Change one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
For example: Midnight Oil's "Blue Sky Mine" would become "Blue Sky Mime"
Entries Beginning with D, Page 24
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"Dreams Of The Everyday Mousewife," Glen Campbell originally
"Dreams Of The Everyday Housewife" Renee Keener
"Dreads Of The Everyday Housewife," Glen Campbell originally
"Dreams Of The Everyday Housewife" Renee Keener
"Creams Of The Everyday Housewife," Glen Campbell originally
"Dreams Of The Everyday Housewife" Renee Keener
"Dreams Odd Men Dream," Cold War Kids originally
"Dreams Old Men Dream" The Mole
As in Meat Loaf, whose orig. name is Marvin Aday
Jessica Childress
When you want the Beach Boys to freeze your soul?
Lucinda Blair
"Grifter," Sylvia originally
"Drifter" Evangeline York
"Drifted," Sylvia originally
"Drifter" Evangeline York
"Drafter," Sylvia originally
"Drifter" Evangeline York
"Drifting Awry," Fastball originally
"Drifting Away" Peggy Pollock
"Drifting Aday," Fastball originally
"Drifting Away" As in Meat Loaf, whose orig. name is Marvin Aday
Jessica Childress
"Drafting Away," Fastball originally
"Drifting Away" Gretchen Wieners
"Drifting Sway," Fastball originally
"Drifting Away" A boat could sway while drifting.
Jessica Childress
"Driftword," Travis originally
"Driftwood" Maybe like when one's words drift off?
Gretchen Wieners
"Draftwood," Travis originally
"Driftwood" Whatever draftwood would be...
Gretchen Wieners
"The Drinking Man's Dint," Allan Sherman originally
"The Drinking Man's Diet" Julia Cox
"The Drinking Man's Dirt," Allan Sherman originally
"The Drinking Man's Diet" Julia Cox
"The Drinking Fan's Diet," Allan Sherman originally
"The Drinking Man's Diet" Candy Welty
"The Drinking Man's Died," Allan Sherman originally
"The Drinking Man's Diet" How sad! Changes possessive to contraction.
Natalie Stonecipher
"The Drinking Man's Duet," Allan Sherman originally
"The Drinking Man's Diet" Candy Welty
"Drove," Incubus originally
"Drive" Changes it to past tense!
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
Drive Foster to do what?
Sabrina Flowe
Don't know how that'd work, but doubt I'd like it.
Courtney (about as bad as tennis elbow)
A favorite of Dick Cheney's?
"Drivel By You," Brian May originally
"Driven By You" Billy Reuben
"Driver By You," Brian May originally
"Driven By You" Billy Reuben
"Driven To Bears," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Sabrina
"Driven To Teams," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Nancy
"Driven To Sears," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Does anyone still shop there?
"Driven To Rears," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Sabrina
"Driven To Fears," The Police originally
"Driven To Tears" Sabrina
"Driven Education," Amy Ray originally
"Driver Education" Hopefully not by some neo-Nazi!
Eac Zefron
"Drivel Education," Amy Ray originally
"Driver Education" SOME of my actual education qualifies as that!
Amber Wayland
"Drivin' My Life Awry," Eddie Rabbitt originally
"Drivin' My Life Away" Mallory
"Drivin' My Wife Away," Eddie Rabbitt originally
"Drivin' My Life Away" Paint Roller
"Driving Away From Rome (Jim's Tune)," It's Immaterial originally
"Driving Away From Home (Jim's Tune)" For people who dislike sports radio host Jim Rome?
"Driving Away From Home (Kim's Tune)," It's Immaterial originally
"Driving Away From Home (Jim's Tune)" Calop
"Driving Away From Home (Jim's Tone)," It's Immaterial originally
"Driving Away From Home (Jim's Tune)" Ava Murphy
"Driving Away From Home (Jim's Rune)," It's Immaterial originally
"Driving Away From Home (Jim's Tune)" Ava Murphy
"Driving Away From Home (Jim's Dune)," It's Immaterial originally
"Driving Away From Home (Jim's Tune)" Ava Murphy
"Driving Awry From Home (Jim's Tune)," It's Immaterial originally
"Driving Away From Home (Jim's Tune)" Ava Murphy
"Driving Away From Hole (Jim's Tune)," It's Immaterial originally
"Driving Away From Home (Jim's Tune)" **Please don't submit anything that's already here
Ava Murphy
"Driving Away From Nome (Jim's Tune)," It's Immaterial originally
"Driving Away From Home (Jim's Tune)" Ava Murphy
"Driving Away From Home (Tim's Tune)," It's Immaterial originally
"Driving Away From Home (Jim's Tune)" Ava Murphy
"Drop Your Guts," April Wine originally
"Drop Your Guns" Telling people to lose weight?
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