Misheard lyrics (also called mondegreens) occur when people misunderstand the lyrics in a song. These are NOT intentional rephrasing of lyrics, which is called parody.
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This page contains a list of the songs that have stories about their misheard lyrics submitted.
Song names are sorted by first letter, excluding A and The. This is sorted by song title only, not
by song title and performer. So if two different performers preformed the same song, you'll see
misheard lyrics for both on the same page (provided the song title was spelt the same both times, and
misheard lyrics have been submitted for both!).

Complete Studio Recordings album at Amazon.com
Yours is the clock, mine are the hands that serve time.
Yours is the cloth, mine is the hand that sews time
The Story: Either way, misheard & correct- beautiful lyrics.. Poetic to say the least. - Submitted by: Charles I. Kenney
A year, or is it thunder, down in the valley below
I hear the horses thunder down in the valley below
The Story: From Led Zeppelin IV (1972) until recently I thought those were the lyrics- although the made no snese Recently I googled the lyrics- D'OH! - Submitted by: Mark Silverman
Prince of Beef, embrace the glue...
Prince of Peace, embrace the gloom...
The Story: It took me quite a while to actually look up the lyrics to find out what Robert Plant was ACTUALLY saying. Mostly because I liked the way I heard it better... LOL - Submitted by: Eric
Na leave it yet.
Naw leave it yeah!
The Story: There was a man nicknamed Yeti who said "Try and get this aeroplane on" and Plant said " Na leave it Yet" as in Yeti. Yeti was their engineer. - Submitted by: DANIEL GROVES
A beetle legged woman ain't got no soul.
A big legged woman ain't got no soul.
The Story: In my mind I pictured a beetle legged woman as having very thin legs which is the exact opposite of what the song is saying. - Submitted by: Paul
A big legged woman ain't got no soul.
A feeble-lipped woman ain't got no soul.
The Story: 1972...a friend and I slowed the record down. It NO WAY says "big legged" woman. That makes v absolutely no sense anyway. Experiment yourself. It's "feeble-lipped." - Submitted by: Jerry
A three legged woman ain't got no soul
A big legged woman ain't got no soul.
The Story: I just thought I was the only one who misheard this and I was afraid to tell my story until I saw other people's submissions. - Submitted by: Murkat
Eyes that shine burning bread
Lights that shine burning red
The Story: nope - Submitted by: Naomi
I don't know but I been told
A 3 legged woman ain't got no hole.
I don't know but I been told
A big legged woman ain't got no soul.
The Story: My friend sang this as we listened to the song, he wondered why I laughed. After I told him the real lyrics, he said he always wondered why it was never banned from radio. - Submitted by: Billy Nair
I don't know but I've been told a big lipped woman ain't got no soul.
I don't know but I've been told a big legged woman ain't got no soul
The Story: I still think big lipped woman sounds better - Submitted by: Mike McCole
I don't know but I've been told, big legged woman ain't got no soul!
All I ask for, all I pray, skinny-legged woman gonna come my way.
I don't know, but I've been told
A big legged woman ain't got no soul
All I ask for, all I pray
A steady-lovin' woman gonna come my way.
The Story: He's desperately hoping fate will send him a skinny-legged woman. That's too bad because fat-bottomed girls (which I heard as flat-bottomed girls) make the rockin' world go round! - Submitted by: Divi Hon
Zooba Dooba Deeebe Dow
Tell me what you do me now.
The Story: No explanation other than the fact that I never thought he was actually saying something, rather filling that part with jibberish. - Submitted by: Jim Reed
Tell your friends around the world
Ain't no compainion like a blue-eyed girl.
Tell your friends around the world
Ain't no companion like a blue-eyed merle.
