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Names -> Cool Band Names -> F, Page 5

Whenever I hear a cool phrase somewhere, I like to exclaim "That would make a cool band name". This page is a list of such names.

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Entries Beginning with F, Page 5

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Submitted by:
The Former Child Stars I got this idea for a band name because of that David Spade movie "Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star" c diddy
Formerly Known As If you've ever been in a band and split up and you keep some of the members from your old band and you've tried to think of new names you understand Ryan
Forrest Grant And The Woodsmen I was making a band name for a Facebook application. I decided to think of old namer style names from the 70's rock bands. I wanted something with my name in it. My middle is Forrest and my last name being Grant I decided to play off of that. I added "Woodsmen" because of "Forrest". walter grant
Forsaken Specter Your dead and all your so-called friends left you and all you have is metal music to comfort you while the simpletons have their cushy pop. Specter
Fort In Bras It comes from the play "Hamlet". Fortinbras was the name of the Norwegian guy whose father was killed by Hamlet's father. justin
Fort In Bras Fortinbras was the name of the big bad guy in the PlayStation 2 game "Onimusha: Warlords." I separated the words to come up with Fortin Bras, but then ended up as Fort in Bras. Also, Fortinbras sounds like the name of an amateur wrester, or a foreign one, or something. Jeffrey Paine
The Forth I don't really remember how I came up with the name, it just sort of popped into my head. Probably from like people's names with IV after them, I think it would make a cool band name. Vade
Fortitude Felony The virtue of fortitude, or courage, is firmness of spirit, steadiness of will in doing good despite obstacles in the performance of our daily duty. It suppresses inordinate fear and curbs recklessness. Because fortitude also moderates rashness, it is the special virtue of pioneers in any field. Felony meaning a crime done. Idk. kind of just thought of it. Fortitude Felony basically crime of courage or w/e. enjoy i guess  ~Mike~
Fortuna Bruciata Burnt Luck in italian. (i was going through band names for my band...we tossed out a whole bunch) Nix
Forty Fingers It would be a band for four people. We once thought of using it for the name of a craft company since there were four sisters. Linda Em
Forty Seven Tunnels Rock band names don't have to make sense Sycoceramic
Forward Regression Two words that mean practically the opposite; if the band stinks then the name says it all. But if they are good, then the name is a self proclamation to all saying, "Hey, we are just a bunch of regular Joes." DJ PatSmat
Forwarded Message I was reading my email and realized that half was junk and half was forwarded crap messages. I thought hey this sucks and then thought that would be a cool band name. YA!!!!! Bethany Cool Girl!!!!!!
Foster Pell Grants Sounds like a name of an actual person, but is really a mixing of Foster Grants (the sunglasses) and Pell grant (a monetary award giving to achieving high school graduates). MOR
Foucaltian Walk It came to me in a dream. Literally. I was searching for a friend in the dream, and that was how people described him - he has a Foucaltian walk about him. Sounded like a band to me. Diana
Found But Forgotten Because my band our very first concert and after that we had been forgotten, so its an ironic name cause we ca.ll ourselves Found but Forgotten, people found us and told us to play, then they forgot about us, ironic eh??? anywhoo gtg Dallan
Four Cylinder Fury I was actually trying to come up with a name for my car rally team. I thought it might make a good band name. Eli Xangry
Four Degrees By Sunday There was a weather forecast on the radio about it being four degrees by Sunday, and there you have an instant heavy metal band name! Kitch
Four Guys Named Doris Would be best for a band made entirely of women not named Doris. Cory
The Four Inch Nostrils There's a dude in my class at school. He was copying my work, and I looked up to tell him to go away and he has the biggest nostrils you have ever seen. Like massive, bagged him out about having four inch nostrils. Also that day I was listening to NIN. Kind of a rip off kind of funny. morgs
