Change one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
For example: Midnight Oil's "Blue Sky Mine" would become "Blue Sky Mime"
Entries Beginning with D, Page 26
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"Dumb Thongs," Paul Kelly originally
"Dumb Things" Miranda Turner
"Numb Things," Paul Kelly originally
"Dumb Things" Miranda Turner
"Music," Brick originally
"Dusic" Candy Welty
"Dust In The Wink," Kansas originally
"Dust In The Wind" Don't know how a wink would contain dust.
Chelsea Dunn
"Dust In The Wild," Kansas originally
"Dust In The Wind" Frank
"Dust In The Wino," Kansas originally
"Dust In The Wind" Yvette Bristle
"Just In The Wind," Kansas originally
"Dust In The Wind" Serafina
"Gust In The Wind," Kansas originally
"Dust In The Wind" An obvious one.
"Lust In The Wind," Kansas originally
"Dust In The Wind" FussBudget
"Rust In The Wind," Kansas originally
"Dust In The Wind" Calop
"Dust In The Wine," Kansas originally
"Dust In The Wind" That's nasty.
Nora Aaron
"Duet In The Wind," Kansas originally
"Dust In The Wind" Renee Keener
"Dust In The Mind," Kansas originally
"Dust In The Wind" Happens to us all.
Nora Aaron
"Dust In The Wand," Kansas originally
"Dust In The Wind" Kansas' salute to Bewitched's Aunt Clara?
Nora Aaron
"Bust In The Wind," Kansas originally
"Dust In The Wind" Nora Aaron
"Dust In The Hind," Kansas originally
"Dust In The Wind" Nora Aaron
"Rust Of Time," Hawkwind originally
"Dust Of Time" Peter
"Dust Of Tile," Hawkwind originally
"Dust Of Time" Peter
"Dust Of Mime," Hawkwind originally
"Dust Of Time" Peter
"Dust On Time," Hawkwind originally
"Dust Of Time" When the house needs it?
Would need a mighty big bottle for that.
Renee Keener
"Dying In Your Army," Trivium originally
"Dying In Your Arms" Peter
"Lying In Your Arms," Trivium originally
"Dying In Your Arms" Frank
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