Whenever I hear a cool phrase somewhere, I like to exclaim "That would make a cool band name". This page is a list of such names.
I can not verify whether these names have been taken yet or not. If your band happens to already use one of these names sorry. If you want to use a name you see here, you'll need to verify it's not already in use.
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Name | Origin | Submitted by: | ||
Sober Homer | I was thinking of oxymorons for band names. Sober and Homer Simpson are pretty contradictory. | KDC_RIP | ||
Soccer Mom Cult | Cause all those Moms in their Mini Vans are so robotic they seem like a cult | Skip | ||
Social Climbers | Well I'm kinda just startin' to fit in and my songs kind of reflect that (its also from hate mail Billy Corgan sent to rolling stone) | Deathawk | ||
Social Overdrive | I was listening to social distortion and the thogut social overdrive nuff said. | hardhitter85 | ||
The Social Rejects | Me and my band member are the unpopular ones in school and we just came up with it | Justin | ||
Social Suicide | All my friends and I in our "band" wear like pinks, and blacks, and just messed up stuff. So its kind of like mixing a prep, a goth, and jock, and everything else. It's kind of like a social suicide...hence the name. | kyla | ||
Social with the anti-social | I was listening in on a group of ten or so people talk about how they are so anti-social. Well they are sitting in a big group talking with a bunch of friends, doesn't seem very anti social to me. So this name goes out to you anti-socials | Killer panda | ||
Socially Acceptable | this is the name of my band. it is cool because we are playing tons of clubs and it is cool to have people call and ask us to ply with them or at a club. | geoff | ||
Socially Unattractive | i dunno. Thats what my teacher told me i was..he said "u are rude, crude and socailly unattractive" | summer | ||
Societies X-Pulsion | "Expulsion"... as to be expelled from society. | Lee | ||
Society Downfall | I got the idea for it when i was thinking about how social distortion got their name. | Riley | ||
Society Of Angelic Potheads | it came to me when l was stone-cold- sober...a long time ago. | wj dodd | ||
Society Of Misfits | Perfect punk/grunge band name. Describes their fans to a "t". | ridicoo us | ||
Society of the Barking Fish | Purely random; no rhyme or reason | Woody Thomas | ||
Society Rejects | Because in school, we were always rejected from the usual group of the "Popular" kids. Soon everyone else followed their example of ignoring us, making us, society's rejects. | Sasha | ||
The Sociopath Next Door | I was in a book store and came across a book about antisocial personality disorder. I named my metal band after the title, because I thought it was a catchy name. | Mark | ||
Socken | It's the name of my band @ skool. It means 'sock' in German. | Paul M | ||
Socks Vital | Because, no matter how hard you try to convince yourselves otherwise, they are, aren't they? An acquaintance, Alison Berry, came up with this one in about 1993 and I've always remembered it, even though we're no longer in touch. | Jimbob | ||
The Sofa Killers | My friend and I were out shopping one day. We sat down on a bench to have a drink, and some random man came behind us and shouted out "Sofa killers!" It was so funny and embarrasing. I think this would be a great name for a rock band. | amy lou | ||
Sofa King Retarded | Lol... me and my drummer thought it was funny....P*ss people off by saying it fast | Bob | ||
Sofa Kings | My friend and I used this for a while because we were so good at being lazy. | quik | ||
The Soft-Sharp-Positive-Negative-Modern-Old People | My friend were playing "Opposites"; that's where it came from. | Sheep-Stealer From Outer Space | ||
Softie Cleaner | This came to me randomly | wonka bar | ||
The Soggy Bottom Boys | What a name. O Brother where art Thou. | YASMR | ||
Soggy Cupcakes | Spin off of "Limp Bizkit." | robster lobster | ||
The Soggy Muffins | My brother's history teacher was talking about tax issues and said, Say Jumping Joe and the Soggy Muffins decided not to pay taxes. So I thought The Soggy Muffins sounded pretty good. | Mike | ||
Soggy When Wet | My friend Marc and I are always doing random stuff. At first it was "I like fried chicken". Then it led into "Yea, but friend chicken gets soggy when you put it in water"(we were at a pool party), hence the name-- Soggy When Wet, look for us | Win | ||
