original Lyrics: Ah, Mater, much later.
Story about this misheard lyric by: Old Comedywriter For everyone who thought the Major was a lady - we know he's just a traitor. |
There are additional misheard stories available. |
"Nineteen Hundred And Eighty Five"
The Dated Lyrics: Oh no one ever left alive in 1985, will ever do
Why They're Dated: Well this was written in 1973, about 1985, and as of this posting it's 2006. There you go.
Submitted by: Christopher P S
"Live and LEt Die"
The Lyrics: Be fair -- the lyrics are : "But if this ever-changing world in which we're livin'" which is perfectly grammatical.
Why: Actually, I think the proper lyrics do NOT belong in the Bad grammar section and should be removed.
Submitted by: Patrick Di Justo
"Let 'Em In"
The Lyrics: Uncle Ernie, Auntie Gin
Why: Uncle Journey, Auntie N.
Submitted by: Regina Haniger