Change one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
For example: Midnight Oil's "Blue Sky Mine" would become "Blue Sky Mime"
Entries Beginning with T, Page 19
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"Time (Crock Of The Heart)," Culture Club originally
"Time (Clock Of The Heart)" Chandra
"Time After Tide," Cyndi Lauper originally
"Time After Time" Serafina
"Lime Bomb," Rancid originally
"Time Bomb" Candy Welty
"Time Comb," Rancid originally
"Time Bomb" Candy Welty
"Mime Bomb," Rancid originally
"Time Bomb" Candy Welty
"Tire Bomb," Rancid originally
"Time Bomb" Candy Welty
I'm not THAT libertine!
Carla Jorgensen
Hermes = messenger of the Greek gods
Carmen Vortex Street
"Time For Letting Jo," Jude Cole originally
"Time For Letting Go" Letting Jo do what?
Kristin Carpenter
"Time For Letting Ho," Jude Cole originally
"Time For Letting Go" Kristin Carpenter
"Time For Letting Bo," Jude Cole originally
"Time For Letting Go" Letting Bo do what?
Kristin Carpenter
"Time On A Bottle," Jim Croce originally
"Time In A Bottle" Never thought of bottle clocks before!
Alan the Ottoman
"Tame In A Bottle," Jim Croce originally
"Time In A Bottle" Penny Nichols
"Tide In A Bottle," Jim Croce originally
"Time In A Bottle" Barb Dwyer
"Dime In A Bottle," Jim Croce originally
"Time In A Bottle" Penny Nichols
"Lime In A Bottle," Jim Croce originally
"Time In A Bottle" Serafina
"Tile In A Bottle," Jim Croce originally
"Time In A Bottle" Penny Nichols
"Mime In A Bottle," Jim Croce originally
"Time In A Bottle" Ed
"Time In A Battle," Jim Croce originally
"Time In A Bottle" Renee Keener
"Time Is A Bottle," Jim Croce originally
"Time In A Bottle" nally
"Mime Is Running Out," Muse originally
"Time Is Running Out" he's running out...of here
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
Bambi (one with a gall bladder)
"Tide Of The Season," The Zombies originally
"Time Of The Season" Lillian
"Dime Of The Season," The Zombies originally
"Time Of The Season" Genevieve
"Mime Of The Season," The Zombies originally
"Time Of The Season" Pam Tabor
"Time Of The Reason," The Zombies originally
"Time Of The Season" Genevieve
"Time Massages," Al Stewart originally
"Time Passages" Travel Agent Orange Juice Newton
"Lime Passes Slowly," Bob Dylan originally
"Time Passes Slowly" Smellma Pitz
"Time Space Transfat," Model 500 originally
"Time Space Transmat" Sounds just like it on the song anyway
"Time Spice Transmat," Model 500 originally
"Time Space Transmat" Karen Smith
"Time Spade Transmat," Model 500 originally
"Time Space Transmat" Karen Smith
"Time Space Transmit," Model 500 originally
"Time Space Transmat" Karen Smith
"Mime To Pretend," MGMT originally
"Time To Pretend" Marcia Todd
"Tide Was Very Long Ago," Biff Rose originally
"Time Was Very Long Ago" Yvette Bristle
"Tire Was Very Long Ago," Biff Rose originally
"Time Was Very Long Ago" Yvette Bristle
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