Change one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
For example: Midnight Oil's "Blue Sky Mine" would become "Blue Sky Mime"
Entries Beginning with D, Page 19
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"Don't Slop Me Baby (I'm On Fire)," Austin Roberts originally
"Don't Stop Me Baby (I'm On Fire)" Yvette Bristle
"Don't Stop Me Baby (I'm On File)," Austin Roberts originally
"Don't Stop Me Baby (I'm On Fire)" Yvette Bristle
"Don't Stow Me Baby (I'm On Fire)," Austin Roberts originally
"Don't Stop Me Baby (I'm On Fire)" Yvette Bristle
"Don't Stop Me Babe (I'm On Fire)," Austin Roberts originally
"Don't Stop Me Baby (I'm On Fire)" Yvette Bristle
"Don't Stop Me Baby (I'm On Hire)," Austin Roberts originally
"Don't Stop Me Baby (I'm On Fire)" Yvette Bristle
"Don't Stop My Baby (I'm On Fire)," Austin Roberts originally
"Don't Stop Me Baby (I'm On Fire)" Yvette Bristle
"Don't Stop Ma Baby (I'm On Fire)," Austin Roberts originally
"Don't Stop Me Baby (I'm On Fire)" Yvette Bristle
"Don't Stop Me Baby (I'm On Wire)," Austin Roberts originally
"Don't Stop Me Baby (I'm On Fire)" Yvette Bristle
"Don't Stop Me Baby (I'm In Fire)," Austin Roberts originally
"Don't Stop Me Baby (I'm On Fire)" Yvette Bristle
"Don't Stop Me Baby (I'm On Fife)," Austin Roberts originally
"Don't Stop Me Baby (I'm On Fire)" Yvette Bristle
"Don't Stop Me Baby (I'm On Tire)," Austin Roberts originally
"Don't Stop Me Baby (I'm On Fire)" Yvette Bristle
"Don't Stop Thy Music," Rihanna originally
"Don't Stop The Music" Mare Ego Round
"Won't Stop The Music," Rihanna originally
"Don't Stop The Music" Pam Tabor
"Don't Slop The Music," Rihanna originally
"Don't Stop The Music" Melissa Conway
"Don't Stop Frying," Rodway originally
"Don't Stop Trying" Candy Welty
"Don't Stop Prying," Rodway originally
"Don't Stop Trying" Candy Welty
"Won't Stop Trying," Rodway originally
"Don't Stop Trying" Candy Welty
"Don't Stop Drying," Rodway originally
"Don't Stop Trying" Candy Welty
"Don't Stop Crying," Rodway originally
"Don't Stop Trying" Candy Welty
"Don't Make It Personal (Just One Of Them Days)," Monica originally
"Don't Take It Personal (Just One Of Them Days)" Mia
"Won't Take Me Alive," Steely Dan originally
"Don't Take Me Alive" Serafina
"Don't Tape The Girl," Tim McGraw originally
"Don't Take The Girl" Why would you want HER on video?
"Won't Take The Girl," Tim McGraw originally
"Don't Take The Girl" Peter
"Don't Wake The Girl," Tim McGraw originally
"Don't Take The Girl" Meredith Harshaw
"Don't Rake The Girl," Tim McGraw originally
"Don't Take The Girl" She doesn't have that many leaves on her.
"Don't Tame The Girl," Tim McGraw originally
"Don't Take The Girl" George Straitjacket
"Don't Fake The Girl," Tim McGraw originally
"Don't Take The Girl" Unless you're a cross-dresser.
"Don't Bake The Girl," Tim McGraw originally
"Don't Take The Girl" George Straitjacket
"Don't Make The Girl," Tim McGraw originally
"Don't Take The Girl" McGraw just wants boys?
"Don't Take The Stans," The Mystics originally
"Don't Take The Stars" Don't take the guys named "Stan"
Samantha Wayland
"Don't Take The Start," The Mystics originally
"Don't Take The Stars" Alyssa Jayne
"Don't Take The Stark," The Mystics originally
"Don't Take The Stars" i.e, Don't take things that are stark.
Samantha Wayland
"Don't Take The Stats," The Mystics originally
"Don't Take The Stars" Alyssa Jayne
"Don't Take The Stare," The Mystics originally
"Don't Take The Stars" Samantha Wayland
"Don't Take The Spars," The Mystics originally
"Don't Take The Stars" Alyssa Jayne
"Don't Take The Stags," The Mystics originally
"Don't Take The Stars" Samantha Wayland
"Don't Take The Scars," The Mystics originally
"Don't Take The Stars" Alyssa Jayne
"Don't Take The Stabs," The Mystics originally
"Don't Take The Stars" Alyssa Jayne
"Don't Rake The Stars," The Mystics originally
"Don't Take The Stars" Alyssa Jayne
"Don't Wake The Stars," The Mystics originally
"Don't Take The Stars" Alyssa Jayne
"Don't Bake The Stars," The Mystics originally
"Don't Take The Stars" Alyssa Jayne
"Don't Fake The Stars," The Mystics originally
"Don't Take The Stars" Alyssa Jayne
"Don't Tape The Stars," The Mystics originally
"Don't Take The Stars" Alyssa Jayne
"Don't Make The Stars," The Mystics originally
"Don't Take The Stars" Alyssa Jayne
"Don't Tame The Stars," The Mystics originally
"Don't Take The Stars" Alyssa Jayne
"Won't Take The Stars," The Mystics originally
"Don't Take The Stars" Alyssa Jayne
"Don't Take Your Guys To Town," Johnny Cash originally
"Don't Take Your Guns To Town" Candy Welty
"Don't Take Your Guts To Town," Johnny Cash originally
"Don't Take Your Guns To Town" And how would one get along in town without them?