The Story: Originally, I thought this song was about going to the country with your friends and some girls. I thought I heard the word 'girl'. - Submitted by: Joshua
To the people you're justified
Let me chew on a piece of your custard pie
The Story: Led Zeppelin is pretty much a Mondegreen factory. I was pretty sure what I heard was probably not the real lyric, but I only now found out the real line. I always just thought it was another of those Led Zeppelin song titles that have no obvious relation to the song. - Submitted by: PatrickMcGraw
'D'yer Maker' (not the lyrics; the actual title)
'Jamaica' (pronunciation of title)
The Story: Obviously we hadn't misheard the lyrics, but there was an ongoing friendly 'feud' between my friends, relatives, and myself about how to pronounce the song title. Some of us thought it was prounounced, 'dee-yer Maker'; the others thought, 'dye-yer Maker'. We were all wrong! While watching one of those biographical programs on vh1 (I believe it was 'Behind the Music') about Led Zeppelin, it was revealed that the actual pronunciation was 'Jamaica'. Taking into consideration British accents and everything, it began to make sense....especially since the song had a Carribbean feel to it! - Submitted by: norman k
Di' jer make 'er?
D'yer Maker (title)
The Story: The pronunciation of the title as 'Jamaica' is not entirely incorrect. But I heard from someone on the radio that it was the UK pronunciation of the phrase "Did you make her?" "Make" is a British term for "having sex with", and the question posed was if the person had intercourse with the girl subject. - Submitted by: Brit Boxx
Die-er Maker
D'yer Maker
The Story: I heard a morning TV news host mispronounce the song title. He wasn't as cool and with-it as he thought he was. - Submitted by: Moken Troll
I've got a womenly nose.
I've got a woman who knows.
The Story: I thought they were commenting on plant- looking feminine. [Ed.'s note: Whatever that is.:/] - Submitted by: Vaness
Jimmy Lewis is President
As the evening starts to glow.
Sippin' booze is precedent
As the evening starts to glow.
The Story: I had always heard the song as a little kid while my dad listened to this record. I guess I always assumed Jimmy Lewis was some political figure from the 60's that they were referring to. - Submitted by: Jim Reed
The Story: After Coda' came out, I was relly excited. I had asked a friend of mine if he had heard the song 'Darlene' yet. He wasn't sure and asked me to describe (rather try to sing) it. He recognized it as The 'Dow-Woody' song. - Submitted by: Ben
Got money!
The Story: "Got Money!" was a more interesting Zep song, albeit existing solely in my head. I didn't have the talent to be in that group, but in this case, they could have used me. - Submitted by: Pushbutton
Most of the fools got girls
the thoughts of a fool's kinda careless
The Story: I read the proper lyrics in a chat thread about the similarities between Fool In the Rain and Misunderstanding by Genesis, (which was actually based on Hot Fun In the Summertime by Sly and the Family Stone). Reaction: "whaaaaaat? Ohhh!" :O - Submitted by: Adrian
Now I will stand in the rain on the corner
I'll watch the people go jumpin' downtown mound
Now I will stand in the rain on the corner
I'll watch the people go shuffling downtown
The Story: I swear to god at least part of this is not a mis-heard lyric. If you listen to the song, Robert Plant really does say 'downtown Mound,' which is the name of my home town (Mound, MN) and we always sang it that way and I still do to this day. And I heard the song a few weeks ago and it still sounds like he's saying 'downtown Mound.' And until I hear from Robert (or at least a direct emissary) I will continue to insist that these are the correct lyrics...so there! :-) - Submitted by: Liz Williams
Goin' to California with an acorn in my heart.
Goin' to California with an achin' in my heart.
The Story: My friends and I sung 'acorn' to these lyrics for years before we figured out the real words. - Submitted by: S. Westra
Going to Californina with a pigpen in my heart ..
Tryin' to find a woman who's never, never, never been born
The Story: ??? Just enunciation issues - Submitted by: LAZY
When my woman left home for another man.. but I still don't seem to care.
When my woman left home for a brown-eyed man..but I still don't seem to care.
The Story: Sang it wrong for, like, 30 years. Finally read the lyrics and had my mind blown. - Submitted by: Christian
Hey, fellas, have you heard the news?
The little wallaby's back in town!
Hey, fellas, have you heard the news?
You know that Annie's back in town!
The Story: Heard for 30 plus years in this version! - Submitted by: David Martin
My little lover is a midnight ship, she flows around all of the time.
My little lover does the midnight shift
She followed around all the time.
The Story: That's how I heard it. - Submitted by: Ken
From the dark of Satan's Jordan
Let the music be your master.Will you heed the master's call?Oh...Satan and man.
The Story: I was just checking Genius.com for an explanation of the lyric, now, and discovered I'd been mistaken for forty years. - Submitted by: Kaz
Let the music be your master.
