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Names -> Cool Band Names -> H, Page 3

Whenever I hear a cool phrase somewhere, I like to exclaim "That would make a cool band name". This page is a list of such names.

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Entries Beginning with H, Page 3

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Submitted by:
Heroic  enemy909
Heroine Sheiks Heroin chic...these guys are unreal, great records, great live Stu
Herpes Doesn't everyone just want to have it! its the most awesome STD around! Mating like Matan (thats Natam backwards)
Hertz Donut Why not name a band after a childhood prank in which a kid's nipple is twisted after being asked if he wants a "hertz donut". Can also be called "Purple Herbie" or "Tittie Twister". j.c.
Het Dragoduby This is definitely a name for a just rolls off the tongue! Probably would be a good detective's name too...It was a scrambled letter puzzle at the movies for "The Bodyguard" Thom1Cent
Heuristical Blitzkrieg Would be a good indie band name.  Me
HevenLess I was playin a league of legends match one day and someguy had this name and i thaught it was awesome! :D brian alvarez
Hey Bud, Let's Party From the movie "Fast Times A Ridgemont High" thanks Spicoli. Bud
Hey Up Here When you look up on the stage, you see the band. Hence the name. Tiny
Hey, That's My Bicycle One of my friends got on my bike by accident, and somehow the name stuck. Weird, huh. The B
Heyerdahl Phoebe's surname in "Hey Arnold". Lori Blonde
Heywire It was one of my old band's name. Still an awesome name (with the misspelling and all.) Corey
Hezikiaha's Illness There was a king of Isreal in the old-test named Hezikiah: he had an illness. There's a whole big story behind it, but mostly it just sounds cool and some people can't pronounce it ( hez-i-ki-a, sound it out kids) God-Squad
Hi 8 Us I took a break from my blog and thought about the idea. (I often post band names there, too.) Peter AMH
Hi MOM! Really Random! XxX
Hi, I'm J.J. This was on the cover of a 1976 Scholastic Magazine covering the election on that year. It was several cartoons of a candidate named J.J. who goes around places and only says, "Hi, I'm J.J."  Brad Armpitt
hiccupmen! well i was sittin in class and my mate started hiccupin and me other mate started 2 and theb i did, so our teacher called us the hiccupmen! its cool.... K.T. Smith
Hickey Doctors My friend and I were talking about hickeys and we decided on another name, but Hickey Doctors remains.  SeXy GuY
Hidden Agenda Kinda quirky, kinda mysterious, making you, forcing you to want to find out what's with the band Mike J
Hidden From Nowhere It's kinda a play on words which is good for a band name. We had the prviledge of backing up a couple of big bands from Oz and abroad one of our fav shows was "The Juliana Theory" from PA They are awesome blokes. We came up with the name when we liked hidden in a name but also nowhere sounded sick as well. Nyphoric
Hidden Tears See my friend cries a lot, but not in public. So one day she was crying i got the idea.  ashley
The Hidden Track(s) or Hidden Track(s) Hidden tracks are cool. It's on my mind 'cause I've been listening to Dookie, recently, and I have "All By Myself" stuck in my head. It's a funny song. Now go out and by Green Day stuff. Muahahahaha! 300 Bernard St. Girl
Hie Rise My friends and I were looking for a band name. So we looked up "tower" in thesaurus, and it came with "High Rise". We liked that, but we didn't want that spelling. So we changed it to Hie Rise. hie rise
High Coaties Like "Coyotes"! The Mole
High Def Blur It seems cool because high def is supposed to be, well, high def. Therefore NOT blurry. A Person
High Existence Sounds intellectual and, in a weird way, sort of evolutional. In a musical world of copycats, it's survival of the fittest, right? Rachel
High Fall Risk A friend of mine saw a sticker that said this, and said "that would make a great band name!" f8
High Five Ghost It's a character from the Cartoon Network show Regular Show JeReMy
High Flying Rocs This is a sweet nme because it has "High Flying", meaning greatness or acheivers. And Roc is a mythycal bird of prey with enormous strenght and size. Great for a Rock band. Adam G
High Freeze There are certain words that, when randomly put together, sound kind of cool. The very thought of the two -- the thoughts the word "high" brings, and the thoughts the word "freeze" brings equal something like ice in the atmosphere or something. Weird. Natalie
High Fucktose Death Syrup High fructose corn syrup is said to be just as good as sugar. Here's the truth: it's not. IHaveNoBrain
High on Living Ya know in the book 'The Outsiders' it explains how Sodapop gets drunk on just plain living, so my friends and I decided, "Hey! We do that too!" So, yeah, if we ever have a band, that's what it'll be! Nikki
High On Peroxide Peroxide is like a super heavy bleach... I heard it from a friend and really liked it as a band name, I wanted to use it for our own band but we were a jazz band for school, so the teachers wouldn't let us. Anyway, hope you like it. :)  Beth
High Racks A pun on "hyrax", a small gerbil-like animal that is native to Africa and Southwest Asia. Aimee Collett
High Voltage hehehe this is kinda a funny.. but i swear its a true story. well there was this group of guys who had a band.. well they used to play hard rock and heavy metal.. so it so happened that once wen they were doing thier practises, there was a drop or some crap in the voltage and all the instruments were blown off, ie the guitars the keyboards... so thats how i came up wit the word, HIGH VOLTAGE.. LoShAaRn
