If you have song lyrics that name check celebrities for a song use the below form to send it in.
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I'm not talking about songs that just name someone (there's more than I could ever list).
I'm referring to songs that name someone famous or well known. For instance the Beastie Boys "name check" Abe Vigoda in "Posse in Effect".
Song Lyrics That Name Check Celebrities, Latest Entries
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Greg Bates', "Did It for the Girl"
I dialed her up some old George Strait.
Country and western singer George Strait.
Submitted by: Edward
Doris Day stays home
And washes dishes one by one
Always one by one
Doris Day
Submitted by: The Skuz
This hit, that ice cold.
Michelle Pfeiffer, that white gold.
Movie actress Michelle Pfeiffer.
Submitted by: Edward
Dancing to an old song Bobby Vinton's blue on blue
Bobby Vinton
Submitted by: G_RandomPerson
Then I woke up, Mom and Dad
Are rolling on the couch
Rolling numbers, rock and rollin'
Got my KISS records out
Submitted by: G_RandomPerson
Maybe it's Obama but he thinks that he's too young
Barack Obama
Submitted by: G_RandomPerson
I had my hands in the river, my feet back up on the banks
Looked up to the Lord above and said, "Hey, man thanks"
Sometimes I feel so good, I gotta scream
She said, "Gordie baby, I know exactly what you mean"
Gordie is referring to The Tragically Hip's lead singer Gord Downie himself.
Submitted by: G_RandomPerson
Jim Croce's,
"You Don't Mess Around with Jim"
You don't tug on Superman's cape
Submitted by: Noah William Johnsen
Saw the ghost of Elvis
On Union Avenue
Elvis Presley
Submitted by: Dayna
I used to be your Superman
Submitted by: Dayna
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