Will you heed the master's call?
Oh...Slightly mad!
Let the music be your master.
Will you heed the master's call?
Oh...Satan and man.
The Story: Are you sure it's Satan and man??? It may be funny but I still think it's slightly mad. - Submitted by: Jay Are
They call me the Hot Dog
They call me the hunter.
The Story: We always thought Robert Plant was boasting about his wiener in that line. - Submitted by: Paco El Flaco
I got another child on the way that makes eleven
But I'm in constant hell
I got another child on the way that makes eleven
But I'm in constant heaven
The Story: Plant kind of slurs "heaven" and to me it sounded like Hell. - Submitted by: Paco El Flaco
I know you want my wand inside.
I know you are my one desire.
The Story: Back in the 70s when I was singing in a R&R band, I had to figure out the lyrics by listening to scratchy vinyl. So, this is just one example of what came out of my mouth night after night. - Submitted by: Steven Stuart
Always sleep with nothing on
I wanna go where people twist and shout
On we sweep, with a threshing oar
Our only goal will be the western shore
The Story: It's obvious they're talking about Vikings- who lived in the north where it's cold. It would make sense that they sleep with nothing on, since they wanted to prove they were tough and could handle the cold! - Submitted by: Amy
Always sweet, refreshing, ahh!
On we sweep with threshing oar.
The Story: I play this with my band, and for a long time we would see the drummer pretend to hold something up during this part of the song, and we asked him what it was. 'It's a soda can! 'Refreshing, Ahh!'' Obviously his version has more commercial potential than the original. - Submitted by: bunga
Come to the land of ice cream cones.
We come from the land of ice and snow.
The Story: It was a disc jockey who misunderstood and quoted these lyrics in his introduction.Gives a whole other picture, doesn't it? - Submitted by: Liz Stine
From the midnight sun where the harsh winds blow
With the midnight sun where the hot springs flow...
The Story: I can’t believe it’s “hot springs”. Scandinavia is known much better for harsh winds than hot springs! - Submitted by: Alexander Moir
Oh my Cheetos! Oh my Cheetos!
Oh my Jesus! Oh my Jesus!
The Story: I thought Robert Plant was getting all excited about chips, particularly Cheetos... However, now when I song along, I sing: "Oh my Cheetos, my Doritos, and Tostitos, and my Friiiiitos!" - Submitted by: Methywoz
Toolin' 'round town in her Aid Cadillac
Missus Cool rides out in her aged Cadillac.
The Story: In England, they say "aid" instead of welfare. I was today years old when l found out "welfare queen" wasn't a concept until Reagan coined the term. Apparently the woman's alimony payments were insufficient to buy her a new car or support her pill habit.😄 - Submitted by: Kelly Forshag
With a purple umbrella and a fifty percent hand
With a purple umbrella and a fifty-cent hat.
The Story: This is how I heard it on first listen when I had it on the turntable like a day ago - Submitted by: Avril Franklin from M.I. High
With a purple umbrella and pipsy ham.
With a purple umbrella and a fifty-cent hat.
The Story: Never could figure out as a kid why someone would have a ham and an umbrella together LOL. got the lyrics straight as I got older - Submitted by: Mitchell McGinnis
With a purple apparatus and a fifth percent hair
With a purple umbrella and a fifty cent hat
The Story: I just didn't know what the ***** that meant. The only explanation that made sense to me was that it was about some old broad who just wouldn't quit, lol - Submitted by: Guy Brunet
With a purple umbrella and a fifth in hand. . .
With a purple umbrella and a fifty-cent hat. . .
The Story: The maid was prepared. Just sounded right. - Submitted by: TD
With the butler and the maid and the cemetery
With the butler and the maid and the servants three
The Story: Only just now learned the correct lyric, which I have to admit makes more sense. - Submitted by: Patrick
With the f##ker and the maid and the servants three
With the butler and the maid and the servants three
The Story: For many years I thought the "misheard" lyrics were correct until I found out the real lyrics recently. - Submitted by: James D
With a purple operator and a fifty per-cent hair
With a purple umbrella and a fifty cent hat.
