These are lyrics by Korn that we think are kind of nonsensical.
Nonsensical Song Lyrics, Korn
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"Falling Away From Me"
Pressing me, they won't go away
So I pray, go away
Sorry, but to me this doesn't seem to make sense whatsoever.
Submitted by: Dutch_Justine
"Freak On A Leash"
Sometimes I cannot feel my face
Okay John, now take your hands, put them on the front part of your head... there we go!
Submitted by: Meagan
"Freak on a Leash"
Da-boom-da-da-mmm-dum-na-ee-ma, da-boom-da-da-mmm-dum-na-ee-ma etc...
So fight, something on the ming-a-ooh, fight, some things they fight.
What does any of this mean?
Submitted by: Katy
It feels like something
It feels like nothing
These statements are contradictory. Make up your mind.
Submitted by: Dutch_Justine
"Somebody Someone"
All I need is some pain
WHAT?! Who the heck wants to feel pain? That's just plain stupid. I mean, it's natural for our bodies to feel pain, but it's not a desired feeling.
Submitted by: Dutch_Justine
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All correct lyrics are copyrighted, does not claim ownership of the original lyrics.