Change one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
For example: Midnight Oil's "Blue Sky Mine" would become "Blue Sky Mime"
Entries Beginning with D, Page 25
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"Drop Your Nuns," April Wine originally
"Drop Your Guns" Peter
"Drop Your Gums," April Wine originally
"Drop Your Guns" Peter
"Drop Your Buns," April Wine originally
"Drop Your Guns" Peter
"Props Of Jupiter," Train originally
"Drops Of Jupiter" For a play set there.
Joanna Whitmire
"Crops Of Jupiter," Train originally
"Drops Of Jupiter" Ah, so they have agriculture there!?!
Millie Verst
Pronounced like 'oan', unlike original title.
"Drown In My Owl Tears," The Smithereens originally
"Drown In My Own Tears" Faith Spencer
"Drown In My Own Fears," The Smithereens originally
"Drown In My Own Tears" Faith Spencer
"Frown In My Own Tears," The Smithereens originally
"Drown In My Own Tears" Jessica Childress
"Crown In My Own Tears," The Smithereens originally
"Drown In My Own Tears" Jessica Childress
"Frowning In The Sea Of Love," Joe Simon originally
"Drowning In The Sea Of Love" Jessica Childress
"Drowning In The Tea Of Love," Joe Simon originally
"Drowning In The Sea Of Love" Rafeal De La Ghetto
"Crowning In The Sea Of Love," Joe Simon originally
"Drowning In The Sea Of Love" Jessica Childress
"Browning Shadows," Sam Smith originally
"Drowning Shadows" Jessica Childress
"Crowning Shadows," Sam Smith originally
"Drowning Shadows" Jessica Childress
"Frowning Shadows," Sam Smith originally
"Drowning Shadows" Jessica Childress
"Drum Of Choice," 10 Years originally
"Drug Of Choice" Bridget Andrews
"Drag Of Choice," 10 Years originally
"Drug Of Choice" Bridget Andrews
"The Drags Don't Work," The Verve originally
"The Drugs Don't Work" Karen Smith
"The Dregs Don't Work," The Verve originally
"The Drugs Don't Work" Karen Smith
"The Drums Don't Work," The Verve originally
"The Drugs Don't Work" Did Keith Moon play on the original demo?
"The Drugs Won't Work," The Verve originally
"The Drugs Don't Work" Karen Smith
"Drums Are By Beat," Sandy Nelson originally
"Drums Are My Beat" Alyssa Jayne
"Drums Are My Feat," Sandy Nelson originally
"Drums Are My Beat" Alyssa Jayne
"Drums Ate My Beat," Sandy Nelson originally
"Drums Are My Beat" Alyssa Jayne
"Drums Are My Heat," Sandy Nelson originally
"Drums Are My Beat" Alyssa Jayne
"Drums Are My Beak," Sandy Nelson originally
"Drums Are My Beat" Alyssa Jayne
"Drums Are My Beam," Sandy Nelson originally
"Drums Are My Beat" Alyssa Jayne
"Drums Are My Bean," Sandy Nelson originally
"Drums Are My Beat" Alyssa Jayne
"Drugs Are My Beat," Sandy Nelson originally
"Drums Are My Beat" Alyssa Jayne
"Drums Are My Boat," Sandy Nelson originally
"Drums Are My Beat" Alyssa Jayne
"Drums Are My Bear," Sandy Nelson originally
"Drums Are My Beat" Alyssa Jayne
"Drums Are My Seat," Sandy Nelson originally
"Drums Are My Beat" Alyssa Jayne
"Drums Are My Belt," Sandy Nelson originally
"Drums Are My Beat" Alyssa Jayne
"Drums Are My Best," Sandy Nelson originally
"Drums Are My Beat" Alyssa Jayne
"Drums Are My Bead," Sandy Nelson originally
"Drums Are My Beat" Alyssa Jayne
The cause of the drunkenness, none less
Roxanne Drake
Natalie Merchant's Millpond
Natalie Merchant's Millpond
Natalie Merchant's Millpond
"Drunks, Covers, Sinners And Saints," Alexisonfire originally
"Drunks, Lovers, Sinners And Saints" Paige Evans
"Drunks, Lovers, Sinners And Paints," Alexisonfire originally
"Drunks, Lovers, Sinners And Saints" Paige Evans
"Drunks, Lovers, Sinners, And Taints," Alexisonfire originally
"Drunks, Lovers, Sinners, And Saints" Dana Thompkins
"Dual Carriageway Rain," Taste originally
"Dual Carriageway Pain" Regina Olsen
"Deal Carriageway Pain," Taste originally
"Dual Carriageway Pain" Regina Olsen
"Dual Carriageway Pail," Taste originally
"Dual Carriageway Pain" Regina Olsen
"Dial Carriageway Pain," Taste originally
"Dual Carriageway Pain" Regina Olsen
"Dull Carriageway Pain," Taste originally
"Dual Carriageway Pain" Regina Olsen
"Quality," Slipknot originally
"Duality" Tabitha Cartwright
"Duke Looks Like A Lady," Aerosmith originally
"Dude Looks Like A Lady" Candace Mercer
"Jude Looks Like A Lady," Aerosmith originally
"Dude Looks Like A Lady" Maybe he'll take this sad song and make it better.
Lindsay Lowhound
"Dude Cooks Like A Lady," Aerosmith originally
"Dude Looks Like A Lady" FussBudget
"Dupe Looks Like A Lady," Aerosmith originally
"Dude Looks Like A Lady" Lindsay Lowhound
"Nude Looks Like A Lady," Aerosmith originally
"Dude Looks Like A Lady" Naomi Swanson
"Diets For One," Elton John originally
"Duets For One" Changes it to a literally possible title!
Karen Smith
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