The Story: No one seems to really know the lyrics until they look them up. After I looked them up, I was singing in the office: "with a purple umbrella and a fifty-cent hat...... Every time I did this someone would say: oh, those are the real lyrics? I never knew before. - Submitted by: Bryan A Zimmer
Helen told tales of how it used to be
Tellin' tall tales of how it used to be
The Story: I sang this amongst friends, and Helen happened to be the mother of one of said friends. I was embarrassed to find out I was very wrong indeed. - Submitted by: Creamy Chicken Rogers
With a pebble operator and a 50 Cent ham.
With a purple umbrella and a fifty cent hat
The Story: Damn, ham was cheap back in the early 70s. - Submitted by: Shanon Seagle
With a purple umbrella and a fix in hand
With a purple umbrella and a fifty cent hat
The Story: Musta been high - Submitted by: Fleecemon
Hey boy, do you want a scone?
Hey boy, do you wanna score?
The Story: The people "saying" this lyrics are stoned/hippies and I genuinely thought that scones [as in afternoon tea] happened to be on their agenda. Apparently not. - Submitted by: Alice
Hey there Whoopee Cat
Hey there would we care
The Story: I was about 7 when I got the 45 rpm of 'Black Dog" and "Misty Mountain Hop" was the B-side. It always sounded like Whoopee cat. - Submitted by: Richard Gillespie
Walkin' in the park just the other day, baby
What do ya think I saw?
Crowds of people sittin' on the grass with flowers in their hair, singing
They're going to a star
And y'know how it is I really don't know what time it was
So I asked 'em if I could stay and whine
I didn't notice but it had got very dark and I was really really out on my mile
Just then, happy please men stepped up to me as dust
Said, "please say whoopee cat"
All gettin' lyin', gettin' lyin'
Walkin' in the park just the other day, baby
What d'ya, what d'ya think I saw
Crowds of people sittin' on the grass with flowers in their hair said, "Hey, boy, do you wanna score"
And y'know how it is I really don't know what time it was, whoa-ho-ho
So I asked 'em if I could stay a while
I didn't notice but it had got very dark and I was really really outta my mind
Just then, a policeman stepped up to me
Asked us, said, please, hey, would we care to all get in line, get in line
The Story: I had the album on 8-track as a kid and this is what I though the lyrics were. - Submitted by: twisp
A kick in the tits!
I can't count the tears!
The Story: I sang this one day in a car with family. Wish I knew what the real lyrics were. Crap. - Submitted by: Whatever
Bin so long since I walked in a rule ay
A Lincoln Arms just can't walk right, yeah.
Seems so long since we walked in the moonlight
Yeah, making vows that just can't work right, yeah.
The Story: I sang this for years as I have been a Zeppelin fan for years. It was the Lincoln Arms that eluded me, I just couldn't think of anything better. - Submitted by: diane
Get it on down to the f***in' road.
It's been a long time since I rock and rolled.
The Story: I heard this song in a TV ad for Cadillac, and the above misheard lyrics seem clearly to jump out at me. I wondered why the heck Cadillac would use such a song in its ad. - Submitted by: Pepper Jones
Spirilon time since I rock 'n' roll.
It's been a long time since I rock 'n' roll.
The Story: Once a guy asked my friend's band to play the song 'Spirilon'. - Submitted by: Jarbas
It's been a long time since I drove this row
It's been a long time since I rock and rolled
The Story: - Submitted by: Mr. Loop
Timmy McVeigh, Timmy McVeigh, Timmy McVeigh.
Babe, he's where I come from.
Carry me back, carry me back, carry me back.
Baby, where I come from.
The Story: Yeah, I was singing this song really loud at a karaoke bar and I didn't bother to look at the monitor thinking I knew the song. But when I got to that part everybody just got dead silent. Then my boyfriend started cracking up laughing. I didn't even finish the song. I just walked off stage. I always wondered why Zeppelin would sing a song about the Oklahoma City Bomber years before it happened. Duh! - Submitted by: Saafire*
Come the winter, I'll be ready in the scene
How could you, pretty blue eyes?
