Change one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
For example: Midnight Oil's "Blue Sky Mine" would become "Blue Sky Mime"
Entries Beginning with M, Page 19
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"Morning Gas Broken," Cat Stevens originally
"Morning Has Broken" Wonder if (like morning breath) it's the worst gas
Duncan Moore
"Morning Had Broken," Cat Stevens originally
"Morning Has Broken" Duncan Moore
"Morning Was Broken," Cat Stevens originally
"Morning Has Broken" Alan the Ottoman
"The Morning Of Our Loves," Arkade originally
"The Morning Of Our Lives" Yvette Bristle
"The Morning Of Our Likes," Arkade originally
"The Morning Of Our Lives" Regina Olsen
"The Morning Of Our Wives," Arkade originally
"The Morning Of Our Lives" Yvette Bristle
"The Morning Of Our Liver," Arkade originally
"The Morning Of Our Lives" Karen Smith
"The Morning Of Our Dives," Arkade originally
"The Morning Of Our Lives" Regina Olsen
"The Morning Of Our Limes," Arkade originally
"The Morning Of Our Lives" Regina Olsen
"The Morning Of Our Hives," Arkade originally
"The Morning Of Our Lives" Regina Olsen
"The Morning Of Our Lines," Arkade originally
"The Morning Of Our Lives" Regina Olsen
"Morning Tire," Eiffel 65 originally
"Morning Time" Candy Welty
"Morning Dime," Eiffel 65 originally
"Morning Time" Candy Welty
"Morning Lime," Eiffel 65 originally
"Morning Time" Candy Welty
"Moaning Time," Eiffel 65 originally
"Morning Time" Candy Welty
"Morning Mime," Eiffel 65 originally
"Morning Time" Candy Welty
"Morning Tide," Eiffel 65 originally
"Morning Time" Candy Welty
"Morning Tame," Eiffel 65 originally
"Morning Time" Candy Welty
"Morning Tome," Eiffel 65 originally
"Morning Time" Candy Welty
"Morning Tile," Eiffel 65 originally
"Morning Time" Candy Welty
By the afternoon, the brain is shot.
Innocent bystander
"Boron," Sum 41 originally
"Moron" Yvette Bristle
"Morrissey Must Dye," The Meatmen originally
"Morrissey Must Die" Same sound, less dire meaning
Wendy Torrance
"Morrissey Must Dig," The Meatmen originally
"Morrissey Must Die" Wendy Torrance
"Morrissey Must Tie," The Meatmen originally
"Morrissey Must Die" Wendy Torrance
"Morrissey Must Dip," The Meatmen originally
"Morrissey Must Die" Wendy Torrance
"Morrissey Must Vie," The Meatmen originally
"Morrissey Must Die" Wendy Torrance
"Morrissey Must Lie," The Meatmen originally
"Morrissey Must Die" Wendy Torrance
"Moose Code Of Love," The Capris originally
"Morse Code Of Love" Adrienne Schnell
"Horse Code Of Love," The Capris originally
"Morse Code Of Love" Rhonda Blankenship
"Mouse Code Of Love," The Capris originally
"Morse Code Of Love" Rhonda Blankenship
"Lost Girls," Pink originally
"Most Girls" Where did they disappear to? :(
"Mast Girls," Pink originally
"Most Girls" They're great to have with you when you go sailing
Gorgeous George
"Host Girls," Pink originally
"Most Girls" Julia Cox
"Most Of Us Are Sid," The Eagles originally
"Most Of Us Are Sad" So confusing how most of us have the same name!
Scarlett Lopez
"Most Of Us Are Sam," The Eagles originally
"Most Of Us Are Sad" So confusing how most of us have the same name!
Scarlett Lopez
"Most Of Us Are Mad," The Eagles originally
"Most Of Us Are Sad" Jacqui O'Day
"Most Of Us Are Bad," The Eagles originally
"Most Of Us Are Sad" Jacqui O'Day
"Most Of Us Are Had," The Eagles originally
"Most Of Us Are Sad" "Had" as in tricked, deceived, or scammed.
Jacqui O'Day
"Mother And Chili Reunion," Paul Simon originally
"Mother And Child Reunion" Mother was hungry.
"Mother Nature's Ton," The Beatles originally
"Mother Nature's Son" Candy Welty
"Mother Nature's Sod," The Beatles originally
"Mother Nature's Son" Candy Welty
"Mother Nature's Won," The Beatles originally
"Mother Nature's Son" Millie Verst
"Mother Nature's Sin," The Beatles originally
"Mother Nature's Son" Candy Welty
"Bother Nature's Son," The Beatles originally
"Mother Nature's Son" Lucinda Blair
"Mother Nature's Sun," The Beatles originally
"Mother Nature's Son" Candy Welty
"Mother Nature's Con," The Beatles originally
"Mother Nature's Son" Millie Verst
"Mother Nature's Sop," The Beatles originally
"Mother Nature's Son" Candy Welty
"Mother Nature's Soy," The Beatles originally
"Mother Nature's Son" Candy Welty
"Mother Nature's Sow," The Beatles originally
"Mother Nature's Son" Candy Welty
"Mother Nature's Sob," The Beatles originally
"Mother Nature's Son" Candy Welty
"Mother Nature's Line," Sugarloaf originally
"Mother Nature's Wine" Lefty Lucy
"Bother Nature, Father Time," Brook Benton originally
"Mother Nature, Father Time" Samantha Wayland
"Mother Nature, Fatter Time," Brook Benton originally
"Mother Nature, Father Time" Naomi Swanson
"Mother Mature, Father Time," Brook Benton originally
"Mother Nature, Father Time" Candy Welty
"Botherless Child," Sweetwater originally
"Motherless Child" Yvette Bristle
"Mothership Convection (Star Child)," Parliament originally
"Mothership Connection (Star Child)" Heather Brockwell
"Mothership Connection (Star Chill)," Parliament originally
"Mothership Connection (Star Child)" Heather Brockwell
"Mothership Connection (Star Chili)," Parliament originally
"Mothership Connection (Star Child)" Heather Brockwell
"The Motorcycle Sang," Arlo Guthrie originally
"The Motorcycle Song" Why there would be a motorcycle song!
Doug Pitts
"Hound," Phish originally
"Mound" Yvette Bristle
"Sound," Phish originally
"Mound" Yvette Bristle
"Bound," Phish originally
"Mound" Yvette Bristle
"Mount," Phish originally
"Mound" Yvette Bristle
"Pound," Phish originally
"Mound" Yvette Bristle
"Wound," Phish originally
"Mound" Yvette Bristle
"Found," Phish originally
"Mound" Yvette Bristle
You mean one was lost?
Justin B. Burr
"Fountain Music," Alabama originally
"Mountain Music" Wendy Torrance
Unusual name, for a mountain
Lynne O'Leahy-Cassid
"Fountains," Lonestar originally
"Mountains" Jessica Childress
Moxico is a province in Angola.
Lydia Helton
where her career headed after this song was a hit
"Month For War," Pantera originally
"Mouth For War" Flake Effect Snow
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