Change one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
For example: Midnight Oil's "Blue Sky Mine" would become "Blue Sky Mime"
Entries Beginning with W, Page 5
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"Talking On The Moon," The Police originally
"Walking On The Moon" Shannon
"Talking The Dog," Rufus Thomas originally
"Walking The Dog" Woof!
Mr. X
"Walking The Flour Over You," Ernest Tubb originally
"Walking The Floor Over You" Wendy Torrance
"Walking The Flood Over You," Ernest Tubb originally
"Walking The Floor Over You" Wendy Torrance
"Walking The Spa," Skip James originally
"Walking The Sea" All around the spa? MUCH easier than the sea!
Candace Troy Powers
"Walling The Sea," Skip James originally
"Walking The Sea" Would take an awfully long seawall!
Heather Brockwell
"Talking Through Walls," The Escape Club originally
"Walking Through Walls" Yvette Bristle
"Walking Through Malls," The Escape Club originally
"Walking Through Walls" Yvette Bristle
"Walking Through Halls," The Escape Club originally
"Walking Through Walls" Yvette Bristle
"Talking To New Orleans," Fats Domino originally
"Walking To New Orleans" Donna Gelpigi
A look at a new exercise regime?
Equally as painful kind of walking.
There's probably many like that.
"Walk Of Pride," Voltaire originally
"Wall Of Pride" Peter
"Hall Of Pride," Voltaire originally
"Wall Of Pride" Peter
"Wail Of Pride," Voltaire originally
"Wall Of Pride" Peter
"Call Of Pride," Voltaire originally
"Wall Of Pride" Peter
How bizarre!
Jessica Childress
Spherical objects. (Don't get any ideas.)
"The Calls Came Down," The Call originally
"The Walls Came Down" A changed letter would make it a 'vanity' song!
"The Malls Came Down," The Call originally
"The Walls Came Down" A demolition project
Tiffany Carriker
"The Falls Came Down," The Call originally
"The Walls Came Down" As in waterfalls? That would make sense
Tiffany Carriker
"Halls Of Glass," Russ Taff originally
"Walls Of Glass" Shelley Potts
"Malls Of Glass," Russ Taff originally
"Walls Of Glass" Shelley Potts
"Walls Of Grass," Russ Taff originally
"Walls Of Glass" Shelley Potts
"Balls Of Glass," Russ Taff originally
"Walls Of Glass" Shelley Potts
"Walls Of Gloss," Russ Taff originally
"Walls Of Glass" Shelley Potts
Now it's about a panda named "Lou"!
Regina Olsen
"Wanderlost," Nightwish originally
"Wanderlust" thelastaurora
"Wanda Be Starting Something," Michael Jackson originally
"Wanna Be Starting Something" Tabitha Cartwright
Advertising magic wands
Sarah Topsian
They want a donkey!
Sarah Topsian
Adz = type of wood-shaping tool
Erica Tatralix
"Want Lou For My Girlfriend," 4 By Four originally
"Want You For My Girlfriend" Kimberly Townsend
"Wasted Dead Or Alive," Bon Jovi originally
"Wanted Dead Or Alive" Mallory
As in, a man who people waited for.
"The Wonton Song," Led Zeppelin originally
"The Wanton Song" As in wonton noodles (or soup)!
"Tar And Peace," Godsmack originally
"War And Peace" Candy Welty
"Wad And Peace," Godsmack originally
"War And Peace" Candy Welty
"Jar And Peace," Godsmack originally
"War And Peace" Candy Welty
"Wax And Peace," Godsmack originally
"War And Peace" Candy Welty
"Car And Peace," Godsmack originally
"War And Peace" Candy Welty
"Car Down At The Pawnshop," Wailing Souls originally
"War Down At The Pawnshop" Sheila Koffel
"Wax Ensemble," Slayer originally
"War Ensemble" Carmen Mistletoe
"War In The Butter," Running Wild originally
"War In The Gutter" Laura Wilkins
"Was In The Gutter," Running Wild originally
"War In The Gutter" But isn't there anymore
Laura Wilkins
"Jar In The Gutter," Running Wild originally
"War In The Gutter" Yvette Bristle
"Wax In The Gutter," Running Wild originally
"War In The Gutter" That could get disgusting.
"Tar In The Gutter," Running Wild originally
"War In The Gutter" Yvette Bristle
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