These are lyrics by Rage Against The Machine that we think are kind of nonsensical.
Nonsensical Song Lyrics, Rage Against The Machine
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Evil Empire album at
You're gonna burn, burn, burn.... roar!!!
What?!?! You're gonna burn and then roar? I don't get it!
Submitted by: Pat Mahiney
Lights out, guerrilla radio
Turn that s*** up
You call it s*** but you ask to turn it up. You repeatedly contradict yourself. You're nuts.
Submitted by: Ned Riley
Killing in the name of
Of what? Love? Hate? Please tell me!
Submitted by: Ned Riley
The pig who's free to murder one, Shucklack
Most of this band's lyrics seem to make sense in my opinion, but I think the lead singer really got me puzzled with this one. I heard some guesses on that being a machine gun's noise getting loaded. Not quite convincing tho, so keep trying. Also, what the heck is "Shucklack"?.
Submitted by: Gabriela
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