Change one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
For example: Midnight Oil's "Blue Sky Mine" would become "Blue Sky Mime"
Entries Beginning with G, Page 15
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"Got To Be Veal," Cheryl Lynn originally
"Got To Be Real" Yvette Bristle
"Rot To Be Real," Cheryl Lynn originally
"Got To Be Real" I wouldn't go that far.
"Got To Be Meal," Cheryl Lynn originally
"Got To Be Real" Because Cheryl Lynn is hungry?
"Got To Lance," Gene Kelly originally
"Got To Dance" Eac Zeffron
"Pot To Dance," Gene Kelly originally
"Got To Dance" Amazing pot, that can dance! And pan to sing?
Amber Penn
"Get To Dance," Gene Kelly originally
"Got To Dance" Serafina
"Got To Bind My Baby," Johnny Winter originally
"Got To Find My Baby" Jessica Childress
"Got To Mind My Baby," Johnny Winter originally
"Got To Find My Baby" Jessica Childress
"Got To Fund My Baby," Johnny Winter originally
"Got To Find My Baby" Jessica Childress
"Got To Let You Into My Life," The Beatles originally
"Got To Get You Into My Life" Serafina
"Got To Get You Into My Wife," The Beatles originally
"Got To Get You Into My Life" Cape Canaveral Lavigne
"Got To Jive In To Love," Bonnie Boyer originally
"Got To Give In To Love" Meredith Harshaw
"Got To Give In To Lore," Bonnie Boyer originally
"Got To Give In To Love" Meredith Harshaw
"Got To Live In To Love," Bonnie Boyer originally
"Got To Give In To Love" Meredith Harshaw
"Got To Give In To Dove," Bonnie Boyer originally
"Got To Give In To Love" Meredith Harshaw
"Got To Dive In To Love," Bonnie Boyer originally
"Got To Give In To Love" Meredith Harshaw
"Got To Give In To Lobe," Bonnie Boyer originally
"Got To Give In To Love" Meredith Harshaw
"Got To Give In To Lode," Bonnie Boyer originally
"Got To Give In To Love" Meredith Harshaw
"Got To Give In To Rove," Bonnie Boyer originally
"Got To Give In To Love" Meredith Harshaw
"Got To Give In To Move," Bonnie Boyer originally
"Got To Give In To Love" Meredith Harshaw
"Got To Give On To Love," Bonnie Boyer originally
"Got To Give In To Love" Meredith Harshaw
"Not To Give It Up," Marvin Gaye originally
"Got To Give It Up" Stephanie Craddock
"Rot To Give It Up," Marvin Gaye originally
"Got To Give It Up" Stephanie Craddock
"Got To Live It Up," Marvin Gaye originally
"Got To Give It Up" Stephanie Craddock
"Hot To Give It Up," Marvin Gaye originally
"Got To Give It Up" Stephanie Craddock
"God To Give It Up," Marvin Gaye originally
"Got To Give It Up" Stephanie Craddock
"Got To Save Loving," Don Ray originally
"Got To Have Loving" Penny Olivia Tyler
"Got To Rave Loving," Don Ray originally
"Got To Have Loving" Penny Olivia Tyler
"Rot To Have Loving," Don Ray originally
"Got To Have Loving" Pretty dubious and desperate love-seeking measure!
Erika Clarkson
"Got To Have Losing," Don Ray originally
"Got To Have Loving" Candy Welty
"Got To Hate Loving," Don Ray originally
"Got To Have Loving" Hate loving? Why? That's not good at all.
April Fleming
"Hot To Have Loving," Don Ray originally
"Got To Have Loving" Candy Welty
"Got To Have Living," Don Ray originally
"Got To Have Loving" Candy Welty
Took your golf ball off the fairway or green?
Fiona Pear
Sung by a tester of urine specimens?
Fiona Pear
Gotka is a village in India.
Sung to farm land?
Helena Hoover
"Grace Keely," Mika originally
"Grace Kelly" Keely is a different surname
Veruca Pepper
"Trace Kelly," Mika originally
"Grace Kelly" Candace Troy Powers
"Grace Belly," Mika originally
"Grace Kelly" Candace Troy Powers
"Brace Kelly," Mika originally
"Grace Kelly" Candace Troy Powers
"Grace, Mercy, And Place," Out Of The Grey originally
"Grace, Mercy And Peace" Sarah Topsian
"Grace, Mercy, And Peach," Out Of The Grey originally
"Grace, Mercy And Peace" Sarah Topsian
"Grape, Mercy, And Peace," Out Of The Grey originally
"Grace, Mercy And Peace" Sarah Topsian
"Grave, Mercy, And Peace," Out Of The Grey originally
"Grace, Mercy And Peace" Sarah Topsian
"The Grand Allusion," Styx originally
"The Grand Illusion" Jen
"Grandma Not Run Over By A Reindeer," Elmo And Patsy originally
"Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer" First report was in error -- she's okay.
Mark Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire
"Grandma Get Run Over By A Reindeer," Elmo And Patsy originally
"Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer" Funny, albeit bad grammar
"Grandpa Got Run Over By A Reindeer," Elmo And Patsy originally
"Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer" A gender-change not submitted until now.
Mark Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire
"Grandma's Weather Bed," John Denver originally
"Grandma's Feather Bed" Edward
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