Change one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
For example: Midnight Oil's "Blue Sky Mine" would become "Blue Sky Mime"
Entries Beginning with P, Page 4
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"Tarty Maker," Perfume originally
"Party Maker" Rhonda Hindle
"Party Faker," Perfume originally
"Party Maker" Stacy Poole
"Party Raker," Perfume originally
"Party Maker" Definitely not invited to the parties.
"Pasty Maker," Perfume originally
"Party Maker" Stacy Poole
"Panty Maker," Perfume originally
"Party Maker" New theme song for an underwear company?
"Party Baker," Perfume originally
"Party Maker" Rhonda Hindle
"Tarty Music," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Naomi Swanson
"Warty Music," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Naomi Swanson
"Patty Music," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" Candy Welty
"Marty Music," Pat Lundi originally
"Party Music" By someone named 'Marty'?
Naomi Swanson
"Panty Out Of Bounds," B-52's originally
"Party Out Of Bounds" A new game to play at a party?
"Party Out Of Rounds," B-52s originally
"Party Out Of Bounds" Ted
"Patty Out Of Bounds," B-52's originally
"Party Out Of Bounds" Peter
"Party Out Of Mounds," B-52's originally
"Party Out Of Bounds" Regina Olsen
"Party Out On Bounds," B-52's originally
"Party Out Of Bounds" Regina Olsen
"Party Out Of Hounds," B-52's originally
"Party Out Of Bounds" Regina Olsen
"Party Out Of Sounds," B-52's originally
"Party Out Of Bounds" Regina Olsen
"Party Popper," Eskimo originally
"Party Pooper" sjc80
"Panty Pooper," Eskimo originally
"Party Pooper" eww gross
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
"Parry Rock Anthem," LMFAO originally
"Party Rock Anthem" Samantha Wayland
"Party Rook Anthem," LMFAO originally
"Party Rock Anthem" Samantha Wayland
"Panty Rock Anthem," LMFAO originally
"Party Rock Anthem" Peter
"Farty Rock Anthem," LMFAO originally
"Party Rock Anthem" Classical Gas, perhaps?
Tiffany Furlong
"Party Sock Anthem," LMFAO originally
"Party Rock Anthem" Peter
"Party Mock Anthem," LMFAO originally
"Party Rock Anthem" Why would people want to mock a party?
"Marty Rock Anthem," LMFAO originally
"Party Rock Anthem" Peter
"Panty To End All Parties," Skyhooks originally
"Party To End All Parties" Dirty underwear!
Schadenfreudian Slip
"Party To End All Panties," Skyhooks originally
"Party To End All Parties" Lucinda Blair
"Patty Up (Up In Here)," DMX originally
"Party Up (Up In Here)" Sardine Taylor
"Panty Up (Up In Here)," DMX originally
"Party Up (Up In Here)" Sardine Taylor
"Parts Up (Up In Here)," DMX originally
"Party Up (Up In Here)" Sardine Taylor
"Rascal's Submarine," Gordon Downie originally
"Pascal's Submarine" Sonia Rinzaimayor
"Pass On Time," Beth Orton originally
"Pass In Time" Mr. Critic
"Pass Ma By," Peggy Lee originally
"Pass Me By" Candy Welty
"Pass The Leas," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Sylvia Curruca
"Pass The Pets," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Candy Welty
"Pass The Seas," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Yvette Bristle
"Pass The Seas," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Sutch
"Sass The Peas," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Sylvia Curruca
"Past The Peas," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Candy Welty
"Pass The Pews," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Yvette Bristle
"Pass The Pens," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Candy Welty
"Pass The Peak," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Yvette Bristle
"Pass The Pegs," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Candy Welty
"Pass The Pegs," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Yvette Bristle
"Pass The Pear," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Yvette Bristle
"Pass The Pens," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Yvette Bristle
"Pass The Pets," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Yvette Bristle
"Pats The Peas," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Yvette Bristle
"Past The Peas," The JB's originally
"Pass The Peas" Yvette Bristle
Variant spelling of the name
Yvette Bristle
"Paul Stanley Wax A Lady," Toilet Boys originally
"Paul Stanley Was A Lady" Kayla Stewart
"Saul Stanley Was A Lady," Toilet Boys originally
"Paul Stanley Was A Lady" Diana Jasper
"Paul Stanley Has A Lady," Toilet Boys originally
"Paul Stanley Was A Lady" Kayla Stewart
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