The Four Last Things Sounds like an awesome band name. Its actually based on the Catholic belief that the four last things are Death, Judgment, Heaven and hell. So it could be a good name for a christian band or maybe a heavy metal band. Maybe even emo. An extra idea is to name each band member one of the four last things. Clubb
Four On The Floor Walking through a car showroom. It sounds better then "Four on the Stage". What do you think? Jay
Four Ow Four (404) Like 'file not found'- think 'band not found'.  Kyo Lord XVII
The Four Skins A couple of friends of mine were sitting around and talking about circumcision and came up with this four member band name. jantastic
Four Twins Quadruplets were born in my town which was a big thing a few years back and I remember a friend asking me if I had heard about the lady that had four twins. Dumb question but cool band name. badboybear
Four Useless Careless Kids Look at the begining of each letter... Me and some friends were goofing around (like always) and started calling my little sisters group of friends by that (theres four of them)... but my sister's cool so it's all good.  Sabrina
Four Useless Careless Kids Under Pop's Supervision This was created by "Sabrina"s but i liked it so much i told my dad to start calling me and my 3 siblings this. Then he came up with the extra part. If you dont get it, make it an Acronym. Phantom_Ocelot
Fourth Period Many start a band while they are kids. I wanted to start a band in school and since there are usually four band members it would be fourth period. NICKI
Fourth Ward We ripped off the idea from Soundgarden and named ourselves after a land mark in our hometown. It fits cause it's where all the kids hand out at. Packman
Foxfire I thought it was a cool name. enemy909
Foxxy Tot Originally a parody band of ZZ Top I thought up, this now sounds like one of those novelty bands from the 80s. Drae
Foxxy Turbans This one girl in my class has the craziest hair and it kinda looks like a fox. Neal
Frack's Applewriter Your name generator gave me the following as the "Backstreet Boys" name.... Syntania
Fractus Fractus is actually a weather term (Technical term!). It also sounds like the name of a really p***ed off heavy metal band. Netsurfer_x1
Fraggah Braggah I'm sort of a well known character in my town...and being the awesome chica that I am...I generally speak a sort of jibber jabber...Words that aren't words but make sense to me...Dialect de la Coco everyone calls it...And to cut back on my foul language I started saying Fraggah Braggah I replacement curse...and it started catching on in the local area... Coco The Great
Fragipan Actually, there's lots of cool names from geography and science books. Fragipan just happens to be my favorite. A geo-friend also suggested "the Hegemonics." Hesmerelda
Francene Roallercoaster My uncle and I were going to ride the Mamba one day, and the ticket lady's name was Francene. He thought it'd be a cool nickname for the woman if she were known as "Francene Roallercoaster". Bubba
Frances' Uniform Umm... I was reading Fall On Your Knees and I got to the part with Frances and the Girl Guide Uniform and so... yeah EvilGirl
Frank Lee Don'tgiveadamn One of the names Colin Mochrie used on Whose Line is it Anyway's game in Weird Newscasters. JeReMy
Frankie Amaretto and the Y-Fronts My girlfriend's dad misremembered the name of the band Y-Friday as Y-Fronts. I suggested that if the Y-Fronts were a band, they'd have to be called somebody-or-other and the Y-Fronts. My friends and I were in a Frankie and Bennie's restaurant some time later, and by linking two random words from around the room, we came up with Frankie Amaretto and the Y-Fronts. Red Tim
Frans and Sisk "Frans and Sisk" is a spoonerism of "Sans and Frisk", two awesome undertale characters wonka bar
Frantic Freeks Because it suits a band that has alot of energy real well, and who act crazy, or freaky on stage. Also, freaky is spelled wrong to make it cooler and more insane, like the band should be. K4rn4ge
Frara Combined Frisk and Chara undertale
Fraudulent Scrod Over dinner one night we were discussing scrod. Well, what is it? It's a small cod. And the name was born Stacy for Kate
Fraznoids I was watching this cartoon, "Pepper-Ann". She used the word "frasny", and no-one knew what it meant. So it's like so anonymous and cool, because it's got no meaning. Keith
