Change one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
For example: Midnight Oil's "Blue Sky Mine" would become "Blue Sky Mime"
Entries Beginning with I, Page 32
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"In The House Of Stone And Sight," Martin Page originally
"In The House Of Stone And Light" Serafina
"In The House Of Stove And Light," Martin Page originally
"In The House Of Stone And Light" Also known as a kitchen room!
"On The House Of Stone And Light," Martin Page originally
"In The House Of Stone And Light" Serafina
"In The House Of Stone And Might," Martin Page originally
"In The House Of Stone And Light" Serafina
"In The Riddle Of The House," Vaughn Monroe originally
"In The Middle Of The House" Carolyn Morgenstern
"In The Muddle Of The House," Vaughn Monroe originally
"In The Middle Of The House" Carolyn Morgenstern
"In The Middle Of The Mouse," Vaughn Monroe originally
"In The Middle Of The House" Salvador Dali Parton
"In The Fiddle Of The House," Vaughn Monroe originally
"In The Middle Of The House" Carolyn Morgenstern
"In The Middle Of The Louse," Vaughn Monroe originally
"In The Middle Of The House" Beth
"In The Middle Of The Horse," Vaughn Monroe originally
"In The Middle Of The House" Salvador Dali Parton
Hopefully no termites are there!
Gebbie Dibson
Mr Plant tries to harden his image!
"In The Moaning," Coral originally
"In The Morning" NK
Cavy = a type of large South American rodent
Samantha Wayland
nave = central aisle of a church
Marcia Zarwetten-Grassi
Washington Irving Berlin Wall Flower Pot Boiler
Washington Irving Berlin Wall Flower Pot Boiler
"In The Springtime Of His Doodoo," Tori Amos originally
"In The Springtime Of His Voodoo" Naomi Swanson
"In These Changing Tiles," Four Tops originally
"In These Changing Times" Candy Welty
"In These Changing Tides," Four Tops originally
"In These Changing Times" Yvette Bristle
"In These Clanging Times," The Four Tops originally
"In These Changing Times" Cassandra Lund
"In These Changing Limes," Four Tops originally
"In These Changing Times" Yvette Bristle
"In Those Changing Times," Four Tops originally
"In These Changing Times" Candy Welty
"In These Changing Tires," Four Tops originally
"In These Changing Times" Yvette Bristle
"In Theme Changing Times," The Four Tops originally
"In These Changing Times" Cassandra Lund
"In These Changing Tiles," Four Tops originally
"In These Changing Times" Yvette Bristle
"In These Changing Limes," Four Tops originally
"In These Changing Times" Candy Welty
"In These Charging Times," The Four Tops originally
"In These Changing Times" Cassandra Lund
"In These Changing Tides," Four Tops originally
"In These Changing Times" Candy Welty
"In These Chancing Times," The Four Tops originally
"In These Changing Times" Times of taking chances?
Cassandra Lund
"In These Chanting Times," The Four Tops originally
"In These Changing Times" Cassandra Lund
For all the girls who really like Johnny Depp.
"In Pain," INXS originally
"In Vain" Roadrunner
"In Pain," INXS originally
"In Vain" Mickey D.
I couldn't picture Grannis in an army suit
"In Your Ares Again," Natalie Brown originally
"In Your Arms Again" "Are" can be a unit of land area.
Erica Tetralix
"In Your Arks Again," Natalie Brown originally
"In Your Arms Again" Erica Tetralix
"In Your Army Again," Natalie Brown originally
"In Your Arms Again" Lindsay Doyle
"In Your Arts Again," Natalie Brown originally
"In Your Arms Again" Erica Tetralix
Got stuck there while trying to get to your room?
Naomi Swanson
Surprised this wasn't up here yet
Whatever you want to call me
Pronounced saki as in the Japanese whiskey.
Hake: a type of fish.
"The Indian Gong," INXS originally
"The Indian Song" Veronica Krumpfelhagen
"The Indian Bong," INXS originally
"The Indian Song" Veronica Krumpfelhagen
"Injured In The Fame Of Love," Donnie Iris originally
"Injured In The Game Of Love" Yvette Bristle
"Injured In The Game Or Love," Donnie Iris originally
"Injured In The Game Of Love" Yvette Bristle
"Injured In The Name Of Love," Donnie Iris originally
"Injured In The Game Of Love" Yvette Bristle
"Injured In The Gale Of Love," Donnie Iris originally
"Injured In The Game Of Love" Yvette Bristle
"Injured In The Game Of Dove," Donnie Iris originally
"Injured In The Game Of Love" Yvette Bristle
"The Inner Fight," The Beatles originally
"The Inner Light" Alan of Seville
"Infer Silence," Anathema originally
"Inner Silence" When you hear nothing
Naomi Swanson
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