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Song Parodies -> "Another Under The Bus"

Original Song Title:

"Another One Bites the Dust"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"Another Under The Bus"

Parody Written by:

John A. Barry

The Lyrics

Sean was scary, sad sack of meat,
but his tenure not a go.
Like many others, had to retreat;
before long he had to blow.

Was he ready, was he ready for this?
Or did he get-sucker-punched off his feet?
Nothing but lies came out of his lips;
at least he didn’t tweet.

Another under the bus,
one other under the bus.
He’s just one of those thrown, then another one’s thrown—
another under the bus.
Many careers quickly through…
another under the bus.

Many minions been told to get along—
here one day, the next they're gone.
Not even any expression of “sad”;
They're kicked out, no “goodbye” shown.

Take McMaster, he’s mindlessly fired
and shown the door to the street.
Out from office he’s ripped.
He didn’t lie, steal, or cheat.

Another under the bus,
then others under the bus.
He’s just one of those thrown, then another one’s thrown—
another under the bus.
One’s a crook and traitor too,
but Paul's shoved under the bus.

Another under the bus,
and others thrown under bus.
A bunch thrown under the bus,
another under the bus.

Another victim was a lawyer fan,
who made the payoff go down.
To the porn chick he wrote a check,
but then his “friend” rapidly threw him to the hounds.

Then the Feds went after him; the friend flew;
he was rapidly in retreat.
“Talk to my lawyer,” what the friend quipped.
It was the shyster who took the heat.

Another under the bus,
a bunch go under the bus.
There’s another one thrown, then another one thrown—
big numbers under the bus.
Others gonna go there too;
they’re chucked underneath the bus

Chucked Sessions under the bus,
Chucked Kelly under the bus,
Chucked IGs under the bus,
thug Bolton under the bus,
chucked Sondland under the bus,
chucks experts under the bus.
Don’t wanna be chucked? Butt-buss.
Chuck Fauci under the bus?
Ain’t much room under the bus.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 1.7
How Funny: 1.7
Overall Rating: 1.7

Total Votes: 12

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   10
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   2

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