Freak Central because its kind of a punk so to say name cause people who are all like "your a feak" you could be like"yea i know" i came up with it beacuse i was called a freak and then i went to this party and was like "freak central"! tom brady smells
Freakie Doug I worked with a guy that wanted to shoot the boss in the face. After that it was, "Here comes Freakie Doug." Highway 61
Freakin' Mohicans It flows, and is funny. Rat Sac
Freakin' The Bah My brother and I made up a game called "Freakin' the Bah". One person would think of a verb. The other would ask things like "Can you freak the bah by yourself?" "Have you ever freaked the bah?" where "freak the bah" is the verb. The object of the game is to guess the verb. Atlantima
Freakishly Limber People For Humanity My friend Candi J. wrote me a note, and I read it wrong.(Damn Hooked on Phonics). It sounds cool aloud. j.fleezie
Freakishly Strong On the hit sitcom "Friends", a reference to Monica, who was ten times stronger than what her skeletal frame made her friends believe. friend
Freaks of Political Porn It think that this would make an awesome band name because everyone today is spewing what they think about wars, politics, and etc. and it's like . . .polluting are minds, kinda like porn, lol :) Janice
Freaky Freckles My buddies and I all have a freckle on our left hands. Kinda random. Yo
Fred Garvin: Male Prostitute An old SNL skit with Dan Aykroyd JeReMy
Fred Instead well this works on many levels, say your bass player sucks, you need fred instead. your boyfriend keeps telling his friend he made it to 'homeplate" so you date fred instead. you need a best man for your wedding cause Chad has to go to the Congo to feed and clothe babys, you ask fred instead. See? it works on many levels! and its got the whole ryming thing!  sally mcmurphy
Fred's Bank Inspired by a bit done by Steve Martin off his "Wild and Crazy Guy" LP. He discussed that a bank had to have a long, descriptive name because you wouldn't want to put your money in something called "Fred's Bank". funny
Freddy Fly Like "Beddy bye" Mountain Giselle
Fredo Fishing From 'The Godfather, Part II' (I don't wanna spoil.) 123
Free Beer Lots of people would want to come to their concerts, don't you think? Princess Ana
Free Porn This name will attract every man. Just put Britney Spears and all those Pop people and force them to sing for no money. Matthwala
The Free Radicals Props to my cousin for thinking of this one. Sounds like a punk band . . . it's actually something that causes cells to mutate or something. It's still cool O_o Jaycee91687
Freedumb 32 it just represents the youth and simplicities of being free and having fun. However once we had it as our band name, we'd found somebody else had already taken it. So...we slapped 32 on the end cbecause it fits really. Robbo
Freek a Deek  I was sitting listening to a Rob Zombie CD when it said something about a geek. I thought Freek a Deek. I thought it was kinda odd that no one else who think of it. jess
Freeze Dried Doo-Doo Balls Or what you get when you sit on a tank full of nitrogen-oxide. Inventive
Freezing Cold Ice Cubes i came up with it from the opposite of the red hot chili peppers shifty
Freezing From the Fire It has alliteration, it contradicts itself, and it sounds like a kicka** band name. Holly
Fremen Fedaykin they are death commandos from the dune series. nuf said Phantom_Ocelot
French Condom There is a town in France called Condom JeReMy
French For Left Sounds like an avant-garde techno-experimental band to me. The actual French word for left is "gauche," which meant conflicting, clashing, unpolished and inelegant.  dumb
French Military Victories  If you look up French military victories in Google and click "I'm Feeling Lucky", it says did you mean French miltary defeats. I thought that it sounded like a cool punk/rock band name. Liam (The guy in the bright orange jacket)
French Underacheiving Canadian Kids It's an actual Canadian band based in Canada! (Look at it's initials!) Stephen
French! It could be the butler played by Sebastian Cabot on the old series "Family Affair, but my inspiration was a woman contestant on the game "Family Feud" who was asked during the Bonus round, "Name a famous toast". Her answer was "French". Only after the round was over did she realize that the toast the people were looking for involved drink, not food. toast
Frequency I just read it in a book, and thought, hey that's a really cool name for a band. Amanda. J
Fresh Elabra I once heard someone say, in response to hearing the word 'candelabra', "You won't want to eat candelabra anymore once you've tasted fresh elabra." D. Melody Dole, MD
