Change one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
For example: Midnight Oil's "Blue Sky Mine" would become "Blue Sky Mime"
Entries Beginning with M, Page 4
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"Taking Love Out Of Nothing At All," Air Supply originally
"Making Love Out Of Nothing At All" Regina Olsen
"Faking Love Out Of Nothing At All," Air Supply originally
"Making Love Out Of Nothing At All" Regina Olsen
"Making Me Sink," Bash & Pop originally
"Making Me Sick" Rachel Stedman
"Making Me Pick," Bash & Pop originally
"Making Me Sick" Rachel Stedman
"Making Me Lick," Bash & Pop originally
"Making Me Sick" Rachel Stedman
"Making Ma Sick," Bash & Pop originally
"Making Me Sick" Rachel Stedman
"Making Our Dreads Come True," Cyndi Grecco originally
"Making Our Dreams Come True" R. Jeanine O'Succinate
"Making Oar Dreams Come True," Cyndi Grecco originally
"Making Our Dreams Come True" R. Jeanine O'Succinate
"Making Fur Dreams Come True," Cyndi Grecco originally
"Making Our Dreams Come True" R. Jeanine O'Succinate
"Making Our Creams Come True," Cyndi Grecco originally
"Making Our Dreams Come True" R. Jeanine O'Succinate
"Making Plays For Nigel," XTC originally
"Making Plans For Nigel" Sutch
"Making Plank For Nigel," XTC originally
"Making Plans For Nigel" Renee Keener
"Faking Plans For Nigel," XTC originally
"Making Plans For Nigel" Ava Murphy
"Making Clans For Nigel," XTC originally
"Making Plans For Nigel" Renee Keener
"Making Your Bind Up," Bucks Fizz originally
"Making Your Mind Up" Naomi Swanson
"Making Your Hind Up," Bucks Fizz originally
"Making Your Mind Up" Naomi Swanson
"Taking Your Mind Up," Bucks Fizz originally
"Making Your Mind Up" Naomi Swanson
"Making Your Mink Up," Bucks Fizz originally
"Making Your Mind Up" Naomi Swanson
"Baking Your Mind Up," Bucks Fizz originally
"Making Your Mind Up" Naomi Swanson
"Making Your Kind Up," Bucks Fizz originally
"Making Your Mind Up" Naomi Swanson
"Making Sour Mind Up," Bucks Fizz originally
"Making Your Mind Up" Naomi Swanson
"Raking Your Mind Up," Bucks Fizz originally
"Making Your Mind Up" Naomi Swanson
"Malibu Is Boppin'," Colette Carr originally
"Malibu Is Poppin'" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Malibu Is Poopin'," Colette Carr originally
"Malibu Is Poppin'" Tiffany Furlong
"Malibu Is Hoppin'," Colette Carr originally
"Malibu Is Poppin'" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Mama Didn't Tie," Jan Bradley originally
"Mama Didn't Lie" Candy Welty
"Mama Didn't Vie," Jan Bradley originally
"Mama Didn't Lie" Candy Welty
"Mama Didn't Die," Jan Bradley originally
"Mama Didn't Lie" Candy Welty
Have Mayans ever had guitars?
Iris Verna
"Mama Liked The Ropes," Elvis Presley originally
"Mama Liked The Roses" Yvette Bristle
"Mama Likes The Roses," Elvis Presley originally
"Mama Liked The Roses" Changes the title from past to present
"Mama Liked The Roles," Elvis Presley originally
"Mama Liked The Roses" Bob
"Mama Liked The Noses," Elvis Presley originally
"Mama Liked The Roses" Peter
"Mama Likes The Roses," Elvis Presley originally
"Mama Liked The Roses" Yvette Bristle
"Mama Liked The Hoses," Elvis Presley originally
"Mama Liked The Roses" Now she has something to water the roses with.
"Mama Liked The Doses," Elvis Presley originally
"Mama Liked The Roses" ...of medicine, as it helped her feel better.
"Mama Liked The Poses," Elvis Presley originally
"Mama Liked The Roses" Yvette Bristle
So that's how she gave birth to me.
Someone named Maya said something
"Mama Sold Me Not To Come," Three Dog Night originally
"Mama Told Me Not To Come" michelle (hell in mice)
"Mama Uses To Say," Junior originally
"Mama Used To Say" Mama uses what to say what?
Jay South (as opposed to Jay North) :-D
"Sambo #5," Lou Bega originally
"Mambo #5" As in Sambo's, a defunct restaurant
"Rambo #5," Lou Bega originally
"Mambo #5" Seems I remember only 3 movies in that series??
Tabitha Cartwright
"Mamba #5," Lou Bega originally
"Mambo #5" Now it's about a venomous snake.
Sonia Rinzaimayor
New song is about a deadly venomous snake!
Natalie Lundgren
"Mame Blue," Nicoletta originally
"Mamy Blue" Sutch
"Macy Blue," Nicoletta originally
"Mamy Blue" Penelope Beckinsale
"Mama Blue," Nicoletta originally
"Mamy Blue" Renee Sutton
"Mamy Blur," Nicoletta originally
"Mamy Blue" Penelope Beckinsale
"Mamy Glue," Nicoletta originally
"Mamy Blue" Sutch
"Many Blue," Nicoletta originally
"Mamy Blue" Sutch
"Mary Blue," Nicoletta originally
"Mamy Blue" Sutch
"Mamy Clue," Nicoletta originally
"Mamy Blue" Sutch
"The Man From Galileo," Cristy Lane originally
"The Man From Galilee" Mark Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire
"Man From Decca," Sweet originally
"Man From Mecca" Lucinda Blair
"Fan From Mecca," Sweet originally
"Man From Mecca" Candy Welty
"Pan From Mecca," Sweet originally
"Man From Mecca" Candy Welty
"Map From Mecca," Sweet originally
"Man From Mecca" Candy Welty
"Dan From Mecca," Sweet originally
"Man From Mecca" Candy Welty
"Men From Mecca," Sweet originally
"Man From Mecca" Candy Welty
"Mat From Mecca," Sweet originally
"Man From Mecca" Candy Welty
"Dan From Milwaukee," Hanson originally
"Man From Milwaukee" Gives the man a name!
Amanda Svenson
"Can I Feel Like A Woman," Shania Twain originally
"Man I Feel Like A Woman" Changes a statement into a question
"A Man I Hardly Knew," Loretta Lynn originally
"A Man I Hardly Know" Changing present tense to past tense
Winter Pepper
"The Man I Rant To Be," Chris Young originally
"The Man I Want To Be" Cynthia Avery
"The Man I Wait To Be," Chris Young originally
"The Man I Want To Be" Cynthia Avery
"The Pan I Want To Be," Chris Young originally
"The Man I Want To Be" Strange desire!
Cynthia Avery
"The Man I Pant To Be," Chris Young originally
"The Man I Want To Be" Cynthia Avery
"The Can I Want To Be," Chris Young originally
"The Man I Want To Be" Strange desire!
Cynthia Avery
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