Using just the letters of a band name, create a sentence using those letters to describe them. It's like an anagram, only there's no limit
to how many times you can use a letter.
Entries Beginning with R
Daria, I do rad deer diarrhea, do I, Daria? I do. formed from
Radiohead What the heck is rad deer diarrhea?
Eat a ram, a tire, an Einstein is a tin formed from
Rammstein hamp
I am not really a monster, actually I really am a monster, I eat meat, not apples and insects and rotten apples and rotten insects. formed from
Rammstein hamp
Hear Heather rate Rare Earth here at the theater. formed from
Rare Earth Candy Welty
Bad Rosi!
D. Melody Dole, MD
The animation company.
Do they do any of that?
Karen Smith
Wow, two red roosters were at war at Easter. formed from
Rod Stewart Bruce Curb
Rosario and Rawson are both cities in Argentina.
Karen Smith
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