The Sogs | Basically it came up whilst chatting to a friend on msn he mis-spelled song and wrote sogs instead then he said he wanted to start a band so i suggested the sogs | Rachel | ||
Soiled Linen | me and a couple friends were visiting another friend in the hospital, seen this on a laundry chute thing, and i said "hey, that sounds like a sweet band name" | Randy | ||
Soiled Linen | well, we were visiting a friend in the hospital, and saw a hamper with "Soiled Linen" written on it...so we were all like "man.....awesome band name" but we ended up with VENT, so SOILED LINEN is still out there | Randy Regnier | ||
Solar Rabbit | We were given a worksheet in my eighth grade science class one time, and one of the questions had a bunch of diagrams with arrows and animals, and said, "Which diagram shows the correct path of the transfer of energy?" or something like that. One of the diagrams had an arrow going from the sun to a rabbit, and I thought, "Hey, neat, solar rabbit!" Also can be considered a tribute to the song "Atomic Dog" by some dude whose name I can't remember. | Cessi | ||
Soldier Jock | My drummer is an electronics repair Tech Sargent in the Airforce. While he was away in Baghdad the keyboard player would keep refereng to the drummer as Soldier Jock and the name just took off. | 7String | ||
Solid Waste | It was a name for a heavy metal band suggested to me by a hippie. | dksnyc | ||
Solstice Of Suffering | I think it's cool because the initials are SOS. I came up with it because I was searching through font names and I saw this. | Connor | ||
Solus | It's Latin for 'alone'. | david | ||
Solution 55 | Look up Psalm 55 in the bible | Brumby | ||
Soma | It's the name for the drug that everyone takes in the novel "Brave New World" written by Aldous Huxley. It's a mix of cocaine, heroin, etc. Basically, it's a really good pill. | Ahmead Bakir | ||
Some Dead Guys | This is actually our band name at the time. We thought it would be cool to hear the radio dj say something like, "here's song title by Some Dead Guys." Plus it yields for some cool album names like "Killed to Death" "Pushing Up Daisies" and, this is totally unrelated, "Gyration Station." | Fredo | ||
Some Loud Teenagers | That's what they are. | Lori Blonde | ||
Some Young Guy | Its cool because it sounds Korean but its not. I thought of it after hearing a funny joke. | Will Schildknecht | ||
Somebody Popular | Well.....there's this one pretty sweet song called Vindicated and I didn't really know who sang it. So.....i kinda asked mi dad who sang it annd he said "somebody popular" and i really thought that was the person who sang it. Turns out, Dashboared Confessional sings it and when the song came on the radio, i was like "I know who sings this, they're called Somebody Popular!" My friend looked at me and was like..."No it's Dashboared Confessional, u retard!" and so, i still thought that it was a pretty sweet name and that's kinda y i just typed all of this... | Taylor | ||
Someone Else's Cumberbund | pondering why girls and guys have to match at prom. obvious couples shouldn't have to share the same color, match someone else's cumberbund! | stacy | ||
Something Appalling | It's a lyric from "Comedy Tonight" from the musical " A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum". Another death metal band that would have Zero Mostel spinning in his grave. | Lance Crackers | ||
Something Better | My friend's band has no good name. Infact, a crappy name. So I said they should be something better. Which they're not. | The Dork Matt | ||
Something For The Weekend | coz that's why the band started, as something to do for the weekend. also for the sexual undercurrent. the idea was to give away free condoms at our concerts and get sponsored for it ...but as was realistically expected, this never came to be. | Dominik Brotherton | ||
Something Obscene | That's what i would name my band... if i had a band and any musical talent, or not! | Kerri | ||
Something Offbeat | It used to be our band name. Sometimes, when we were practicing, one of us would go off beat. When one person would match someone else, we'd all start to fall offbeat, good for an alternative or punk band | XstillzX | ||
Something Original | i was thinking of a band name and i though "i need something original" then i realised that it sounded cool | james | ||