One day soon you're gonna read, sixteen,
Ain't it likely, on the sea and fry
Touchin' babies from your teenage drain and the lobby of Hotel Paradise
To the circus, on to L.A., Queens
How fast to learn, go down inside
Just, like, the chair is on the brown-eye queen
Come on, brass and brush my eyes
Said you done this since you were 13
Said you didn't at your healing side
Ours, ours! All the moments in between
Baby I can time it twice
Funnin' comin'
Oh the painin' baby
Paint and try those silver eyes
From the window of your rented limousine
I caught your pretty blue eyes
One day soon you're gonna reach sixteen
A painted lady in the city of lies
Clutchin' pages from your teenage dream in the lobby of the hotel paradise
Through the circus of the L.A. queens
How fast you'll learn the downhill slide
Lips like cherries on the brow of a queen
Does "come-on" flash across your eyes
Said ya dug me since ya were thirteen
Then you giggled as you heaved and sighed
Hours, hours were the moments in between
Oh, baby, how the time flies
The fun of comin', oh, the pain in leavin'
Oh, baby, dry those silver eyes
The Story: These are what I long thought the lyrics were. Close but not quite... - Submitted by: allin
Looking for Santa, to eleven every night.
Working from seven, to eleven every night.
The Story: I first started listening to Led Zeppelin when I was 13, back in 2001. We didn't have Internet at home so there was no way for me to check the lyrics. Also I live in Finland so English is not my mother tongue. My friend had a good laugh when he heard me sing the song as I heard it :D - Submitted by: Thomas Wecksröm
And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows(,) taller than I was told
There walks a lady we all know
Who shine white light and wants to show
Howe everything still turns to (gold/stone)
And if you listen very hard
Then doom will come (or taunt) to/at you at last
One all are one and one is all
To be a rock, and not to roll
And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows are taller than our souls
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines a white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last
When all are one and one is all
For there to be a rock and not to roll.
The Story: I think it may have been recorded with doubled lyrics intentionally to give these duel meanings as to create the very illusion that the woman in the song was confused. - Submitted by: Scott Mayers
And every wino down the road
And as we wind on down the road
The Story: I just, for the longest time, thought it was kinda odd that a very successful, gentlemanly English chap would have any frame of reference about places like 'skid row', or the bowery, or any decrepit place of seedy alcoholics. - Submitted by: Kevin Neslund
And she climbing a stairway to Heaven.
And she's buying a stairway to Heaven.
The Story: I only found out this mistake recently when the lyrics were posted on YouTube. I'm 46 years old, and feel I've been living a lie all my life. - Submitted by: Michael Richman
And there's a rhino down the road.
And as we wind on down the road.
The Story: My friend had a Zeppelin poster on the wall with the lyrics to the chorus of Stairway to Heaven on it. Another 'friend' saw it one day and then told us what he had always thought it was. He then decided that he was small and pathetic and decided to end his life soon after - Submitted by: Andy Burito
And there's a whino down the road.
And as we wind on down the road
The Story: I was playing guitar with my husband when he started to sing this classic oldy. I darn near hit the floor laughing when I heard him sing those mislyrics. - Submitted by: Jo-d
Following the stairway to heaven
Buying the stairway to heaven
The Story: It was actually my friend who thought buying was following. He was so convinced that he bet me and a group of our friends a total of $180.00 dollars on the lyrics. We proceeded to look them up via internet and he was down 180. - Submitted by: brett smith
I should have stolen a hot stone.
Our shadows taller than our souls.
The Story: I was supposed to be transcribing the lyrics of this song for my German exchange partner who wanted to know what they were. Because I'm English, she thought I'd understood them. Unfortunately, we weren't using the original version, but some weird thing featuring the Red Army Choir singing the 'it makes me wonder' bit. It was actually really funny, but quite difficult to follow, and therefore what I actually transcribed was pretty much gibberish in places. Although the saddest thing is that I got this line wrong again when listening to the original. - Submitted by: Zelda
And it's whispered that soon
If we all call the Jews
And it's whispered that soon
If we all call the tune
The Story: 'If we all call the tune' sounded like "If we all call the Jews" - Submitted by: Shing
And she's flying a stairway to heaven
And she's buying a stairway to heaven.
The Story: My older sister was playing 'Stairway to Heaven' and I heard the above lyric and I asked her,'How can you fly a stairway?' She just looked at me and burst out laughing, then promptly corrected me. - Submitted by: DBaum
And there's a wino down the road...