Highina It's pronounced "hyena" de
The Highly Anticipated Epidemic It sounds cool but maybe it sound too much like a song name. I made it up hearing epidemic a song on the imfamous Slayer album Reign in Blood Steven
Highwater O'Shea There's this guy in one of my classes who we call O'Shea- mostly because nobody knows his first name- and he never wears pants that fit. A couple of us wrote a song about him called "here comes the flood". Good stuff... AndyRoo
Hillbilly Dating Service I was watching "Who's Line Is It Anyway," when on came a hillbilly dating service as a joke. I was laughing so hard, and I thought that a band should be named "Hillbilly Dating Service," because that's halarious, just think, an actual hillbilly dating service, UGH! Dani :-)
The Hills Head for "the Hills"....the girls love it..... Don Westover
Hinkey Because it mean something strange. Robert
Hip Charles When my brother first got his Xbox 360, I would watch him play online all the time to see what weird gamertags we could find. To this day, the most hilarious one was "Hip Charles", closely followed by "Discount Gigolo". Alex
Hip Hop Anonymous From the Adam Sandler movie "Big Daddy," when someone tried to say the word "hippopotamus." Olvan The Terrible
Hippos Hambrientos Hambrientos It means Hungry Hungry Hippos in Spanish. Once a few years ago, my little neighbors, who were 5 and 6 wanted the game Hungry Hungry Hippos for christmas. They begged & pleaded and they got it. Only it wasn't Hungry Hungry Hippos. It was Hippos Hambrientos Hambrientos. "Santa Claus" had grabbed the Spanish version instead. My friends and I still crack up when we paly that game. & I always pull it out when I babysit. It would be the best band name. H3 for life! SillyChicken
The Hirolas A good obscure animal name for a band. Hirolas are a rare type of antelope native to the Horn of Africa area. D. Melody Dole, Md
Hiroshima Snot Rocket In the game Tony Hawk's Underground 2, this was suggested by Tony Hawk for something you should try for the in-game "World Destruction Tour". JeReMy
His And Herpes i was watchin a drive-thru dvd and the guy from allister said it....i thought it was a really cool name! Rachel h
His Band Or Her Band if it were all female. The lead singer usually gets top billing in a band Odie Garfield
His Boy Elroy My band members dident like it but its brilliant! I got the idea from the Jetsons Eddie Cahill
His Valor I was listening to The Bravery, and well, they inspired the name (and 'valor' is a cool word)! small Dwarf from Archenland
History One school subject. NICKI
Hit Bad Mikey "He was hit bad, Mikey", Sonny to Michael Corleone in The Godfather. Bob O
Hit Elephants What a scary thought, instead of a hitman, you get a whole friggin' elephant to break your kneecaps. Kadooshka
Hitler Was A Sissy I just thought it up one day. Good for OI punk.  wes
Hitlerz Rowboat saw it on "king of the hill" hank's dad was selling some of his war doodads, when a guy comes up to him and asks "how much for that boat?" cotton answers: "why thats hitlers rowboat".........or something like that, subkick
HKey Local Machine It is from the Windows Registry. I always thought it sounded cool Steven
Hoboken Saw it on as a fake answer on Real or Fake Band Names JeReMy
Hobospank its funny, meand some friends were in guitar class andsome 1 said hubastank and i thought he said hobospankso thats the name of our band now jon
HogJaw one of the guys on a radio show I listen to (armstrong and getty), plays that would be a cool name for a band thing. His idea. I liked it use it on rock band. ungr8ful Gamer
Hoinjdoink Its a dutch soccer players last name and we thought it would be a great name for a band...IT is not assigned at the moment but if anyone wants it , you can have it..make sure you make it I can one day say....I came up with that Idea......Good Luck....Let's give it up for HOINJDOINK Cesar Jana
holadanada coz its th name of my bar band..and it means just like it sounds,..whole lotta nada..means we aint got s***  brad
Holden Evil Holden from the character in The Catcher in the Rye and Evil cause it adds a little bit of interest...and it sounds like Holding Evil Tayde
Holden McGroin On "Friends", what Joey used as a stage name for an audition, just after he found out "Joey Stalin" (which Chandler suggested in jest) was already taken, 'and he was a very bad man'. punk
The Holey Rollers My friend and I were bowling one day and we decided to name our team the Holy Rollers-and I was thinking ... rock_n_roll, rollers, holey because it isn't exactly saint's music. Liza
Holey Moley The phrase 'holy moly' is used as an exclamation to express surprise or astonishment. It sounds cool because it has the word 'mole' in it. And moles live underground in holes.  The Mole
Holiday Gravy Boat Explosion My friend was telling me about a horrible gravy accident at her mother-in-laws house during our "What happened at your family's Christmas celebration" discussion. She told me the story and to try and make light of a terrible situation, I told her that it would be the perfect band name! Jano
The Hollandaise Sauce I just picked any random food I could think of and -hey presto! Who could have known that something that could make Eggs Benedict taste so awesome could also serve as a band name? Mer ?
