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Song Parodies -> "Tastes Like Chicken"

Original Song Title:

"This Is England"

Original Performer:

The Clash

Parody Song Title:

"Tastes Like Chicken"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

I'm sorry, I ate what?
The meat that's found in your sandwich, inside your mouth to go down
What's it made out of? Your sandwich would make you frown or worse now

What does meat taste like? Muscles from the legs and arms
Of the animals that didn't live through the farm
At least that's the story, I don't want to alarm
But what you just ate could be chimpanzee forearms

Tastes like chicken, that old joke is quite real
Tastes like chicken, your choice how you deal

You think that slab of meat is pork? How droll
I think you'll find your sandwich is made of finest mole
They hide the taste inside that crusty roll
Behind a heap of spices and words old:

"Tastes like chicken!" Quite a linguistic eyesore
Tastes like chicken but that ain't what's on your fork

Could be a flattened ferret that the chef found one time
It did his truck no proper damage but it grilled up good and fine
It could be a shitload of rats that made that meat
No longer hungry am I, nor should you be

Tastes like chicken, send those damn chefs straight to jail
Tastes like chicken, hang on, "at least it ain't stale"?

Wait, how can you still eat that? What's wrong in your head?
I told you what's in there, should be seein' red
"It's still delicious"? I'm shocked that that's what you just said
I guess my problem is that I've not brought the dread

"Tastes like chicken"? That's not put the fear in, has it?
Tastes like chicken, more a pro than con, damn it
Tastes like chicken, that old joke's still quite real
Tastes like chicken, your choice how you deal
Tastes like chicken
Tastes like chicken

Honestly, as long as not it's not riddled with disease, I don't see a problem with the more out-there meats. I would love to try some in the future, hopefully they're not as strong as kangaroo.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.7
How Funny: 4.7
Overall Rating: 4.7

Total Votes: 14

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   13

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