Something Strange | Well, every time someone asks me what the name of my band is, I've always been in a band with a really lame name. So, I usually just say "It's something strange". And they're like "C'mon! Tell me!"... So, I decided to name the next band I'm in "Something Strange" so when they ask me, it'll go down like this: Me: I'm in a band. Person: What's your band named? Me: Something Strange Person: Yeah, but what's the name. Me: SOMETHING STRANGE! Person: Just tell me the frickin' name! Me: It's Something Strange!!!!! Person: Fine, don't tell me.... I don't even care anyway. | Thrasher | ||
Something Stupid | Like many of the names on this list, this is something stupid, but it would appear as though the band didnt bother to come up with "something stupid" and used it as their name | Yes I Am | ||
Something To Do With A Duck | Me and some mates were going to a local gig, and one of them wastrying to remember the groups that were playing, one of which was called strange duck, she couldnt remember the name so simply came out with: something to do with a duck and we all loved it... | Faelfain | ||
Sometimes Never | Have you ever had to do a stupid thing around the house and your mom would always ask you if you finished or not? You would reply I'll do it sometime today but you really meant never so that's where sometime never comes in and it sounds kinda awesome! | Music4life | ||
Somus Taf | Becaus backwards it spells 'Fat Sumos', and everything is to do with Japanese wrestling these days. | ed Davis | ||
Sonagi | means rain in korean. could work for a rock band | soomin | ||
Songmaker's (silent) cry | In one of my favourite and saddest Nightwish songs "Dead Boys Poem" there is a line in which Songmaker's cry can be found. I think it would be a good name for bands with similar but more gentle music as Nightwish. | Cynthia Cardui | ||
Songs for Gay Dogs | It was an album from the early 1960's (back when "gay" meant "happy"). | JeReMy | ||
Sonic Death Monkeys | i heard jack black say it in john cusack movie...dont remember the title | Realm_of_satan | ||
Sonic Fire | My friend and I were trying to come up with a band name. I have an old set of comic books: "Sonic the Hedgehog" and "Fantastic 4" (the one with the Human Torch on the side) So I put the 2 together. Kinda lame, but hey, you never know what people are looking for. | Fortified4ever | ||
Sonic Fuse | just sounds nice nice if it was a rock band that dabbles in other genres..smiley face! | metal daisy | ||
Sonic Horizons | Is that not just cool? That's our band's current name. I was reading a physics book and there was a thing called a sonic horizon, kind of like a black hole's 'event horizon', but anyways, I thought it sounded really cool. We take 'Sonic', being sound, and Horizons, being like a limit or the end, and slap um together and get, "The limits and boundaries of sound which we must overcome" | The Shocker | ||
Sonic Superslide | Taken from a song by The Go Gos. It's a great name for a band. Their music would be catchy, uptempo, melodic, upbeat and fun. They would also do some 80s style pop power ballads. The kind that build to a climax in the middle and then come down at the end and are very melodic and touching. Their power ballads would be quite memorable. | Edward | ||
Sonix Boom | I came up with this name because I like rockin' video game music like that of the nw sonic games, I rest my case. I think it's a cool name because of all the misspellings in band names. | Joshua | ||
Sons Of Eden | Peter | |||
Sons Of Kane | Because me and my mates were thinking of a band name. I thought of the wrestler Kane, and then thought that Sons of Kane was a cool idea. | chris | ||
Sons of Play | This name kind of gives you the feeling: these boys really work hard and don't do it just for the money...after all...it's a family thing. | ivorin | ||
Soon, Yet Zen | Named after the famous Chinese guy Sun Yat Sen. | J.C. | ||
sooner not later | we are still young but we wana hit it big soon key word there soon a in sooner not later PEACE IM OUTA HERE | tim k | ||
SOP (scars of past) | I was jus thinkin of my past which left scars on my heart and thought these scars are Scars of past!!!! and then suddenly thought "it sounds good as a band name" | paras raina | ||
Sophie's Gravitas | I read it in a book. it goes something like "She was as intelligent, and beautiful. But none of Sophie's gravitas." | Alpha | ||
Sopwith Camel-Toe | Yeah- we're talking "wing span" here! Great band from the '60's, now fronted by Alanis Morisette | princejellyfish | ||
Sordid Evil | I was playing that game 'resident evil', then I just replaced resident with sordid and thought that would be a cool heavy metal band name. | 50 cent rocks | ||