Holley and the 4 Barrels This is one for all you hot rodders. I used to run a holley carb on mine and can see a five piece band led by a rock chick called holley. Way to cool!! Any takers?? Jeff
Hollow Notes While we're on the subject of misheard lyrics, how about misheard BAND names. My sister's friend thought for the longest time that this was the name of "Hall and Oates". Perhaps it's more unique than just two names!! M-B52
Hollow Point My son was looking for a name for his punk band and I thought that this seemed appropriate for the "explosive" and driving kind of music they play. Plus, the name has meanings on more than one level---a hollow point bullet is one that explodes as it penetrates its target, not unlike the way punk music invades your senses; and since punk music seems to reflect a sense of nihilism, it seems to ask the question, of life and everything in it, "What's the point?....Everything, everyone is hollow........empty." Cherry
Hollow Temple well its kinda for a gothic depressing band that will soon kill themesleves in canada. Your temple is your body and if u have a hollow temple i guess you could say your depressed. i dont knw. have fun iwth it i guess. your the one that made the site shanana
Holly Sheet well i wanted it to name for my band but again i thought it sounds kinda silly to me but if you like it then.... Arx
Holocaustco Because for some reason, COSTCO sells giant pizza ovens lionheart
Holographic Tatoo Can't you just imagine one on your arm? That would be cool! Randy Yearout
Holsum I saw it on the side of a bread truck... hmm... Tim
Holy  hej venner
Holy Cow i think of this name just as a name i say a lot see i would be like Holy cow i messed up and my friend David says STOP praising a stupid cow and i say i cant help it it is just a word u say a lot but i think this name is hilarious it would go for a punk band or something. Kayla
Holy Farglesnot From a comic strip somewhere. Not sure which one. IHaveNoBrain
Home Made Skunk Asylum I think it would make like a cool punk rock band name. A home made project sort of thing, plus I like asylums, and then my friend added the skunk part in! RockGodGuy
Home School Rocket Science Saw this on a marquee at the local Tae Kwan Do dojo. I guess they are offering classes for home school kids. Teddy Salad
Homeless For a Night What's it like? Jen
Homemade Diamonds The people on Myth Busters were making them and I thought it would be a cool band name Pandora
Homemade Hamburgers We thought of it in cooking class and thought it ROCKED. So we were laughing the whole time of picturing it being an actual band name! Vance&Ashleigh
Homer and the Sexuals Someone once called my bandmates and I this (Not the name of my band, though). It was funnier in retrospect, since word got around that it was the actual name of my band  Homer Stunkt
Homesick Idk, it just came to me.Why not? I think it's pretty cool for an indie rock band or something. bouzer.
The Honey Badgers An awesome animal name sutch
Honey Bucket and The Tubeless Turdherders Welll at a concert on porta pottie row there was a "honey bucket" truck to service the porta potties and as it was sucking up all the "honey", you know herding up all the turds, I noticed it had tubeless tires. Badboybear
Honey Dipped Dwarfs Short 'n sweet. All I have to say. Revolutinyesitis
Honey Mustard Badger When I was little, I thought that honey mustard came from honey badgers. It made sense to me at the time, because why else would they be called 'honey' badgers then if they don't make honey? This makes a good band name Lori Blonde
Honey Sanchez She was a Roller Derby chick back in the day. Joser
Hong Kong Suicide Took a random city and a random word and voila! Hong Kong was a good choice because I like 3 word names. Faizal
Honor Student Dropouts I made this name for my band because I always get bad grades. I then dropped out for a while, before going to a Alt-Ed. I do good here, so therefore, I'm an Honor Student, Dropout. Nick
The Hoo-too-foo-too-boo-to-bah Ensemble The idea comes from a song called 'Somebody Stole My Hoo-too-foo-too-boo-to-bah', in 'The Cat In The Hat Song Book' by Dr. Suess. Although nothing in the song implies that the stolen item was a musical instrument, nothing implies it wasn't, either. So this band name suggestion is based on a surmise that a Hoo-too-foo-too-boo-to-bah is a musical instrument. All of that book's songs can now be found on YouTube, by the way. Regina Haniger
Hood Rats   Jon
The Hooded Hoodlums me & my friends always where hoodies & this guy yelled at us and called us hoodlums d
Hoodwink This was a band we started in high school. It means to trick or influence by slyness. Mike
Hoof-Hearted I think it would be a great name for a country band. They could sell t-shirts with a horse shoe over the left breast pocket. And there could be a rival heavy metal band called "ice melted".  holliwil
Hooked on Estrogen Acronym is HoE and the hooked on estrogen implies the band's sexual nature wes
Hoonglah From 'jungla', which is Spanish for jungle and is pronounced "hoon-glah'". Roberto
Hooray For Air Conditioners I came up with it when it was hot out. I walked into an air-conditioned place. If you're starting a band, feel free to use this if you like. Sounds like a band somewhat like TMBG. Tom

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