Change one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
For example: Midnight Oil's "Blue Sky Mine" would become "Blue Sky Mime"
Entries Beginning with K, Page 5
Entries starting with K are split into multiple pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6
"Kits Like Judas," It Bites originally
"Kiss Like Judas" Kits as in kittens?
Regina Olsen
"Kiss Like Judds," It Bites originally
"Kiss Like Judas" Wonder what the Judds' kiss would be like?
Twila Paris Hilton
Kiss my what?
Carolyn Morgenstern
Kissing a Greek letter?
Carolyn Morgenstern
"Kiss Me Dearly," Lita Ford originally
"Kiss Me Deadly" Serafina
"Kiss Ma Deadly," Lita Ford originally
"Kiss Me Deadly" Kerianne Hopkins
"Miss Me Deadly," Lita Ford originally
"Kiss Me Deadly" Cape Canaveral Lavigne
"Miss Me Slowly," Parachute originally
"Kiss Me Slowly" Sharon Britt
"Kiss Ma Slowly," Parachute originally
"Kiss Me Slowly" Sharon Britt
"Kiss Ma Slowly," Parachute originally
"Kiss Me Slowly" Yvette Bristle
"Hiss Me Slowly," Parachute originally
"Kiss Me Slowly" Sharon Britt
"Kiss Me, I'm Trish," Gaelic Storm originally
"Kiss Me, I'm Irish" Reese Witherfork
"Kiss Ma, Sailor," Diane Renay originally
"Kiss Me, Sailor" Sophia Borden
"Kiss Me, Tailor," Diane Renay originally
"Kiss Me, Sailor" Sophia Borden
Kish = graphite forming on high-carbon molten iron
Karen Smith
Kil = short for kilometer
Karen Smith
Kip = a gymnastics maneuver
Karen Smith
I know it sounds offensive, but it's too common.
Joe Siebert
"Kits On My List," Hall & Oates originally
"Kiss On My List" David
"Kids On My List," Hall & Oates originally
"Kiss On My List" nally
Taking a pay cut?
Ruby Spinel
"Kiss The Scars," Pixie Lott originally
"Kiss The Stars" Peter
"Kiss The Stags," Pixie Lott originally
"Kiss The Stars" Karen Smith
"Miss The Stars," Pixie Lott originally
"Kiss The Stars" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
Thom: a shortname for Thomas
"Kiss This Thong Goodbye," Del Amitri originally
"Kiss This Thing Goodbye" Naomi Swanson
"Miss You All Over," Exile originally
"Kiss You All Over" As in all over again
Sarah Topsian
"Kiss Lou All Over," Exile originally
"Kiss You All Over" Sarah Topsian
"Kisses Don't Die," Rihanna originally
"Kisses Don't Lie" Candy Welty
"Hisses Don't Lie," Rihanna originally
"Kisses Don't Lie" Candy Welty
"Kisses Won't Lie," Rihanna originally
"Kisses Don't Lie" Candy Welty
"Kisses Sweeter Than Pine," Jimmie Rodgers originally
"Kisses Sweeter Than Wine" Regina Haniger
"Kisses Sweeter Than Wire," Jimmie Rodgers originally
"Kisses Sweeter Than Wine" Anything could be sweeter than wire
Dionne Peacewick
"Kisses Sweeter Than Mine," Jimmie Rodgers originally
"Kisses Sweeter Than Wine" Anne
For good luck at boating, perhaps?
Joanna Whitmire
"Kissin' Lime," Kiss originally
"Kissin' Time" Candy Welty
"Hissin' Time," Kiss originally
"Kissin' Time" Candy Welty
"Missin' Time," Kiss originally
"Kissin' Time" Candy Welty
"Kissin' Mime," Kiss originally
"Kissin' Time" Candy Welty
Never appreciate what one has 'til it's gone!
Wendy Torrance
Someone has a big food fetish, it seems.
Clint Westwood
"Missing My Love," Bill Withers originally
"Kissing My Love" Candy Welty
"Kissing By Love," Bill Withers originally
"Kissing My Love" Candy Welty
"Dissing My Love," Bill Withers originally
"Kissing My Love" Candy Welty
"Kissing My Lode," Bill Withers originally
"Kissing My Love" Candy Welty
"Hissing My Love," Bill Withers originally
"Kissing My Love" Candy Welty
"Kissing My Dove," Bill Withers originally
"Kissing My Love" Candy Welty
"Kitty Cat," Beyonce originally
"Kitty Kat" Corrects the spelling.
Brianna Holden
"Knees Or My Heart," Ian Hunter originally
"Knees Of My Heart" Yvette Bristle
"Kneel Of My Heart," Ian Hunter originally
"Knees Of My Heart" Yvette Bristle
"Knees On My Heart," Ian Hunter originally
"Knees Of My Heart" No more possible than original
Yvette Bristle
"Knew It All Alone," Midtown originally
"Knew It All Along" Candy Welty
"Knives Cut," Radiohead originally
"Knives Out" Obviously.
"Knaves Out," Radiohead originally
"Knives Out" Davey
"Knock Knock Who's Where," Mary Hopkin originally
"Knock Knock Who's There" Candy Welty
"Knock On Word," Eddie Floyd originally
"Knock On Wood" Tiffany Carriker
"Knock On Wool," Eddie Floyd originally
"Knock On Wood" Not all sweaters are made the same.
Eac Zeffron
"Knock On Food," Eddie Floyd originally
"Knock On Wood" Interesting way to test your food.
Eac Zeffron
"Knockin' Boats," Candyman originally
"Knockin' Boots" Ed
"Knockin' Books," Candyman originally
"Knockin' Boots" Literature with advice about knocking on doors?
"Knockin' Da Boats," H-Town originally
"Knockin' Da Boots" Timmy O. Toole
Entries starting with K are split into multiple pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6
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