Change one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
For example: Midnight Oil's "Blue Sky Mine" would become "Blue Sky Mime"
Entries Beginning with J, Page 5
Entries starting with J are split into multiple pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
"Judy's Turd To Cry," Lesley Gore originally
"Judy's Turn To Cry" Always remarkable when turds cry!
"Rudy's Turn To Cry," Lesley Gore originally
"Judy's Turn To Cry" Another sex-change by changing a letter.
Rapunzel Gladstone
"Judy's Turn To Fry," Lesley Gore originally
"Judy's Turn To Cry" Cape Canaveral Lavigne
"June Box Hero," Foreigner originally
"Juke Box Hero" Natalie Lundgren
"Juke Box Nero," Foreigner originally
"Juke Box Hero" Lots of fiddle music on that juke box?
Natalie Lundgren
"Juke Box Zero," Foreigner originally
"Juke Box Hero" crazydon
"Puke Box Hero," Foreigner originally
"Juke Box Hero" crazydon
"Juke Box Saturday Fight," Glenn Miller originally
"Juke Box Saturday Night" Veruca Pepper
"Jukebox In Liberia," Skyhooks originally
"Jukebox In Siberia" Kelly Blythe
The month name 'July' in Spanish, or a boy's name.
"Julfa Dream," Pink Floyd originally
"Julia Dream" Julfa is a city in Azerbaijan
Bethany Byrd
"Julia, We Don't Love In The Sixties," The Indelicates originally
"Julia, We Don't Live In The Sixties" Karen Smith
"Julio, We Don't Live In The Sixties," The Indelicates originally
"Julia, We Don't Live In The Sixties" A gender change by letter change
Naomi Swanson
"Julia, We Don't Jive In The Sixties," The Indelicates originally
"Julia, We Don't Live In The Sixties" Candy Welty
"Julie, We Don't Live In The Sixties," The Indelicates originally
"Julia, We Don't Live In The Sixties" Candy Welty
"Julia, We Don't Dive In The Sixties," The Indelicates originally
"Julia, We Don't Live In The Sixties" Candy Welty
"Julia, He Don't Live In The Sixties," The Indelicates originally
"Julia, We Don't Live In The Sixties" Bad grammar, but it makes sense.
Candy Welty
"Julia, We Don't Give In The Sixties," The Indelicates originally
"Julia, We Don't Live In The Sixties" Candy Welty
"Julia, We Won't Live In The Sixties," The Indelicates originally
"Julia, We Don't Live In The Sixties" Candy Welty
"Julie's Been Working For The Drag Squad," The Clash originally
"Julie's Been Working For The Drug Squad" Mark Richardson
"Julia's Been Working For The Drug Squad," The Clash originally
"Julie's Been Working For The Drug Squad" Naomi Swanson
"Julie's Been Working For The Drug Squid," The Clash originally
"Julie's Been Working For The Drug Squad" A drug squid? Now THAT's bizarre!
Mae Beam
"Julie's Been Working For The Drum Squad," The Clash originally
"Julie's Been Working For The Drug Squad" And she's been using Ian Dury's 'rhythm stick'.
Mark Richardson
"Julio's Been Working For The Drug Squad," The Clash originally
"Julie's Been Working For The Drug Squad" a sex-change by altering a letter
Mark Richardson
"Julio, Do Ya Love Me," Bobby Sherman originally
"Julie, Do Ya Love Me" Kellie
"Julia, Do Ya Love Me," Bobby Sherman originally
"Julie, Do Ya Love Me" Kellie
"Julio, Do Ya Love Me?," Bobby Sherman originally
"Julie, Do Ya Love Me?" Larry The Babel Guy
"July Moaning," Uriah Heep originally
"July Morning" Crystal Paisley
"Jury Morning," Uriah Heep originally
"July Morning" Peter
"Judy Morning," Uriah Heep originally
"July Morning" Peter
"Judy You're A Woman," Pat Boone originally
"July You're A Woman" Makes perfect sense since Judy is a girl's name.
Yvette Bristle
as in Forrest Gump, perhaps?
Actually, a jump IS a kind of move!
I'll jump for some Dove chocolates!
"Jump In My Cay," C.C. Catch originally
"Jump In My Car" Cay, as in a small island; one COULD jump there.
Francine Harper
"Jump In My Cap," C.C. Catch originally
"Jump In My Car" Sounds like a tight fit!
Francine Harper
"Jump In My Cam," C.C. Catch originally
"Jump In My Car" Jump into a camera??
Francine Harper
"Jump In My Cab," C.C. Catch originally
"Jump In My Car" Francine Harper
"Jump In My Can," C.C. Catch originally
"Jump In My Car" Don't know if that would be fun....
Francine Harper
"Jump On My Car," C.C. Catch originally
"Jump In My Car" Francine Harper
Just make sure I'm not in it and you clean it up!
A. Person
"Rump In My Car," C.C. Catch originally
"Jump In My Car" Francine Harper
"Gump In My Car," C.C. Catch originally
"Jump In My Car" As in Forrest Gump?
Francine Harper
"Pump In My Car," C.C. Catch originally
"Jump In My Car" Francine Harper
"Lump In My Car," C.C. Catch originally
"Jump In My Car" Francine Harper
"Jump Into The Mire," Nilsson originally
"Jump Into The Fire" Carolyn Morgenstern
"Jump Into The Wire," Nilsson originally
"Jump Into The Fire" Candy Welty
"Bump Into The Fire," Nilsson originally
"Jump Into The Fire" Carolyn Morgenstern
"Jump Into The File," Nilsson originally
"Jump Into The Fire" Candy Welty
"Pump Into The Fire," Nilsson originally
"Jump Into The Fire" Candy Welty
"Dump Into The Fire," Nilsson originally
"Jump Into The Fire" Candy Welty
"Jump Into The Tire," Nilsson originally
"Jump Into The Fire" Candy Welty
"Gump Into The Fire," Nilsson originally
"Jump Into The Fire" Candy Welty
"Lump Into The Fire," Nilsson originally
"Jump Into The Fire" Candy Welty
"Jump Onto The Fire," Nilsson originally
"Jump Into The Fire" Candy Welty
"Jump Right On," The Urge originally
"Jump Right In" Tara Gilmer
"Rump To The Rhythm," Jordan Pruitt originally
"Jump To The Rhythm" Kristin Hadley's Boyfriend
"Pump To The Rhythm," Jordan Pruitt originally
"Jump To The Rhythm" Heather Brockwell
"Bump To The Rhythm," Jordan Pruitt originally
"Jump To The Rhythm" Joe
Off a somewhat (but not very) high wall
Doug Wells
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