Ashley Michelle McGowan
"Don't Take Your Gunk To Town," Johnny Cash originally
"Don't Take Your Guns To Town" Karen Smith
"Don't Take Your Puns To Town," Johnny Cash originally
"Don't Take Your Guns To Town" Candy Welty
"Don't Take Your Gins To Town," Johnny Cash originally
"Don't Take Your Guns To Town" Karen Smith
"Don't Take Your Nuns To Town," Johnny Cash originally
"Don't Take Your Guns To Town" Candy Welty
"Don't Take Your Buns To Town," Johnny Cash originally
"Don't Take Your Guns To Town" Candy Welty
"Don't Take Dour Love," Take That originally
"Don't Take Your Love" Alyssa Jayne
"Don't Take Your Cove," Take That originally
"Don't Take Your Love" Alyssa Jayne
"Don't Fake Your Love," Take That originally
"Don't Take Your Love" Alyssa Jayne
"Don't Take Your Lode," Take That originally
"Don't Take Your Love" Alyssa Jayne
"Don't Tame Your Love," Take That originally
"Don't Take Your Love" Alyssa Jayne
"Don't Take Sour Love," Take That originally
"Don't Take Your Love" Alyssa Jayne
"Won't Take Your Love," Take That originally
"Don't Take Your Love" Alyssa Jayne
"Don't Take Your Lore," Take That originally
"Don't Take Your Love" Alyssa Jayne
"Don't Take Your Dove," Take That originally
"Don't Take Your Love" Alyssa Jayne
"Don't Take Your Love Awry," Avant originally
"Don't Take Your Love Away" Wendy Torrance
"Don't Take Sour Love Away," Avant originally
"Don't Take Your Love Away" Wendy Torrance
"Don't Rake Your Love Away," Avant originally
"Don't Take Your Love Away" Wendy Torrance
"Don't Take Your Dove Away," Avant originally
"Don't Take Your Love Away" Wendy Torrance
"Won't Take Your Love Away," Avant originally
"Don't Take Your Love Away" Wendy Torrance
"Don't Take Your Lore Away," Avant originally
"Don't Take Your Love Away" Wendy Torrance
"Don't Take Your Move Away," Avant originally
"Don't Take Your Love Away" Wendy Torrance
"Don't Talk About This Lore," Cheryl Cole originally
"Don't Talk About This Love" Jessica Childress
"Don't Walk About This Love," Cheryl Cole originally
"Don't Talk About This Love" Jessica Childress
"Don't Talk About This Move," Cheryl Cole originally
"Don't Talk About This Love" Jessica Childress
"Don't Talk About This Dove," Cheryl Cole originally
"Don't Talk About This Love" Jessica Childress
"Don't Game A Hurricane," Slade originally
"Don't Tame A Hurricane" Candy Welty
"Don't Take A Hurricane," Slade originally
"Don't Tame A Hurricane" Candy Welty
"Don't Time A Hurricane," Slade originally
"Don't Tame A Hurricane" Candy Welty
"Don't Tape A Hurricane," Slade originally
"Don't Tame A Hurricane" Candy Welty
"Won't Tame A Hurricane," Slade originally
"Don't Tame A Hurricane" Candy Welty
"Don't Name A Hurricane," Slade originally
"Don't Tame A Hurricane" Candy Welty
"Don't Sell Me," Madonna originally
"Don't Tell Me" Madonna will sell herself!
"Won't Tell Me," Madonna originally
"Don't Tell Me" Serafina
"Don't Sell Me No," The Cars originally
"Don't Tell Me No" rebecca
"Don't Tell Me Tee Time," Martha Davis originally
"Don't Tell Me The Time" Heidi Sharpe
"Don't Tell Me Thy Time," Martha Davis originally
"Don't Tell Me The Time" Lydia Helton
"Don't Tell Ma The Time," Martha Davis originally
"Don't Tell Me The Time" Lydia Helton
"Won't Tell Your Mama (Where You've Been)," Eddie Floyd originally
"Don't Tell Your Mama (Where You've Been)" Yvette Bristle
"Don't Think I'm Nit," Kandi originally
"Don't Think I'm Not" Penelope Beckinsale
"Don't Think I'm Rot," Kandi originally
"Don't Think I'm Not" Penelope Beckinsale
"Don't Think I'm Hot," Kandi originally
"Don't Think I'm Not" Mark Richardson
"Won't Think I'm Not," Kandi originally
"Don't Think I'm Not" Doug Wells
"Don't Think I'm Nut," Kandi originally
"Don't Think I'm Not" Penelope Beckinsale
"Don't Throw Scones," The Sports originally
"Don't Throw Stones" Jessica Childress
"Won't Throw Stones," The Sports originally
"Don't Throw Stones" Jessica Childress
"Don't Torch Me There," The Tubes originally
"Don't Touch Me There" ouch!!
"Don't Touch Ma There," The Tubes originally
"Don't Touch Me There" The kids might not understand.
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