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Song Parodies -> "Dancin' Hurts My Feet"

Original Song Title:

"Dancin' In the Streets"

Original Performer:

Grateful Dead

Parody Song Title:

"Dancin' Hurts My Feet"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

A man is asked to dance, which he vehemently refuses, claiming foot pain...but is it the truth?
Dancin', dancin', dancin' hurts my feet
Dancin', dancin', dancin' hurts my feet

I don't like to be-e the jerk
Refusin' to get down to-o the beat
Drums a-are great and the ba-ass is fine
But dancin' hurts my feet
Can't dance the cha cha cha-a, no-o
O-Or the Charlesto-on, please
I can't Dougie

Sou-ounds like qui-uite the stupid e-excuse, this
But it's true, not fa-alse, I swea-ear
Feet are achin' and swollen, think one's broken
Yeah, dancin' hurts my feet
Don't look at my soles, cause I swear
Sight will make you rip your hai-air
So you'll just have to take my word
That the slightest Frug will hurt

Dancin', dancin', dancin' hurts my feet
Dancin', dancin', dancin' hurts my feet

Stop the interrogation, won't be breakin'
Swear my toes will bleed
These aren't lies that I'm sayin', ain't evadin'
Swear dancin' hurts my feet
Can't shimmy or step, oka-ay?
No Gangnam Style for me now
I can't show my dancin's shitty

Di-idn't say that, prove it, i-it's stupid
Can tear up dance floo-oors, I swea-ear
I can pop it and lock it and gavotte it
But dancin' hurts my feet
Say there's no proof of it out there?
Of my pain and skills, you swea-ear?
Ah, c'mon, that's a lie, you're the jerk
For not buyin' my true words

Dancin', dancin', dancin' hurts my feet
Prancin', prancin', prancin' hurts my feet
Dancin', dancin', dancin' makes me bleed
Prancin', prancin', prancin's not for me
Dancin', dancin', dancin' hurts my feet
Prancin', prancin', prancin might kill me
Dancin', dancin', dancin' hates my feet
Prancin', prancin', prancin's stupid, see
Dancin', dancin', dancin' hurts my feet
Prancin', prancin', prancin's my best feat
Dancin', dancin', dancin's great for me
Prancin', prancin', prancin' hurts my feet

I dunno what surprised me more: a band named Grateful Dead sounding more funky than the goth-rock I was expecting with that name, or me spelling "vehemently" correctly on the first go.

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Original Song: 
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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.9
How Funny: 4.9
Overall Rating: 4.9

Total Votes: 8

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   1
 5   7

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

Matthias - August 03, 2016 - Report this comment
I FEEL you man! I'm not much of a dancer at all either! Doesn't hurt my feet I'm just socially awkward and clumsy lol
Max Power - August 10, 2016 - Report this comment
I'm not going to twist my knee on this either, so I'll dance around this and gave it 5s.
Abbott Skelding - August 10, 2016 - Report this comment
Reminds me of my early Fall Out Boy spoof "Can't Dance"...this was really funny stuff (and I never realized that the Jagger/Bowie song was a cover of this one...weird).
Blaydeman - August 12, 2016 - Report this comment
(Abc) I not a terrible dancer, but I can relate. I never quite understood the connection you were making between being a bad dancer and hurting your feet. Was this dude so bad he was actually hurting himself? It was never really made clear. Other than that, very funny. Loved all the dance references in there. Shout out to the Dougie! Wish you could've gotten to the Watusi in there!

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