These are lyrics by Westlife that we think are kind of nonsensical.
Nonsensical Song Lyrics, Westlife
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Allow Us to Be Frank album at
Ooh da bop bop baby, please don�t let me go
If somebody would say this to me, I would call the loony-bin!
Submitted by: Dutch_Justine
When I call you at home
No one answers the phone
The entire song (along with virtually everything by this band) is utter nonsense, but this lyric deserves special mention because the video features the band as musketeers in Medieval France - some 500 years before telephones were invented!
Submitted by: Fletch
"Can't Lose What You Never Had"
You cant lose what you never had
why does he even care if he never had it in the first place?
Submitted by: SupaCaz
Now I know better
To hurt you was wrong
Girl it's with you I belong
Oh no!
With all my love for Westlife and the song... He's singing about how he needs the girl and wants to be happy. Shouldn't the 'oh no' be a happy 'Oh yes!'? But no sweat, on the live show he fixed it ;-))
Submitted by: S. Angelmouse
"We've Got A World Of Our Own"
I let you in where no one else goes
which is the place where no one else goes? his personal toilet!!
Submitted by: vaibhav
all i want is love
someone who canshare the pain i feel
wat kinda pain.they r stupid
Submitted by: adrienne
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Disclaimer: makes no claims to the accuracy of the correct lyrics.
All correct lyrics are copyrighted, does not claim ownership of the original lyrics.