Misheard lyrics (also called mondegreens) occur when people misunderstand the lyrics in a song. These are NOT intentional rephrasing of lyrics, which is called parody.
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This page contains a list of the songs that have stories about their misheard lyrics submitted.
Song names are sorted by first letter, excluding A and The. This is sorted by song title only, not
by song title and performer. So if two different performers preformed the same song, you'll see
misheard lyrics for both on the same page (provided the song title was spelt the same both times, and
misheard lyrics have been submitted for both!).

Evil Empire album at Amazon.com
Guess ya gonna burn porn,
Yes ya gonna burn
Burn porn
Yes ya gonna burn
Yes ya gonna burn, burn
Yes ya gonna burn
Burn, burn
Yes ya gonna burn
The Story: I was in a voice chat karaoke, and everyone thought I was singing, 'Guess ya gonna burn porn...' and they're like, 'Dude, why would you want to do that?' I laughed at this for about 20 minutes. I've been listening to the song since 1992, now I will never listen to the song the same again. - Submitted by: The Desert of the Real
A willy wah!
A wit' it, now!
The Story: My husband doesn't like my music, so he makes fun of it with his own interpretations. - Submitted by: Teresa Smith
I'm glad I got no family
I got a pocket full of shells.
They rally around the family
With a pocket full of shells.
The Story: I was riding around with my fiance a few days ago, when 'Bulls On Parade' came on the radio. He listened for a few minutes, then with a disgusted look, asked if I'd change the station to a song that wasn't about someone who wanted to throw his life away. I thought that was his opinion of most rock groups, so I changed it. A few minutes later, I really wanted to know why he thought it was about someone wanting to throw his life away, so I asked. He said, 'Well, the way he kept singing about being glad he's got no family because he's got a pocket full of shells...' I think I made him a little mad, because I couldn't help laughing. (Editor's note: Tell your fiance, if he's really that angry, to get over it. It's only a song and he screwed up.:)) - Submitted by: Glix Wasi
We're taking down the Kremlin
With a pocketful of shells.
They rally 'round the family
With a pocket full of shells.
The Story: I was kinda screaming along with those lyrics for a dance hall filled with people. One second of amazement at my mistake, and then just general laughter. I had fun, too. :D - Submitted by: Sander Van de Moortel
Dawn! Get Dawn! And "Bear the lane" (<--- That was what I thought was a nickname)
Down! Get down! And clear the lane.
The Story: So I always thought they called at Dawn and then "Bear the lane" that I thought was a nickname for someone. - Submitted by: yeet
With the shark card
With a shotgun
The Story: Could have sworn to play our cards right! - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Groovin', playin' that game called 'Survivor'
Groovin', playin' that game called survival
The Story: My friend questioned me about this lyric and thought that RATM was talking about the TV show 'Survivor', but I told him it would be impossible for them to mention the show because the song was released in 1992. - Submitted by: The Desert of the Real
Some of those that brought forces
Were the same that brought crosses.
Some of those that work forces
Are the same that burn crosses.
The Story: I had heard this song years ago, and never really gave the lyrics much thought, just rocked along banging my head and proclaiming that the man should, indeed, be f***ed. It was only until a few weeks ago that I DL'd my old playlists and listened to it. I gave more thought to it, and doubted what I was hearing so I looked up the lyrics and said "that can't be right" - but, holy s***! I'm old and deaf now, I guess. It still doesn't make sense to me, but see below. Time to go do that hearing test thing they made me do in elementary school. I must've had a false negative result or something. - Submitted by: Obviouslysomedeafguy
Get down to the Big Shell!
Get down to the beat, shout!
The Story: The Big Shell is a level on the video game Metal Gear Solid 2:Sons Of Liberty. I knew they weren't really singing this but I guess that's what I got for playing that game a little too often when I first had it. ;) - Submitted by: Ocean-Sirius
We're the redneck gays who f***.
We're the renegades of funk.
The Story: It's actually pretty funny. I was at my friend's house (I'll call him Doro), and we were listening to his older brother's CD collections. Rage Against the Machine just happened to be in there, so Doro immediately put this on (even though I insisted to listen to Disturbed... But now, looking back on it, I'm glad he did it). Doro and I finally got to 'Renegades of funk' and all of a sudden, he begins laughing his head off. I turn to him like 'WTF, mate?' He doesn't answer for a few minutes, because he's laughing his head off and crashed his car in Gran Turismo into one of the buildings. When he finally calms down, he says to me, "They just said, 'We're the redneck gays who f***'" and continues laughing. I figured they couldn't be the right lyrics. So right there, I dragged him into the computer room and looked them up. But I think I like Doro's version better, and he sings it whenever we hear this song. - Submitted by: Chakram
When a random needs a f***
We're the renegades of funk.
The Story: My girlfriend and I got into a fight. I told her, "I'm going to go out and pick up some random to f*** tonight." She drove home crying when the song came on. She told me about the song, "When a Random Needs a F**". I didn't know what she was talking about. The next time it came on the radio she said, 'This is it!'. I laughed my a** off. [Ed.'s note: It sounds like this was Mike's mishearing, and he's trying to pass it off to his girlfriend. But who am I to judge? :))] - Submitted by: Mike
When the redneck needs a f***
We're the renagades of funk.
The Story: My girlfriend at the time thought this song was so funny, she couldn't believe they were singing: "When the redneck needs a f***." After she found out what thr real lyrics were, she thought the misheard ones were much better. - Submitted by: lguapo
We're the redneck gays who f***.
We're the Renegades of Funk.
The Story: Sitting with some freinds, listening to this song. My girlfreind said 'Are they saying the redneck gays who f***?' My buddies thought this was hysterical, and started coming up with the video, where there are a bunch of lumberjack-looking guys doing synchronized YMCA-style dancing to the song. (Say Jam sucker, jam! Say move sucker move!) Ah, the creativity the weed brings out. It still makes me smile whenever I hear the song all these years later. - Submitted by: Jeff
No more lies
No more lies
No more lies
No more lies
No more lies
No more lies
No more lies
No more lies
The Story: These misheard lyrics also fits the scope of the song and thus why it was misheard that way, which is about how the government made the people numbed sheep by bombarding them with patriot educations that ultimately "normalizes" the people and slowly exploiting it to flush the concepts and relationships of the people, the power and the government down the toilet and laid the foundation to turn into authoritarian state. - Submitted by: Steve Fan
Just victims of the in-house tri fi
Just victims of the in-house drive by
The Story: It's always been like this! - Submitted by: Julia
Remember the bags And your trophy wife!
By wearing the badge, They're the chosen whites!
The Story: I assumed this had something to do with the subjects of the song being fickle and only marrying women to be their trophy wives. Bags equalling old women, and such subjects refusing to be altruistic and take care of the elderly (specifically women). - Submitted by: Bobbie Souffle
...for shaving your bag, cause you're not really white.
...for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites.
The Story: This song came on while we were driving to my boyfriend's place and I said I agreed with the lyrics. Now he's not the type to actually listen to lyrics in any song so he looked at me puzzled, like why? And I said, "just listen to the lyrics." So he did...and he heard wrong, really, really wrong. And we laughed so hard I nearly pissed myself. - Submitted by: Tara
We're the redneck gays of funk.
We're the renegades of funk.
The Story: I was working at a garage and spoiled the song for all the guys there! It really does sound like that! - Submitted by: Laura H. aka agijane4u
There are more Rage Against The Machine misheard lyrics available.
New entries in this section are currently reviewed by Brian Kelly. Previous editors (if any) are listed on the editors page.