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Song Parodies -> "What Should We Do with the Drug-Kings Sacklers?"

Original Song Title:

"What Shall We Do with a Drunken Sailor?"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"What Should We Do with the Drug-Kings Sacklers?"

Parody Written by:

John A. Barry

The Lyrics

What should we do with the drugging Sacklers?
What should we do with the drug-king Sacklers?
What should we do with drug-kingpins Sacklers?

Kept the swag numbers rising,
kept Mammon numbers rising,
kept addict numbers rising.
Addiction suborning.

Paid off the pols to stay in their favor,
paid off police to stay in their favor,
paid off judges to stay in their favor.

Kept the gelt numbers rising,
kept the pelf numbers rising,
kept the death numbers rising.
Overdose suborning.

Sold way-high doses over and over,
sold way-too-high doses; then it’s over,
morticians filled holes over and over.
Overdose suborning.

Kept numbers of pay rising
and kept the payoffs rising.
Kept number of graves rising.
Ossuaries forming.

When they needed judges, they went out and bought ’em,
when they needed crooked pols, they simply bought ’em,
when they needed DEA’s blessing, they bought ’em.
Bribery suborning.

Never let up on bribing.
Big payoffs suborning.

Cooked the books and spent lots to skirt hot water.
Throw the book at ’em; that is what we oughta.
Throw ’em in the pen, that is what we oughta…
They just get a warning.

While the death count was rising,
Sackler profits were rising.
Why not prison-residing
is this scourge drug-whoring?

That’s what we should do with drugging Sacklers,
that’s what we should do with drug-king Sacklers,
that’s we should do with drug-kingpins Sacklers
till they’re gone…no mourning.

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Pacing: 4.7
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 3

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   1
 5   2

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