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Song Parodies -> "Still A Dame"

Original Song Title:

"Still The Same"

Original Performer:

Bob Seger

Parody Song Title:

"Still A Dame"

Parody Written by:

Malcolm Higgins

The Lyrics

oh no.. a transvestite song.. from me? whoda thunk???
you're always one, every time you wear a dress
fingernails, trimmed up for a soft caress,
the bandage there, wrapped around your back and chest,
trying hard to hide your breasts
surgery would help you best

you always said,
the doctor'd never do you wrong,
the O.R. bed,
there they will install a dong
and plant some hair,
the latest trick that you would try,
to hide the fact youre not a guy
even with your bony thighs.

but you're still a dame,
talking to you proved to me
it's a bloody shame
had an "add-a-dick-to-me"
muscles on your arm,
trying to act like you're a guy
you're still a dame,
but hey, nice try

there you stood ,
with the others out the back
your life away off track
surgery removed your rack
you're still a dame
this is just a game
genders never change
you're still a dame

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John Barry - July 15, 2004 - Report this comment
I sense a trans trend emerging.

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