Fresh Salsa  Hunter
Freshwater Crew We live along Lake Michigan and the Root River, so we thought we'd use that name. M. Burmy
Fretskin "Fret" came from guitar and "skin" came from a drum. x-wii-bri-x
Fretwork I was sitting in my guitar lesson. My teacher told me to make my frets work to hear the song, not loudness. zachary davi
Freudian Slipknot For the deep, psychoanalytic and depressed types (like maybe Sigmund Freud and SlipKnot?) Casper
Friday Night Entertainment Kind of formed it off of 'Saturday Night Live'. Just thought since everyone gets off work and school on Friday, they'd want entertainment. Nick Naumann
Friday Night Specials I heard it on a commercial for Ruby Tuesdays and thought it was awesome.  Dillon
Fridge Pants One episode of "Frasier" had Niles try to get high on a pot brownie, only for his father to eat it first. While his father is stoned, he thinks it's a good idea to take his pants off and put them in the refrigerator. He even shows Frasier the note he made for this: Fridge Pants. Brian Kelly
Fridgemagnet I was just thinking about how cool fridges are(pardon the expression) and then i tripped and hit my head on the corner of a table. When i came to, the name fridgemagnet came to me.  Alanbikes
Fridgerator I was playing my acoustic guitar one day and my five year old niece started singing over me. She came up with some pretty funny and cute stuff, so we decided to record it. She came up with the name Fridgerator after we had recorded our 40th song and still didn't have a name. Dudeguy
Fried Nevada The punch line to a joke I heard a few months ago. GlamRockNinjaLord
Fried Rice My friend was trying to say "kinda nice" but it sounded like fried rice, I think it's "Kinda nice" jesika013
Fried to the Sinew Its an awesome name cuz its like ur burnt to your tendons....i dunno i just thought it sounded awesome...dont you! Kayci Piper
Friendly Fire Friendly Fire is something that happens every day, whether we accept it or not. As long as there is fighting going on, someone will be the victim of friendly fire. You got to keep your guard up at all times, and keep your eyes wide open. The music scene can be a battleground. Big T
Friendos It comes from an online series called "Ten FTW". In an episode about the top 10 sitcoms of all-time, the two hosts of the show starred in an intro that was a fake sitcom called "Friendos", which parodied Friends. The hosts Steve and Larson use the term "friendo" a lot on their show to describe friends (including themselves) and even their fans. JeReMy
The Friggin Friggers I have a BIT of a cursing problem and in school whenever i curse I get pinch, slapped, hit ect. (Freak I hate that system) So now I keep saying that instaed of the other junk. Erica
Friggin Kids This is a phrase that a friend of mine says all the time and i decided it would be a great band name, although it gets annoying after awhile, just like those friggin kids wilkee
Fright Force I was moving a giant projector screen still in the box. The label said "Freight Force" and listed all the vital stats about weight and stuff. I read it as Fright Force out loud twice. We decided it would be a good chessy power metal band. Josh
The Fringe Benefits Cool if you've ever worked at a company that gave you those benefits. As far as music, a fringe benefit would be scantily clad groupies or a year's supply of fuel. worker
Frippin' At The Krotz I got this from the comic "The Wizard Of Id" in the Wizard's magic words are "Jimmy on the frim-fram, frippin at the krotz" or something like that. cartoon cartoon
Frisk and the Mettatons Undertale! undertalefan
Frisky Business If you love Frisk from undertale undertale
Frodo Based on the Lord of the Rings character. Aaron Shanley:Gorillaz Freak
Frog And Toad Are Friends The title of a children's book by Arnold Lobel. Unless I heard it wrong, the movie "PCU" indirectly refers to a band by this name. Olvan The Terrible
Froggy Hoppers We started to sing "Jerimiah was a bullfrog" whenever we had the hiccups, and we're like frogs because we hop from one guy to the Air Force Chick
Frogjuice Its cool because it's about a frog giving up it's juice for the sake of art, man. I came up with it because I rock. and i was a little abnormal one night on the phone with a friend of mine donna who challenged me to think of a good band name jenne

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