It was a lady we all know.
And as we wind on down the road...
There walks a lady we all know...
The Story: Years later I find out there never was a wino down the road. Imagine that. I'm sure I'm not the only one who thought there was a wino down that road! - Submitted by: A. Mendoza
If there's a bustle and you hustle
And there's the lawman
It's just a speaking of the ween Queen
If there's a bustle in your hedgerow
Don't be alarmed now
It's just a spring clean for the May Queen
The Story: That's how I always thought it was. No one I knew knew the lyrics; everyone just mumbled and shouted out what they thought they heard. - Submitted by: DIOS
If there's a muscle in your head loose,
you'll be a lawman
If there's a bustle in your hedgerow,
don't be alarmed now
The Story: It wasn't me who misheard the lyric, it was my husband. We argued about it for months until I finally accessed a website and printed the lyrics for him. He still insists he's right and Led Zeppelin is wrong! - Submitted by: Barb Bavier
If there's a rustle in your head now...
Don't be alarmed now...
It's just a sprinkling for the Made Queen..
If there's a bustle in your hedgerow
Don't be alarmed now
It's just a spring clean for the May Queen
The Story: That's what I wanted to hear 'cause I thought those were cool lyrics. Sometimes lyrics don't need to make sense to be cool. Sometimes because they are cool they somehow make sense....LOL. - Submitted by: Brody Witmer
Then the Pie Bird will lead us to reason
Then the piper will lead us to reason.
The Story: A girlfriend of mine thought this was the lyric. She was not to happy with me when I cracked up. Hey, loves come and go, but funny is funny!
- Submitted by: Jeff Soderberg
When she gets there she knows
It restores our old clothes.
When she gets there she knows
If the stores are all closed.
The Story: This is my best friends error, and he actually bet me money that he was right! Easiest 5 bucks I've ever made. - Submitted by: Salvatore
and there's a wino down the road
And as we wind on down the road
The Story: I worked with a guy who sang it this way who thought it was the right lyrics. - Submitted by: Jeff Soderberg
if we all call the jewel
if we all call the tune
The Story: I was just making something out of clay and I misheard this lyric. - Submitted by: Jemima
There was a time that I stooped on
In the eyes of other men
But momma, oh Joyce, I left you woman
And now I can't get you back again
There was a time that I stood tall
In the eyes of other men
But by my own choice I left you woman
And now I can't get you back again
The Story: I've been singing this for decades. I just heard the correct lyrics yesterday on a Joe Bonamassa cover! - Submitted by: Andy Collins
Through the eyes an' I sparkle,
Senses growing keen
Dewy eyes that sparkle,
Senses growing keen
The Story: Never thought the words listed on the lyrics sites made sense. Found the copyrighted lyrics .... now they make sense - Submitted by: Zep Fan
Dance in the dark of night
Run like a fly.
Dance in the dark of night
Sing to the morning light.
The Story: My friend started singing 'run like a fly' in a really high pitched voice. My only reaction was, 'What the h***?' Then he started singing Sandy Denny's line in 'The Battle of Evermore'. I then gave him the correct lyrics after having a good laugh. Anyway, how he got that from 'sing to the morning light' is beyond me. - Submitted by: Wadded Beef
The high hopes haila ball
For the hell hound on my floor
The Story: This is an homage to Robert Johnson’s “Hellhound on My Trail.” The lyrics included with the album are incorrect - just look at what was given for “The Crunge.” - Submitted by: Andrew
Tracy stick down on it
Grooving, let her treat
I can lay her, hold it all
Tommorow ain't no seal
Talkin' 'bout love
Trouble free transmission
Thought you will explode
Mama, let me pump your balls
Mama, let me do it all
Tricked-out heavy metal underneath your hood
Baby I can rubber, know it, believe I got the public, too
Autobile a-comin', really pilled and stall
Special is tradition. Mama, let me, please, my-y
Talkin' 'bout love
In fact we had condition, hear me, ginza roar
Guaranteed to, mama, ahhh, mama, let me,
Perfect times!