The Sore Feasons | I was just looking at the Band Spoonerisms page on amiright, and thought this one (a spoonerism of The Four Seasons) would be cool. A feason might be an alternative name for feet. | In Deer O' Ghandi | ||
Sorely Mistaken | sounds cool enough | deadeye | ||
Sorrowful Songs Of The Weeping Willow | While watching weeping willow limbs blowing in the wind, the wind made a whistling a very sad but deep whistle like it was singing a lullaby. | Trent | ||
SOS | Well, all bands drift apart sometime so SOS means help. So, when their going through this time it's like help. | s.s | ||
Soul Nite | My friend and I were coming up with band names and she came up with this one, perhaps for Evanescence-like music. The debut album would be called "Life and Death" and half the cover would be live things (butterfly, girl's face) and the other half, dead things (fallen leaves, skull). | you | ||
Soul Submission | Well me and my friend are both interested with death and its a cool hard rock name. | ADHD | ||
Soul Terror | It's from a Facebook post to find your "mysterious hooded figure name". My brother's friend (the same one from Sexist Chainsaw Massacre) got the name "Soul Terror" | JeReMy | ||
Soul Therapists | Instead of The Soul Rapists, which was submitted to Stupid Band Names | JeReMy | ||
Soul Through A Straw | It was from a cartoon I saw like a year ago. Can't remember anything but that. | GlamRockNinjaLord | ||
Souldrop | It's the name of a small town somewhere in the Anglian region of England - I spotted it on a road sign and thought it was more suited to a TLC-type group than a town... there're some pretty interesting town/city names out there but none so far that I think are more suited to a band than this one | miss bad example | ||
Soulever | Soulever means "to lift or peel back" in Spanish. I read it on the label on a pack of tissues encased in plastic wrapping. And the rest was history. | Tack | ||
SoulJahs | Well, I got the name from P.O.D. It's a word they use a lot and I thought that it would be a cool name for a band. Now my band uses it. They spelling is cool because it catches your eye, and it helps people remember the name. | Tyler | ||
Soulless Survivor | Sometimes people who survive turn out to be total jerks. | RevengeFromMars YouTube | ||
The Souls Of Black Folk | taken from W.E.B DuBois' book | U3 | ||
Sound Of Floss | It came about when my friend was giving out dental floss and we were debating what sound floss would make. 'The sound of floss'! | gem | ||
The Sound Of Manure | It's what s*** sounds like. | Opie M. | ||
The Sound of the Baskervilles | Just sounds cool. [Ed. note: Sherlock Holmes would've loved it.] | ... | ||
Sound Zypher | it just popped into my head | Gman | ||
Sour Ice | I have these sour Ice Breaker things. So I thought that Sour Ice would be a cool band name, I guess. | Me | ||
The Sour Krauts | A great name for a band of all germans | wonka bar | ||
Sour Love | Because I was on a date and eating a sour candy as soon as my girl friend dumped me! | Robert< Robert Bob The 5th | ||
Souse For A Louse | It rhymes, and souse a meat product with all sorts of disgusting parts. Only a louse would eat it. | Drew Picture | ||
thE south | hey why not it sounds cool. you have to make sure that all the letters are little except the E. | ginnylove 101 | ||
South of Heaven | I actually got this out of a Guitar World magazine a couple of months ago. It was an article lesson with Kerry King. I thought it sounded cool, so I added it to my list of potential band names, and now its the name of my band. | Richard | ||
The Southern Avenger(s) | This name is NOT for YANKEES! In my hometown, we have this awesome radio station and everyday, The Southern Avenger comes and does his controversial commentaries on the radio. He is so awesome and he believes that the turnout of the Civil War was unfair (GO REBELS!). | Ezra | ||
Southern Creeper | It just fits | mark | ||
Southern Tresspass | This is for someone who plays Southern Rock or Country music. If I heard this name, I would check it out. Tresspass, you know what that means. Its just two cool names put together. | Tonya | ||
Soviet Onions | We're doing Soviet Russia in History. My history teacher looks like an onion. Therefore, one equals three. | Tammy the Boy | ||
Soylent Spring | A cross between "Silent Spring" (a 1962 book about environmental damage from pesticides) and "Soylent Green" (1973 movie about using people as food). (Ed: Maybe the first movie led to the second.) | RevengeFromMars YouTube |
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