Change one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
For example: Midnight Oil's "Blue Sky Mine" would become "Blue Sky Mime"
Entries Beginning with P, Page 5
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May it do what?
Melanie Bianca Green
"Paw Me," Usher originally
"Pay Me" Melanie Black
"Pan Me," Usher originally
"Pay Me" Melanie Black
"Pay Ma," Usher originally
"Pay Me" Melanie Black
"Pal Me," Usher originally
"Pay Me" Melanie Black
"Gay Me," Usher originally
"Pay Me" Melanie Black
"Pat Me," Usher originally
"Pay Me" Melanie Black
"Say Me," Usher originally
"Pay Me" Melanie Black
"Pad Me," Usher originally
"Pay Me" Melanie Black
"Lay Me," Usher originally
"Pay Me" Melanie Black
"Peach," Weezer originally
"Peace" Josh
"Peace In Our Lime," Eddie Money originally
"Peace In Our Time" Candy Welty
"Peace In Our Tile," Eddie Money originally
"Peace In Our Time" Candy Welty
"Peace In Our Tide," Eddie Money originally
"Peace In Our Time" Candy Welty
"Place In Our Time," Eddie Money originally
"Peace In Our Time" Candy Welty
"Peace In Oar Time," Eddie Money originally
"Peace In Our Time" Candy Welty
"Peach In Our Time," Eddie Money originally
"Peace In Our Time" Candy Welty
"Peace In Our Mime," Eddie Money originally
"Peace In Our Time" Candy Welty
"Peach Is Flowing Like A River," Carey Landry originally
"Peace Is Flowing Like A River" Rose Cathcart
"Peace Is Slowing Like A River," Carey Landry originally
"Peace Is Flowing Like A River" Annemarie
"Peace Is Blowing Like A River," Carey Landry originally
"Peace Is Flowing Like A River" Rose Cathcart
"Peace Is Flowing Like A Rover," Carey Landry originally
"Peace Is Flowing Like A River" Rose Cathcart
"Peace Is Flowing Like A Rider," Carey Landry originally
"Peace Is Flowing Like A River" Rose Cathcart
"Peace Of Hind," Boston originally
"Peace Of Mind" Ed
"Peace Of Mink," Boston originally
"Peace Of Mind" Trina Lufkin
"Place Of Mind," Boston originally
"Peace Of Mind" Ferragamo
"Peace Or Mind," Boston originally
"Peace Of Mind" Gotta choose one or the other!
Trina Lufkin
"Peach Of Mind," Boston originally
"Peace Of Mind" kozar
"Peace Of Mine," Boston originally
"Peace Of Mind" Julie
That would make for one peculiar smoke.
Have pine trees ever symbolized peace?
Natalie Snortman
"Peace Tells," Megadeth originally
"Peace Sells" Candy Welty
"Peace Bells," Megadeth originally
"Peace Sells" Candy Welty
"Peach Sells," Ill Bill originally
"Peace Sells" Tiffany Carriker
"Peace Wells," Megadeth originally
"Peace Sells" Candy Welty
"Place Sells," Ill Bill originally
"Peace Sells" Courtney Mears
"Peace Yells," Megadeth originally
"Peace Sells" Candy Welty
"Peaceful Easy Reeling," Eagles originally
"Peaceful Easy Feeling" Kind of an oxymoron!
Rachel Stedman
"Peaceful Easy Feeding," The Eagles originally
"Peaceful Easy Feeling" Serafina
"Peach, Plum, Gear," Joanna Newsom originally
"Peach, Plum, Pear" Yvette Bristle
"Peach, Plum, Peas," Joanna Newsom originally
"Peach, Plum, Pear" Yvette Bristle
"Peach, Plum, Bear," Joanna Newsom originally
"Peach, Plum, Pear" Yvette Bristle
"Peach, Plum, Fear," Joanna Newsom originally
"Peach, Plum, Pear" Yvette Bristle
You know, those things that birds sit on.
"Peaches End Cream," 112 originally
"Peaches And Cream" How do peaches do that?!?
Natalie Merchant's Millpond
"Perches And Cream," 112 originally
"Peaches And Cream" Natalie Merchant's Millpond
"Beaches And Cream," 112 originally
"Peaches And Cream" Lydia Helton
"Peaches And Bream," 112 originally
"Peaches And Cream" Bream, as in the fish bream
Natalie Merchant's Millpond
"Peaches And Dream," 112 originally
"Peaches And Cream" Lydia Helton
"Pearly," Sade originally
"Pearls" Miranda Turner
Strange combination, unless it means diced carrots
Regina Olsen
Go in the rest room and do your thing!
That's one elevator I won't be getting on!
Now the song is about a vegetable!
Now it's a song about an overweight model.
A bench/seat in a church
A small breed of dog
"Pencil Full Of Leas," Paolo Nutini originally
"Pencil Full Of Lead" Putting meadows in a pencil? Neat trick!
Nicole Parsons
"Pencil Full Of Dead," Paolo Nutini originally
"Pencil Full Of Lead" A haunted pencil?
Pupa, as in dormant insect stage, like cocoon
Christina Caraway
"Peonies From Heaven," The Skyliners originally
"Pennies From Heaven" Serafina
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