Talkin' 'bout love
Groovin' on the free, yeah, agents on the run
Come down on my gasoline, livin' on the country air
Talkin' 'bout love I guess I'm talking about,
I guess I'm talking about
Try Bonham
I'm coming to her Country, me, the servers every hundred miles
Baby let me check your pulse, picture of the top
Talkin' 'bout love
Come here on the mind, comes in, in the side
Makes me wonder what I did before these sacred eyes
Talkin' 'bout love
Fair, the light suspends ya.
Cold, he's gettin' home I'm so glad I took a look.
Side your shore and doors.
I guess I'm talkin' about love
Greasy, slicked-down body, groovy leather trim
I like the way you hold the road
Mama, it ain't no sin
Talkin' 'bout love
Trouble-free transmission helps your oils flow
Mama, let me pump your gas, mama, let me through your door
Talkin' 'bout love
Dig that heavy metal underneath your hood
Baby, I can work all night, believe I got the perfect tools
Talkin' 'bout love
A model built for comfort, really built with style
Specialist edition, mama, let me feast my eyes
Talkin' 'bout love
Factory air-conditioned, heat begins to rise
Guaranteed to run for hours, mama, let me pull your tires
Talkin' 'bout love
Groovin' on the freeway, gauge is on the red
Gun down on my gasoline, believe I'm gonna crack your head
Talkin' 'bout love I can't stop talkin' about
Drive on
I'm comin' through
Come to me for service every hundred miles
Baby, let me check your points, fix your overdrive
Talkin' 'bout love
Fully automatic, comes in any size
Makes me wonder what I did before we synchronized
Talkin' 'bout love
Feather-light suspension, Koni's couldn't hold
I'm so glad I took a look inside your showroom doors
Talkin' 'bout love I can't stop talkin' about love
The Story: These are the the lyrics I thought Robert sang when I was young. I guess the whole car-a-sex metaphor went right over my head (I hadn't heard of "Terraplane Blues", of which this is a rewrite). It's amazing I had almost none right. But if you listen, my lyrics worked! - Submitted by: John
Weigh a pie in disguise
Way up high in the sky
The Story: I had found out about “weigh a pie” instead of “way up high” from the song “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” and once again why we hear “disguise” instead of “the sky/skies”. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
The mean old lady
If it keeps on rainin'
The Story: My boyfriend,(we'll call him Kevin) who I have known for years and have often times listened to this song with, suddenly belted out this mis-heard lyric at a party the other night. I have told Kevin about what the song means to me more than once and in all our discussions about the song, 'the mean old lady' never came up. He had always thought she must have been the plantation owner's wife and had ordered these men out into the storm to build the levee. - Submitted by: Jen
Mean old lady taught me to weep and moan.
Mean old levee taught me to weep and moan
The Story: This is for Jen whose boyfriend thought he heard "mean old lady". The lyrics are very close-Mean old LEVEE-so he wasn't too far off! - Submitted by: Kimber
All the good time baby, baby
I've been nert-nert-nert-dead
All the good times baby, baby
I've been yearning
The Story: Couldn't figure out what the heck they were saying; that was the best I could make out. - Submitted by: Patrick
Baby you need cool air,
Baby, You need coolin', baby I'm not foolin'
The Story: I was just singing this in Walmart in Florida because it is so hot and humid here right now. Thought I would check. Whoops. 40 years of singing it wrong! Friends did think it was Kool Aid - Submitted by: Bill Maass
You need Kool-Aid
You need coolin'
The Story: My best friend and I would always get into her brothers' albums (those black disc thingees that we had in the old days! lol) and we'd always sing 'You need Kool-Aid' at the beginning of 'Whole Lotta Love'... until he laughed his head off after hearing us... and told us what the words really were :) - Submitted by: Tammy R.
You need coolie, baby I'm no foolie
You need coolin', baby I'm not foolin'
The Story: I thought "coolie" was a slang term for dope. - Submitted by: Dale
You need top g's
You need coolin'
The Story: I was stoned while watching Adrew Tate videos on youtube, and later I decided to listen to Whole Lotta Love. Rest is the history... - Submitted by: Andrew
I had to burn that whistle
And had to burn that same.
Well, I have birds that whistle
And I have birds that sing.
The Story: The misheard lyrics I have submitted were the actual ones quoted in a guitar tab book for Led Zeps first album. - Submitted by: James d
There are more Led Zeppelin misheard lyrics available.
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